30013's Test Prop/ Deca

Yeah i did chest today i was getting pissed off thoy entire time i was there because it was freaking packed! i have to start going in the morning again....
So everyone knows im on a test prop and deca cycle... ive had alot of trouble sleeping lately since i started my cycle.... so bad i went to wally world and got me some sleep aids.
So everyone knows im on a test prop and deca cycle... ive had alot of trouble sleeping lately since i started my cycle.... so bad i went to wally world and got me some sleep aids.
why are you running prop with deca? just curious brother? why not use NPP instead or test e or c?
why are you running prop with deca? just curious brother? why not use NPP instead or test e or c?

i wish i was running to short esters together. or to long esters together believe me...... the only reson i have the deca is because i ordered some test from somewere then a month later they told me they wont be having nonee for some time and ended up telling them to just send me some deca...they had no NPP
Yeah this is just my lunch for everyday and my eggs for the morning...i drink a few eggbeaters to.... but it easy for me to just pull this out when i get back from classes and heat and eat
i wish i was running to short esters together. or to long esters together believe me...... the only reson i have the deca is because i ordered some test from somewere then a month later they told me they wont be having nonee for some time and ended up telling them to just send me some deca...they had no NPP

ah i gotcha man
Up early this morning slamming some food...
Going to class for a lil bit then its my back day! I always have the best back workouts, hope today it will even get better
So i told myself today im going to keep bringing in these calories and not step on the scale for atleast 7 days.... this scale will play mind games with you...
Yeah i got someone to hide it from me... i will not check my weight from today for a week then see were i am at. Feeling great still cant wait till tommarow to kill it on my chest day!
Sounds like your cycle is going well! Cooking food gets so tedious. Wish I was rich and had a butler!
Had a good chest day today. Was not realy trying to pack on alot of weight on, just working on my strength and a nice clean form. But i got a good pump out of it. I hope i get sore tommarow wich i never do on my chest.
Had a real good leg today I'm def starting to see alot more definition in my legs. There popping alot more.... getting ready for delts tomorrow