Drinking Alcohol with Enanthate



I am an alcoholic. I am started my cycle yesterday. 500ml enanthate per week for 12 weeks. I just stopped drinking yesterday. Since it will take approx 4 weeks for the enanthate to start working can booz little till then or just stop drinking totally till cycle is over.
Drinking alcohol is catabolic. So in a sense you will not be getting the full potential from your enanthate. You will also be taxing your liver a little more. The choice is yours. It depends on what your willing to sacrifice for your cycle.
Also alcohol will help your body aromatize the test easier...

And you say alcoholic but then ask if it's ok to have a few drinks for the next month or so? Either you are joking or you really do have a problem. And if you really do have a problem, how are you going to workout drunk?

If this is a joke, it's not funny, and if it's not a joke, it isn't funny.
Injunman said:
Drinking alcohol is catabolic.

I don't think so. However, it does stop the body from burning fat until the alcohol has been used for fuel. 1g alcohol=7 calories...kinda in between carbs and fats.
TxLonghorn said:
I don't think so. However, it does stop the body from burning fat until the alcohol has been used for fuel. 1g alcohol=7 calories...kinda in between carbs and fats.

And it inhibits nitrogen retention. So probably not catabolic, but definitely anti-anabolic.
TxLonghorn said:
Also alcohol will help your body aromatize the test easier...

And you say alcoholic but then ask if it's ok to have a few drinks for the next month or so? Either you are joking or you really do have a problem. And if you really do have a problem, how are you going to workout drunk?

If this is a joke, it's not funny, and if it's not a joke, it isn't funny.

i agree...i have a close personal friend that is a AA/NA member.
if you are serious...please go and get some help....you shouldn't even think about AAS.

god bless
i doubt he is actually an alcoholic, otherwise he wouldnt have stopped drinking and asked this question...
also, Body building and alcoholism don't really go hand in hand... but i guess it could be done?
To an alcoholic, quitting for even one day is a big deal and very tough imo. Dentist I suggest you get over the drinking problem before getting serious about gear. there is no way you will workout consistantly if you really do have a drinking problem. The two really don't go together very well.

If you do start your cycle and continue to drink, you will probably not meet your goals, you will skip workouts because you are deinking, want to drink or don't feel good because you drank yesterday.

Brother I don't drink, but I know it is hard to quit for people. Why don't you replace drinking with healthy things like healthy eating and a good exercise regime. Then if you can do that with success for an extended amount of time, you may want to consider gear.

Either way good luck bro.

Oh and what is with the teeth?
considering that i walk that fine line between Being an alcoholic and not, and my whole fucking family has been through AA, i don't really like this thread. But for your question, drinking is probably not the best thing to do on cycle, but it won't kill you or negate all your gains. You may need to step back and examine your priorities and your dedication to what you are doing.
Someone please define drinking? What the hell does that mean? A glass of wine ? 1 beer, 12 beer...? If some one has a glass or two of wine or beer with his supper at night is that considered drinking? I don't think so. There's a huge difference between drinking in moderation and getting drunk. I don't know why it is always just classed as drinking... People who drink in moderation are healthier in general. Keep in mind that moderation is max. 2 drinks.
last year i tried to drink a 12 case of beer a day for 3 weeks to get in more calories. that was a big mistake! haha i gained like 12 pounds of fat and probably lost some muscle
SweetLeaf said:
Someone please define drinking?

We aren't talking drinking here, we are talking alcoholic here. Big difference. Just because you lift and take gear doesn't mean you stop everything else. Hell, I'll have a few drinks tomorrow, but that's about it, and none during the week, including tonight.

But again, his question was as an alcoholic, not can I have a couple of drinks every now and then.
all that alchol goes straigt to the belly.take shots if you need to_Oh yeah if you truly are an alki dont start steroids till you kick your addiction.
What are you going to do after you complete a great cycle drink it away?
ok, i think its ok to drink occasionally on a cycle... myself, instead of doing the one beer with dinner a day, i'll just have the 7 in one night... same thing... that would be my suggestion ;)
Well thanks, In order to do anything it is all about the mind just like Roids. This is day two and have not had a drink.

I think I will make this my journal for not drinking. I will post daily. I think I will make it through the full cycle.

I cant wait for another injection.
I am not an alcoholic, but I have severely abused alcohol at times... When I decided to start my first cycle, I thought it would be hard to quit, but I tell you what... I dont miss it at all... I look forward to the shots and to working out and being healthy.. Have not had a drop in 4 weeks... thats the longest I have gone since I was 16 and I am now 43... I dont miss the hangovers at all... I made myself a promise that I would get serious about this... Going on a cycle kinda gives me that edge that I need to quit...

I hope it does for you as well....

Stay sober and focus on eating, working out hard, and sleeping...
forget the booze.... it might as well be an anti-steriod imo...
Shit, my own thoughts on this is that alcohol is for morons, why destroy youre brain and body? same thing goes for those who smokes weed and shit, only destroying their own life.
I can think of a few downsides to this, first off alcohol lowers test levels in the body, 2nd it slows down metabolism, 3rd it will prob leave you feeling sluggish the next day killing your workout, 4th the day you drink you will doubtfully be able to consume all the calories you should be getting. Basically stay away for that shit. Ill drink once in a while when im on juice but i try to save the good times for special occasions.
If you are truly an alcoholic I would fix that problem before messing with more drugs. At the lowest level, alcohol inhibits fluid uptake and its empty calories that you dont need. This sounds like a "gateway" problem that we hear about, you start with one thing, then you move on to another, and if you have no control over yourself I am guessing we are going to be reading about you someday in the obituary section. I dont know you so I dont know how your mind works, but if you really care about your health nail the diet down while you do your training and maybe you can dump alcohol for the garbage that it is.

