Dylan Gemelli's EPIC Ultradrol/Trenazone/Transaderm Triple Stack!!

Day 77 - PCT Day 14

So today I felt pretty bad when I woke up... I had the worst stomach ache and just felt nauseated all morning... It was rough just getting to the gym but when I feel the way that I did today, it just makes me work harder because I feel that I have to prove a point to myself and that's exactly what I did today from the very start...

I started with a fcking intense running and sprinting circuit... It was 60 minutes total... I started at 8.0 mph for 15 minutes... I immediately switched to 12.0 mph and did 15 sprints... 30 seconds a piece with 30 second rests... Then I switch back to 8.0 for 10 minutes, then sprints for 5 minutes then back to running for 10 minutes then finished with sprints for 5 minutes... This was so intense and the fact I did it in the condition I was in was even more amazing... I finished on the elliptical for 2 miles on level 8 for 15 minutes... I was ready to hit the weights hard today...

Today was back and traps and I went very hard and it was definitely a productive workout!!

Superset: Single arm dumbbell rows - 110x10, 110x10, 110x10, 115x10
Alternate arm dumbbell shrugs - 140x10, 140x10, 140x10, 140x10

Tripleset: Incline simotaneous dumbbell bent arm lateral raise - 50x10, 50x10, 55x10, 55x10
Face down incline dumbbell simotaneous back extensions - 65x10, 70x10, 70x10, 75x10
Overhead medicine ball power throws - 25, 25, 25

Superset: Bodymaster pec machine alternate arm rear delt - 100x10, 100x10, 100x10, 100x10
Lower back extensions - 45x12, 45x12, 45x12

Superset: Hammer strength iso lateral pulldown - 250x10, 250x10, 250x10, 250x10
Dumbbell simotaneous straight arm forward lateral raise - 45x10, 45x10, 50x10, 50x10

Cable seated simotaneous pulldowns (5 second negatvies) - 150x10, 150x10, 150x10, 150x10

So I got right after it today with single arm dumbbell rows... I got up to 115x10 which I felt was very impressive and it was very difficult... I superset with alternate arm shrugs... These were also very difficult but they really worked my traps... I got up to 140x10...

Next was a triple set that was very effective... I got up to 55x10 on incline dumbbell bent arm lateral raises... I also did face down incline dumbbell back extensions... I have not done this in a very long time and I am definitely going to be doing them more often because they really worked my back nicely... I got up to 75x10 on these and that was definitely a PR for me... I finished the triple set with overhead medicine ball power throws... I really worked hard on these and did all three set at 25 each...

Next I did the bodymaster pec machine inverted for rear delts... I did these alternating arms and these were very tough... I like this way, even though its more difficult because I just feel how good it was working my traps... I superset with lower back extensions with a 45 lb. plate...

Next superset I started with hammer strength iso lateral pulldowns... I got up to 250 x10 on these... I superset with straight arm dummbell simotaneous forward lateral raises... I got up to 50x10 on these and was very happy with this... It was a great finish to the traps portion of the workout...

I decided to finish with a very heavy set of negatives and it was a very difficult way to end the workout... I did simotaneous seated cable pulldowns... basically i sit on the floor in the middle of the cables doing pulldowns for 5 second negatives each rep... I did these at 150x10, which is the max weight of the cables... These were very tough to end the workout with but I did them all and felt great!

I was very happy with the way today's workout went... My cardio was excellent and my lifts were strong even though I was not feeling well... I am very happy with how things are going right now and feel this pct is very productive... I am working as hard as possible to shred as much as I can and still keep my size... I think I am doing a good job of this but I still have a long way to go... I will just keep working as hard as possible everyday to try to achieve my goals... I will never be satisfied and will always work for more! All feedback appreciated!!
Day 79 - PCT Day 16

Today I felt really good and I think part of that was because I didn't sleep as long as I have been... For some reason, I have to be around 6 hours of sleep to be at my best... If i sleep 8 hours I just don't have the right amount of energy... I have some soreness throughout my body but I am starting tb-500 and hoping that will help... My energy and drive is extremely high right now though and that makes for great workouts and great days!

