why are you running prop with deca? just curious brother? why not use NPP instead or test e or c?So everyone knows im on a test prop and deca cycle... ive had alot of trouble sleeping lately since i started my cycle.... so bad i went to wally world and got me some sleep aids.
why are you running prop with deca? just curious brother? why not use NPP instead or test e or c?
i wish i was running to short esters together. or to long esters together believe me...... the only reson i have the deca is because i ordered some test from somewere then a month later they told me they wont be having nonee for some time and ended up telling them to just send me some deca...they had no NPP
I dream about 3 plates on each side every night....
So i told myself today im going to keep bringing in these calories and not step on the scale for atleast 7 days.... this scale will play mind games with you...
Yeah i got someone to hide it from me... i will not check my weight from today for a week then see were i am at. Feeling great still cant wait till tommarow to kill it on my chest day!