Who's on doctor prescribed testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) ?

1. 54 yrs
2. 1 year
3. 200mg/ew
4. Not a result of cycling. I think that testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) will become much more popular in the up coming years. It has become popular type of practice for some Dr's. Much more info then ever.
So for all you guys that are on HRT/TRT, is this helping with building muscle as well as feeling better?


Not really cause your just going back to your normal range of what your suppose to be in the first place.
Not really cause your just going back to your normal range of what your suppose to be in the first place.

Correct. It could help you build muscle easier than when you were low...but if you are comparing to someone else who has normal levels...you are just lie them. Normal.
What type of Dr. do you recommend seeing for Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)? Endocrinologist? Does insurance cover, and how much should one expect to pay per month? Thanks.
What type of Dr. do you recommend seeing for Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)? Endocrinologist? Does insurance cover, and how much should one expect to pay per month? Thanks.

every insurance is different , mine pays. my regular md prescribed for me but if i had thought that was the problem i would have gone to a endo . i thought i was sick and the blood work turned up low test levels.
1 age 46

2 roughly 6 or seven years

3 script is 300 mg every 2 weeks , taken 150 mg every week.

4 hormones crashed after back surgery , no cycle involved.

this is legit Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) with MULTIPLE blood test used to determine doseage.

I know this was posted awhile ago, but I just read this thread , or atleast this far.
Hey, DaDawg.....how did hormones crash after back surgery? I had 2 back surgery's and the second one was back in 2000 when I had a 2 level spinal fusion of L-4 , L-5 , S-1
What were the signs of hormones crashing? I just grinned and beared it for a year getting back to my previous size before surgery and then started doing gear again at 2 years post surgery. Thanks
Peace Oz

I know I'm a candidate for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) or HRT.

I know this was posted awhile ago, but I just read this thread , or atleast this far.
Hey, DaDawg.....how did hormones crash after back surgery? I had 2 back surgery's and the second one was back in 2000 when I had a 2 level spinal fusion of L-4 , L-5 , S-1
What were the signs of hormones crashing? I just grinned and beared it for a year getting back to my previous size before surgery and then started doing gear again at 2 years post surgery. Thanks
Peace Oz

I know I'm a candidate for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) or HRT.

i would think that if he had back surgery he probably was perscribed a pain killer which could lower his test. i dont know if it would lower it that much though

im going to make an appointment for next week to get my test levels checked
all these symptoms sounds like me
Originally Posted by PGHRam View Post
"So for all you guys that are on HRT/TRT, is this helping with building muscle as well as feeling better?"

Not really cause your just going back to your normal range of what your suppose to be in the first place.

The words of interest here are "normal", and of course, "supposed to be in the first place". The thing is- beside the fact that MOST doctors out there (yeah, "most") are uninformed or MISinformed even some generally reasonable doctors will differ on the issue of what is a "normal range" of T.

Personally, I subscribe to an "anti-aging" school of thought. I most assuredly DO NOT want my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) to take me to normal range of men of my age. I want to be in a range more typical of a man in his 20s. I mean, look- I'm 60 years old. Why would I want testosterone levels of dudes MY age? Know what I mean?

I'm new here and basically to this whole thing. I'm 28 and at a time in my life I want to feel better and do something better with my body. I haven't worked out really since high school. Also drank like a fish and had a pretty bad pill habit for the past 8 years. Friend of mine told me test was the best way to go now that i'm off everything but Dr (which i've been friends w/son since 1st grade) doesn't want to test me and says I don't need it. He also doesn't know that I've had all the other habits before. I'm not good with needles (pass out evertime not matter what) but I'm at the point where I don't care. I have no energy or motivation to workout or do anything for that matter. Any suggestions?
Guys most Doctors in anti agin clinics will prescribe to the highest part of normal. it will make huge difference in your body composition and your health.

Ultra you have at least 2 year of hard training before you need to thinK of steroids. What you eat and when is more important than what you take. Please be paient a learn about muscle science get you bodies tuned learn bot the building blocks of muscle learn how to train and how to eat. Tune your bodies to burn fat and fuel your muscles with bcaa , protein. @ 28 your test levels are pretty high.
hey everybody, first post.

1) 44
2) 2 weeks :)
3) one 5g Androgel pack daily
4) No

Obviously since I just started the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) my levels haven't been optimized/stabilized yet; I go back in a couple weeks to get checked again. I'm thinking that from what I've read, I'll likely end up injecting (hope I can, anyway-- not feeling much effect from the gel so far). At least insurance is covering most of the gel cost.
2 weeks
150 mg per week, and .6 mg of HGH 5 days per week.
No, I went to my doc want to get off Zoloft (gaining weight and not wanting to have sex even though my level were high) and had blood tests run. He said may levels were good in the 700 range and would not treat me. I went to a specialist at AAG Health and Wellness. They looked at my levels and said they would like to see them higher. My IGF-1 levels were below 140 & put me on HGH. I'm also taking E blocker and HCG.

I can't figure out why my balls have went to my stomach after my third shot. Its killing me.
for those of you on Dr prescribed testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) or HRT, are you also taking anti-estrogen meds?
.5 mg's of what? 150 mg's a week of testosterone right? your balls went into your stomach cause' you don't need them anymore!
1. 39
2. 11 yrs
3. 100mg weekly, cyp in end of summer, fall and start of winter...androgel in end of winter, spring and start of summer.
4. No, motorclcyle accident when i was 25 in 95 where broken hips and pelvis as well as surgery did something bad to my boys, struggled for almost 4 years, was very difficult.
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