Cardio was absolutely awesome today and I wish everyday of cardio was like this... I felt so great and my endurance was just fcking sweet today... I started with a 6 mile run at 8.0 mph for 45 minutes... Then I did the stairclimber for 2.25 miles on level 13 for 15 minutes... I finished with the elliptical for 2 miles on level 8 for 15 minutes... I was ready to hit the weights hard today!

Today was chest and triceps and I had a great workout... My strength was excellent today and it was a very productive workout...

Superset: Dumbbell incline - 100x10, 100x10, 105x10, 110x10
Single arm dumbbell tricep kicks - 65x10, 70x10, 70x10, 70x10

Close grip bench press - 225x10, 225x10, 225x10, 225x10

Inverted grip bench press - 155x10, 155x10, 165x10, 170x10

Superset: Dumbbell arnold flies - 85x10, 85x10, 85x10, 85x10
Hanging dips - 25, 25, 25, 25

Cable rope tricep extension - 195x10, 195x10, 195x10, 195x10

Cable simotaneous chest raises - 80x10, 80x10, 80x10, 80x10

I started off with incline presses... I felt great my first set and new I was going to be able to do a good amount today... I got up to 110x10 which is my previous PR... I was very happy to hit that and I felt great doing it... I superset with single arm tricep kicks... I got up to 70x10 and that had my triceps feeling great...

Next I did close grip bench... I did all four sets at 225x10 and I was very happy with that especially considering how heavy I went on the previous superset...

Next I did inverted grip bench press... These are so akward and its hard to gauge the right amount of weight... They feel very easy at first but about mid way they start to get tough... I got up to 170x10 and will be doing these more often...

Next superset was definitely the toughest one today... I started with dumbbell arnold flies... I went for PR weight right from the beginning and did all four sets at 85x10... These were very difficult every set but I was determined to get them all up every set and I did... I superset with hanging dips... I did 25 each set and doing those with the flies just made them both so much more difficult but I pushed through it and finished every set...

Next I did cable rope tricep extensions... I added 45 lbs. extra to the cable and did all four sets at 195x10... People look at me like Im insane when I add weight like that to the cables... I love it!

I finished with simotaneous cable chest raises... These were a very tough way to finish the workout but I pushed through and did all four sets at 80x10...

I am very happy with today's workout... I felt great and my strength was amazing... My chest is still a bit sore but the workout was worth it... I am feeling really good right now and am happy with how everything is going... I am looking for more results every day and do everything I can to achieve something new everyday... All feedback appreciated!!
Day 81 PCT Day 18

Sorry for the missed update yesterday... I had a very busy day and was unable to get the update up but today was very productive... I felt a bit tired today because I was up so late last night but I pushed through everything today...

Cardio was very tough but very productive today... I started with a run/sprint circuit... all my running was at 8.0 mph and sprints are at 12.0 mph, 30 second sprints with 30 second rests... I started with a 15 minute run and immediately went to 15 sprints... then I immediately went to a 10 minute run and then to 10 sprints then to a 5 minute run then to 5 sprints... A total of 60 minutes... This was very tough but it felt fcking great to accomplish... I finished with the elliptical for 2 miles on level 8 for 15 minutes...

Today was back and traps and was a very productive workout...

