haha thanks brother - it's hard to beat a 3J diet, plenty of rest, good supplementation, properly dosed gear, peptides, and busting your ass in the gym 5 days a week!!!![]()
Dang thats a lot of pinning!
Well log looks good so far man! Very nice results.
I'm glad you have a great training partner man, that can make a HUGE difference in your own motivation and push your capabilities. I have found someone that pushes the hell out of me, but he is only around 3 days a week.
Great work my man!
Yeah he's also a lot bigger and stronger than I am, with a pretty long cycle history - so I stay motivated to push harder. I always do better with training partners who are my strength or stronger.
Thanks brotha!
i hear yaah bro its hard to come across a training partner but when you find a good one what an asset it is man! Yous can just feed off of each other, and it really gets your motivation going kind of like an unspoken competition to push harder than the other person.
training by yourself is nice and all but it cant compete with when you hook up with a good training buddy.
Absolutely man. And I push him as well - he always had trouble with his partners not pushing him because he was a lot bigger and stronger than them...but I'll get in his ear and yell haha.
A solid training partner definitely goes on the list with nutrition, rest, supplementation, gear, etc...makes a world of a difference IMO
what I would give for a training partner...unfortunately my good friend who uses gear lives about 50 miles away. My roommmates go to a gym about a block from my house but their equipment blows and their db's only go up to 75 pounds so I passed on going to that gym. they are also half ass lifters so they wouldnt do me much good.
im probably going to start pinning IGF again next week. not looking forward to becoming a pin cusion.
I pin my GH peps 3 times a day, DES once per day (2 sites), and LR3 once per day, so on test injection days I stick myself 7 times!!!
Dr. Hurt ova here lool jesus man im gonna have to do a lot more saving to get on my peps game when i start up so i can show you up!! lool jk doing great budd