Good luck

Red's Teen Bodybuilding

As bodybuilders, our bodies are our lives. We eat right throughout the week, get plenty of rest, drink lots of water, stay as healthy as possible, and of course, workout. We put all these efforts into ourselves throughout the week, but on weekends we drink like fish and get shit faced. I used to drink heavily on party nights too, until a couple weeks ago when I realized just how much getting drunk was hurting my gains. I'm hoping that after you've read this article, for those of you that drink, you will see just how detrimental alcohol is to building muscle and hopefully cut down on drinking.

Alcohol is empty calories. It doesn't have any nutrients, but does have a caloric value of 7 calories per gram. In just one shot (1.5oz) of 80 proof vodka there's nearly 100 calories. For those of you trying to lose fat, forget it if you are drinking. Not only will the high calorie content of alcohol have a negative effect on your total calorie intake, but it also slows down your metabolism by disrupting the Kreb's cycle. Since the Kreb's cycle isn't working correctly, fats cannot be broken down. In short, your body is trying so hard to digest and metabolize the alcohol, that fat burning stops all together.

Alcohol consumption also hurts muscle growth. Not only due to hangovers lowering your workout intensity, but it actually lowers protein synthesis by 20%. Twenty percent! There are several reasons why it does this. For one, it dehydrates your muscle cells. As many know, hydrated and even over hydrated muscles (like when you take creatine) allows for a much higher anabolic environment. Because your cells aren't holding as much water, it becomes much harder to build muscle. The second reason why alcohol can severely hurt muscle growth is because it blocks the absorption of many important nutrients that are key to muscle contraction, relaxation and growth including calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and potassium.

OK, so I above I lied, there's actually a third way that alcohol slows down protein synthesis, I just wanted to dedicate a big part of this article to it. For those of you that don't already know this, ALCOHOL LOWERS TESTOSTERONE AND INCREASES ESTROGEN! Yes, you read that right. In one particular study, men's testosterone levels were measured before and after consumption of alcohol. At the most intoxicated state, testosterone levels had dropped to an average of 25% lower. It was also interesting to note, that when blood alcohol levels were the highest, testosterone was at its lowest. Alcohol has also been shown to cause a quicker aromatization of androgens into estrogens, which would explain why heavy drinkers often get gynecomastria (bitch tits) over a period of time. For those of you taking andro (and I'm sure you already know my views on andro) I would absolutely avoid alcohol since you already are in risk for gynecomastria with the high androgen levels in your blood. By drinking, you are further putting yourself in risk for aromatization. We should also note, that in a study done with rats, alcohol reduced Insulin like Growth Hormone-1 (IGF-1) by up to 42%. That's a huge drop in IGF-1.

One thing I found unusual due to the drop in testosterone while drinking is that most guys get really horny. Beyond getting beer goggles, why is it that drinking makes you horny? What I found out is that because alcohol lowers testosterone levels so significantly, the body is struggling to bring them back up by releasing LH, in very large quantities. What's also interesting to note is that LH is just as responsible for arousal as testosterone. Unfortunately though, alcohol reduces testosterone levels at the Leydig cell, not the pituitary, so the LH is ineffective in raising testosterone levels.

So what if it is that time of the month, where you hand the keys to someone else and get bombed? Here are some simple hints as how to keep as much muscle as possible from that week while still having fun:

1. Leave at least 2 liters of water by your bedside to drink when you get home before you go to bed. Not only will this prevent a hangover, but it will also help to hydrate your muscles.

2. Drink a protein shake or eat something dense in protein before climbing into bed as well (if you can still stand). This will help curb the catabolism occurring inside your body, not to mention you always need protein.

3. When you wake up the next morning and roll over, pray the girl next to you looks as good as she did last night. If not, shuttle her out of the room as quick as possible before your friends can find out and bust your balls.

4. 45 minutes to an hour before breakfast have a serving of ZMA and 5-10 grams of glutamine. The ZMA will naturally raise your testosterone levels that were lowered from your night of drinking, and the glutamine will help stop catabolism.

5. Eat a big breakfast filled with foods that are rich in protein, calcium, phosphorus and iron. Your body is craving these key nutrients since the alcohol diminished them the night before.

Let's face it, alcohol is fun, real fun. It makes fat girls attractive, gets ugly guys laid, gives the skinny, shy kid confidence to stand up and make a fool of himself, and helps uncoordinated, white guys like me dance. Unfortunately, it also reduces testosterone among all the other negative things mentioned earlier in this article. That doesn't mean you shouldn't have fun, don't be afraid to go out and have a good time. I've seen way too many bodybuilders who stay in on weekends. Go out, drink a few beers, have a good time, just keep it in moderation.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot - LIFT ANGRY.