Superset: Rotary upper back - 250x10, 250x10, 250x10, 250x10
Standing simotaneous dumbbell back extensions - 80x10, 80x10, 85x10, 85x10

Tripleset: Rotary lat pulldown - 295x10, 295x10, 295x10, 295x10
overhead medicine ball power throws - 25, 25, 25
lower back extensions - 45x12, 45x12, 45x12

Superset: Seated dumbbell simotaneous bent arm lateral raise - 40x10, 40x10, 40x10, 45x10
Curl bar high row - 110x10, 110x10, 110x10, 110x10

Dumbbell shrugs - 150x10, 150x10, 150x10, 150x10

Bodymaster low row - 140x10, 140x10, 140x10, 140x10

Bodymaster bent arm lateral raise - 150x10, 150x10, 150x10, 150x10

I started off with rotary upper back... I just started with the machine max... I got after it quickly... I did all four sets on max weight at 250x10... I superset with dumbbell simotaneous back extensions... I got up to 85 x10 and my back was definitely feeling good...

Next was a triple set... I started on the rotary lat pulldown... I added a 45lb. plate to the machine and did all four sets at 295x10... This was very strong and really worked my back nicely... I superset with overhead medicine ball power throws... I did three sets of 25 and then I did lower back extensions with a 45lb. plate...

I then did seated dumbbell simotaneous bent arm lateral raises... These were very controlled but with a very high weight... I got up to 45x10 and was loving the way my veins were popping out everywhere as I looked in the mirror... I superset with curl bar high rows... I did all four sets at 110x10...

Next I did dumbbell shrugs... I did all fours sets and the max dumbbell weight of 150x10...

Then I did the bodymaster low row... This was very tough to do later in the workout... I did all four sets at 140x10...

I finished with the bodymaster bent arm lateral raise... I did all four sets at 150x10 and that was the max weight of the machine...

I was very happy with today's workout... I felt very strong and I am happy with the way my arms and back are coming along... They are getting more defined and while I have leaned it up, it has made my muscles look bigger because they are so shredded... I am very happy with this as this was what I wanted to accomplish... I still have a long way to go to get to where I want to be but I am making progress every day... All feedback appreciated!!
Day 82 PCT Day 19

Today I felt good when I woke up... I had a good amount of energy and felt light... I still have soreness, mainly in my shoulder that is bothering me but I believe TB-500 will be helping with that very soon... I was also feeling very motivated because I was in such a good mood having to do with the fact I am going to the Saints vs. Eagles monday night football game in New Orleans in November with a FINE A$$ girl... So things are looking good! =)

Cardio was strong today... I started with a 6 miles at 8.0 mph for 45 minutes... Next I did the stairclimber for 2.25 miles on level 13 for 15 minutes... I finished with the elliptical for 2 miles on level 13... I was ready for a tough workout today as I planned the negatives routine again...

Today was very intense and difficult... The body parts were chest and triceps and it was the negatives day...

Superset: Dumbbell bench press (5 second negatives) - 85x10, 85x10, 85x10, 85x10
Dumbbell bench press - 105x10, 105x10, 105x10, 105x10

Superset: Cable straight bar tricep extension (5 second negatives) - 130x10, 130x10, 130x10, 130x10
Cable straight bar tricep extension - 170x10, 170x10, 170x10, 170x10

Superset: Bodymaster pec machine (5 second negatives) - 120x10, 120x10, 120x10, 120x10
Bodymaster pec machine - 150x10, 150x10, 150x10, 150x10

Superset: Cybex tricep extension (5 second negatives) - 80x10, 80x10, 80x10, 80x10
Cybex tricep extension - 100x10, 100x10, 100x10, 100x10

Today's workout was intense... The first superset was definitely the most difficult... It set the tone for the entire workout though... Supersetting dumbbell bench presses at the weight I was doing was very tough... I did my negatives with 85 lb. dumbbells and did my regular presses with 105 lb. dumbbells... I did all four sets of each for 10 reps... These were very tough but I pushed through them all and that had me pumped up for the rest of the workout... My chest was definitely feeling it...

Next I did cable straight bar tricep extensions... I did the negatives at 130 x10, which was almost the entire rack on the cable... I added 20 lbs. extra to the cables for my regular extensions... My triceps were looking damn good after this...

