UncleZ is the shit

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@ purplerain45!!
Just sit back and relax, I went through the same thing!!! I made my first order a short time ago, and im very satisfied!!! the source iZ so ligit.

That's what i'm talkin about just hearing all you guy's talk positive is like a calming effect on me. Thanks I mean that zhit really
Thanks. Peace
Patience is the key with Zman, sometimes it comes quick, sometimes you just have to chill and wait it out. As long as it comes in the end, that's all that matters.
I'm kool. Just listening to everybody has given me a sense of reasurance. All everyone says is that you are the zhit. So I'm going wit dat. Could some places block you out from e-mailing somebody ? You are getting mine right ? let me know if I can e-mail you from another address.

please try use other email and back to me

How's the quality of Canadian domestic line, been hearing alot of mixed reviews.
Am I better off going with the international Z-Labs Pharma? I assume thats what most people get and I don't see any negative feedback on it.. I'm interested mostly in Test prop and tren ace
havnt received an email or a confirmation anything has been sent... any word Z?


Yo won't get any info here the best way is to email me or PM (order info, name address) me and someone will send you your info.

You have to understand that we have thousands of customers and we check and answer to all emails but you can't expect me to know who are you and what was your order (all details)

Sometimes people can't send us email from their mailbox - create a new one safe-mail or other.

Why most of you write here and you don't email me or PM forum is for other things I can't answer here (I have people who are responsible for it and it took me too long to get in touch with them check and reply here )

Email or PM is the fastest way to get your info please REMEMBER about it
Ther's no reason to be worryed about mailing system of Z, while at the same time nobody has ever made a complain about the legitimacy of stuffs and all are pleased.

i never got better HG stuffs than from Z.

I'm prood about this board which have excellent sponsor has Z.
just to give you guys an update:

still waiting on resolution.. of the issue
still claiming they didnt get the money and western union is claiming they did...

I don't know whats going on...
just to give you guys an update:

still waiting on resolution.. of the issue
still claiming they didnt get the money and western union is claiming they did...

I don't know whats going on...

Hi bro
Please check you email which we send to you
with all info - you receive it yesterday so don't write shit like this here
Also please bare in mind about time zones so when you have fun I at the same time sleep (6-10 hours difference)
ive been fucking with the z man for almost a year now and i will vouch for em.....i always got my shit on time through the domestic and the gear was and is always legit
first order

I just placed my first order with Uncle Z. He has awesome reviews on here so I'm looking forward to getting it :-D
ill write a little review on here instead of making a thread lol

z is legit and the process of the recieving can take a little long or come fast as shit lol. hes got a ton of customers and a pretty demanding product so you will get your shit just be patient and keep in touch with him. hes very legit about answering emails and getting your gear to u.

just a review on the gear now
currently running domestic z line test cyp and eq

test - 750 ew
eq - 500ew

3 1/2 weeks in and up 11lbs.
and im 6ft 230
around 15%bf and i looked like a big bloated tick hahah but i know the shit is working goood

already starting to feel the on feeling and strength is going up by the fucking hour it seems lol

i ran 2 previous cycles of syntrop test with decent gains. i know 3 weeks in is hard to tell or feel anything but so far its way better quality than syntrop i ran. deff smooooth to pin 2.

will post again a couple weeks from now about what i think. but for now its amazing and only going to get better lol.
for all those thinking or not sure to order from Z here is my experience....placed order in the 1st week of Dec. and just received it this weekend was getting worried,but i guess with the holidays and all, it probably would have made it sooner.

so once again Z comes through:beertoast
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