uncle z

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Just want confirm, is all is ok and we have litle problem whit domain, but site is working and if u visit us just use banner

sorry for problem


Just want confirm, is all is ok and we have litle problem whit domain, but site is working and if u visit us just use banner

sorry for problem


Can't reg. with domain issue. Any idea when things will be up and running?

Edit: Nvm figured out a way
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I placed an order about a month ago and sent WU payment using the info Z provided. checked in about 3 weeks later to see if there was an update/estimated delivery date and now he says that he didn't get the money.
I check with WU and they said it has been picked up more than a week ago (apparently they only keep that info 7 days).

So I've been in back and forth contact with Z, sent a scan of my WU receipt which shows the name I sent the money to, the amount, the senders name, and the MTCN. I don't know how anyone else could pick up the money as they would need all that info.

Z double checks and still says he hasn't got it. Not sure what else I can do - I went with Z because of the amount of positive feedback here and other places. I'm hesitant to call him a scammer as he has been in regular contact with me and a scammer would just ignore me.
I'm hoping this is just a simple mix up... Hopefully the person picking up the money isn't skimming a little extra and it just happened to be my order....

Any thoughts or suggestions? any input Z?

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I placed an order about a month ago and sent WU payment using the info Z provided. checked in about 3 weeks later to see if there was an update/estimated delivery date and now he says that he didn't get the money.
I check with WU and they said it has been picked up more than a week ago (apparently they only keep that info 7 days).

So I've been in back and forth contact with Z, sent a scan of my WU receipt which shows the name I sent the money to, the amount, the senders name, and the MTCN. I don't know how anyone else could pick up the money as they would need all that info.

Z double checks and still says he hasn't got it. Not sure what else I can do - I went with Z because of the amount of positive feedback here and other places. I'm hesitant to call him a scammer as he has been in regular contact with me and a scammer would just ignore me.
I'm hoping this is just a simple mix up... Hopefully the person picking up the money isn't skimming a little extra and it just happened to be my order....

Any thoughts or suggestions? any input Z?


Could easily be a mixup but hopefully bringing it to attention in this forum will help you get a resolution..
I placed an order about a month ago and sent WU payment using the info Z provided. checked in about 3 weeks later to see if there was an update/estimated delivery date and now he says that he didn't get the money.
I check with WU and they said it has been picked up more than a week ago (apparently they only keep that info 7 days).

So I've been in back and forth contact with Z, sent a scan of my WU receipt which shows the name I sent the money to, the amount, the senders name, and the MTCN. I don't know how anyone else could pick up the money as they would need all that info.

Z double checks and still says he hasn't got it. Not sure what else I can do - I went with Z because of the amount of positive feedback here and other places. I'm hesitant to call him a scammer as he has been in regular contact with me and a scammer would just ignore me.
I'm hoping this is just a simple mix up... Hopefully the person picking up the money isn't skimming a little extra and it just happened to be my order....

Any thoughts or suggestions? any input Z?


Hmmm... First post is a Z bashing huh? I smell competitor and by that I mean rat fink bastard.
Hmmm... First post is a Z bashing huh? I smell competitor and by that I mean rat fink bastard.

Sorry, not even close... How exactly is that bashing? I said he has kept in good e-mail contact and I've seen a lot of positive feedback about him here and other places... I'm just a guy trying to get his order taken care of.
Z has gotten back with me via e-mail and it looks like everything is taken care of. I'll report back in when my order arrives

Thanks Z
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Sorry, not even close... How exactly is that bashing? I said he has kept in good e-mail contact and I've seen a lot of positive feedback about him here and other places... I'm just a guy trying to get his order taken care of.
Z has gotten back with me via e-mail and it looks like everything is taken care of. I'll report back in when my order arrives

Thanks Z

Hmmm... If that's the case then I retract my statement. Sorry I get edgy when people start saying "Z says he did not get the money." Chances of that are slim to none. Z does not rip people of he is a top notch guy and his service is top notch too. In the future if you have a problem with Z though why not take it up with him instead of posting on a board seems a bit round-a-bout.
Sanx-I think your legit & thanks for posting on the boards. Remember guys, hearing experiences from others is what keeps people honest.

Let us know how things go with your order!
Sanx-I think your legit & thanks for posting on the boards. Remember guys, hearing experiences from others is what keeps people honest.

Let us know how things go with your order!

Seems like a double edged sword. After all the experiences could be a lie meant to defame a top notch service.
when it comes to people posting about Z i have personally become numb to it. everyone always starts out with something like "oh my god i ordered 2 days ago and my gear is not here yet, Z hasnt talked to me, whats going on?" then a couple post down the road they back track by saying "Z is a GOD, he came through and is gtg."

guys if we have learned 1 thing just through this one thread alone its that Z is legit!
when it comes to people posting about Z i have personally become numb to it. everyone always starts out with something like "oh my god i ordered 2 days ago and my gear is not here yet, Z hasnt talked to me, whats going on?" then a couple post down the road they back track by saying "Z is a GOD, he came through and is gtg."

guys if we have learned 1 thing just through this one thread alone its that Z is legit!

Preach on Brutha! :afro:
Seems like a double edged sword. After all the experiences could be a lie meant to defame a top notch service.

I can totally understand that - that's why I tried to keep the tone of my post fairly neutral as I didn't want to dump on him undeservedly. I've seen it many times before on various boards bashing sources. He obviously has a lot of positive feedback and that's why I ordered from him...
As I said, I was just looking for resolution to my issue and hopefully it all works out.

If anyone doubts me I have no problem sending the scan of my WU transfer or forwarding e-mails to a mod here.

I though I was being pretty patient since it had been over a month since I placed my order with no results. If Z comes through I have no problem giving credit where due...
Sanx-I think your legit & thanks for posting on the boards. Remember guys, hearing experiences from others is what keeps people honest.

Let us know how things go with your order!

This is so true.... whether or not its relative to the context of this thread! If you dont agree then you havent been around long enough.
Its been over two weeks since Z told me that he would pick up the money and send goodies, since then he has not responded to any of my emails. He has to be receiving them, cuz I'm emailing the same address that I did when he first responded about picking up the money. I dont really mind if the order takes a while to get in, I would just like to know if everything is going smoothly, like if he's received the funds and if he's shipped it yet. Western union said the money was picked up, but he hasn't let me know anything yet. I'm going to try private messaging him and see if he responds. Z if you read this, email me back bro. Thanks.

Hmmm yet another with a post count of 2... Mods can we shut this post down. Cause I smell bullshit. Just got a delivery from my uncle recently and had no issues. Z is legit end of discussion and these WU issues are bullshit stories.
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