Next I did the pec machine... The negatives on these are very tough... These can really wear your chest out doing negatives on a high weight... I did the negatives at 120x10 and the regular at 150x10... I felt good when I finished these but was happy the chest part of the workout was over....

I finished with the cybex tricep extension... These are very good and very controlled and really focus strongly on the triceps... I did my negatives at 80 x10 and the full extension at 100x10... This was a great finish to an extremely productive workout...

This workout was very difficult but was definitely worth it... I got a lot out of this workout and when I complete these kinds of workouts it just motivates me even more to see what I am truly capable of... I just want to keep pushing harder and making more and more progress... I will continue to do my best everyday... All feedback appreciated!!
Day 83 PCT Day 20 INTENSITY!!

Today was one of those days where I wished that every other day could be like this one... My body felt great, my energy was great and things just went so smoothly... I have a few things going on that is making me very happy right now and that is definitely contributing to things and I just had an excellent all around day today...

Cardio was excellent today... I had so much stamina and energy that I felt I could have kept going the entire day... I started with a 6 mile run at 8.0 mph for 45 minutes... Then I did the stairclimber for 2.25 miles on level 13 for 15 minutes... I finished with the elliptical for 2 miles on level 8 for 15 minutes... I was definitely ready to hit the weights hard today!

Today was another day of negatives and the body parts were shoulders and biceps...

Superset: Smith machine shoulder press (5 second negatives) - 185x10, 185x10, 185x10, 185x10
Smith machine shoulder press - 225x10, 225x10, 225x10, 225x10

Superset: Straight bar straight arm forward shoulder raises (5 second negatives) - 40x10, 40x10, 40x10, 40x10
Straight bar straight arm forward shoulder raises - 70x10, 70x10, 70x10, 70x10

Superset: Dumbbell simotaneous hammer curls (5 second negatives) - 40x10, 40x10, 40x10, 40x10
Dumbbell simotaneous hammer curls - 70x10, 70x10, 70x10, 70x10

Superset: Cable straight bar curl (5 second negatives) - 130x10, 130x10, 130x10, 130x10
Cable straight ar curl - 170x10, 175x10, 175x10, 175x10

Everything I did today was at such a high level of difficulty and completing this workout the way that I did as a big accomplishment...

I started smith machine shoulder presses... I did my negatives at 185 x10 which was incredible to be doing negatives on... The regular shoulder presses were very difficult after doing the negatives but I did all four sets at 225x10...

Next I did straight bar straight arm forward shoulder raises... The negatives on these are so tough... It takes tremendous shoulder strength to do the negatives and then to follow up with rgular raises was very difficult but I was able to push through and complete them all...

Next I did dumbbell simotaneous hammer curls... The negatives on here were tough but seeing how my biceps and arms looked in the mirror had me pumped! I was in beast mode on these... I was really happy with the weight I was able to do on regular hammer curls after doing negatives... 70x10 is impressive to do right after doing negatives... I was very happy with what I accomplished...

I finished with cable straight bar curls... These were a great way to finish the workout... I did the negatives at 130 x10 and I had to add a 25 lb. weight to the cable to do the regular curls at 175x10... This was an excellent workout today and I am so happy with the results!

I am very happy with how I felt today and how things are going... I am just so motivated and now with other things in my life making me happy as well, its just making me more motivated and allowing me to accomplish more! All feedback appreciated!!
Hey man, how did you get such killer abs? Were they unintentional workouts that led to great abs, or did you literally pound those little guys till they were mean and tight? I'm hoping to see the same in upcoming weeks
Hey man, how did you get such killer abs? Were they unintentional workouts that led to great abs, or did you literally pound those little guys till they were mean and tight? I'm hoping to see the same in upcoming weeks

its all in your training man and your diet... its not about just doing ab workouts... i do a lot of cardio and i train hard and i am about as disciplined as you can be with diet...
Day 86 PCT Day 23

I felt absolutely great today and have had a great past few days... Things in general have been going very well and this has had such a positive effect on my working out... Yeah a girl might have something to do with this... =) It's definitely just adding to the quality of my workouts!

Cardio was excellent today... I started with a 6 mile run at 8.0 mph for 45 minutes... Then I did 10 sprints at 12.0 mph for 30 seconds each with a 30 second rest in between each... I finished with the elliptical for 2.5 miles on level 8 for 20 minutes... I was definitely ready to hit the weights hard today...

Today was chest and triceps and I pushed it very hard today...

Superset: Dumbbell incline - 100x10, 100x10, 105x10, 110x10
Overhead curl bar tricep extension - 110x10, 110x10, 110x10, 110x10

Superset: Dumbbell incline flies - 85x10, 85x10, 85x10, 85x10
Diamond grip tricep pushups on medicine ball - 30,30,30,30

Alternate arm hammer strength iso later incline - 180x10, 180x10, 180x10, 180x10

Superset: Inverted grip cable tricep extension - 175x10, 175x10, 175x10, 175x10
Cable single-arm side-arm tricep extension - 80x10, 80x10, 80x10, 85x10

Alternate arm straight arm forward dumbbell chest raises - 60x10, 60x10, 60x10, 60x10

I started off with dumbbell inclines... My first set was not very good as it felt really heavy to me and it kind of had me upset but after that I was pushing it up like I normally do... I got up to my previous PR weight of 110x10... I superset with overhead curl bar tricep extensions... I did all four sets at 110x10...

Next I did dumbbell incline flies superset with diamond grip tricep pushups on the medicine ball... I felt my weight on the flies was impressive especially considering that I was supersetting with tricep pushups... I did all four sets at 85 x10 and all of my push up sets for 30... My vascularity was amazing on the pushups... I loved it!

Next did alternate arm hammer strength iso lateral inclines... This is very difficult to do normal, but alternate arm is definitely much harder... I did all four sets at 180x10...

Next I had to add a 25lb. free weight to the cables for inverted grip tricep extensions and did all four sets at 175x10... I superset with single arm side arm tricep extensions... I got up to 85x10...

I finished with a very difficult exercise... It is very heavy and requires stamina... This was straight arm forward dumbbell chest raises... This is a very difficult exercise but especially to be finishing a tough workout with... I did all four sets at 60x10 and was very pleased with the way the workout went...

I have been cutting down my calories a bit and trying to keep as much size as possible but still shredding it down... I enjoyed the weight gain but I am more comfortable in the mid to lower 190's... I am still keeping strength and size but dropping back down a bit... I have to be more in my comfort zone... I am still very happy with my size and have much more muscle size than I ever have... I am much more happy with where I am right now... I am just continuing to work as hard as possible and make the most progress that I can make on a daily basis... I am less than a week away from starting a SARMS bridge and am definitely looking forward to it! All feedback appreciated!!
Day 87 PCT Day 24

I am seriously feeling the best I have felt in so long that I honestly don't remember feeling this good... My stamina, endurance and strength are excellent and I am really progressing the way that I want... I am winding down PCT and getting ready for my SARMS bridge... Its amazing though, when things in your life make you happy, how big of an effect it truly has on you in the all around aspect... I got tickets to the Saints vs. Eagles, Monday Night Football in the Superdome, THIRD ROW AND going with a gorgeous girl... The girl is having a big impact on me right now too... When things come together, it just has an all around wonderful effect...

Cardio was excellent today... I started with a 6 miles run at 8.0 mph for 45 minutes... Then I did the stairclimber for 2.25 miles on level 13 for 15 minutes... I finished with the elliptical for 2 miles on level 8 for 15 minutes... I was feeling absolutely wonderful and ready to hit the weights very hard!

Today was shoulders and biceps and I had an excellent workout... I set PR's today like a madman and do that on PCT is quite an accomplishment...

Superset: Dumbbell shoulder presses (hammer grip) - 75x10, 75x10, 75x10, 80x10
Alternate arm dumbbell side-arm hamer curls - 45x10, 50x10, 50x10, 55x10

Superset: Straight arm side dumbbell lateral raise - 45x10, 45x10, 45x10, 45x10
Seated dumbbell alternate arm curl - 60x10, 60x10, 60x10, 60x10

Superset: Barbell single-arm shoulder push - 80x10, 80x10, 80x10, 80x10
Wide grip curl - 100x10, 100x10, 100x10, 100x10

Superset: Standing shoulder free weight figure 8's - 45x12, 45x12, 45x12, 45x12
Single-arm dumbbell side arm curls - 40x10, 40x10, 40x10, 40x10

I started with hammer grip shoulder presses... My PR on normal shoulder presses is 85 x10 so getting 80x10 with a hammer grip is excellent... This was a new PR for me... I also got up to 55x10 on side arm alternate arm hammer curls... I started off very strong and it set the tone for the rest of the workout...

Next I did straight arm simotaneous dumbbell lateral raises... These are always so good for the shoulders and really work them nicely... I started off with a new PR on my first set of seated alternate arm dumbbell curls... I did all four sets at this weight and it definitely took something out of me but I was thrilled with setting a PR on it from the start of the sets!

Next superset was very difficult... I started with barbell single arm shoulder pushes... I started with my previous PR weight of 80x10... These just take a lot out of you... I decided to go for 85x10 on the last set and I got it! This was another PR for me and one that I am very proud of because this is a tough exercise... I superset with wide grip curls... I did all four sets at 100x10...

I finished with a superset of standing free weight shoulder figure 8's and single arm dumbbell side-arm curls... normally I do sets of 10 on the figure 8's but today I pushed hard and did sets of 12... These are so tough, especially to do at the end of a workout but they work the shoulders so nicely... I finished with single arm side arm curls... I did all four sets at 40x10 and was very happy with the results of the workout today...

Today's workout was such a success for me... I didn't even realize how many PR's I set until I started typing this up... I feel like this was a very big accomplishment for me and am just so happy with everything right now... I am so motivated to get more and more progress and I am just pushing harder and harder everyday! All feedback appreciated!!
Day 88 PCT Day 25

Today I felt really good when I woke up and I had a great morning... I am just so motivated everyday and I am just feeling really energetic and happy and its really shining through in my workouts and all aspects of my life...

Cardio was good today but it was very far from easy... I started with a 60 minute running circuit... I started with a 25 minute run at 8.0 mph, then I immediately switched to sprints... 10 sprints at 12.0 mph... 30 second sprints with 30 second rests... Then I immediately switched to running again for 10 minutes then back to 10 sprints and then running for 5 minutes... This was a tough circuit but I felt great when I was done... I finished on the elliptical for 2 miles on level 8 for 15 minutes... I was feeling great and ready to hit the weights...

Today was back and traps and I definitely had a productive workout...

Superset: Standing dumbbell simotaneous back extensions - 80x10, 85x10, 85x10, 85x10
Alternate arm dumbbell bent arm lateral raise - 40x10, 40x10, 40x10, 40x10

Superset: Cable simotaneous seated pull down - 160x10, 175x10, 175x10, 175x10
Cable cross arm bent arm lateral raise (5 second negatives) - 40x10, 40x10, 40x10, 40x10

Tripleset: Cable single arm back extension - 160x10, 160x10, 160x10, 160x10
Cable straight bar high row - 175x10, 175x10, 175x10, 175x10
overhead medicine ball power throws - 25, 25, 25

Superset: Pull ups (back row extension connector) - 10, 10, 10, 10
lower back extension - 45x12, 45x12, 45x12

Dumbbell shrugs (5 second holds) - 120x10, 120x10, 120x10, 120x10

Today was an excellent workout... I started with dumbbell back extensions and got up to 85x10... I superset with alternate arm dumbbell lateral raises... These take a lot of endurance and were not easy but I pushed through them hard... I did all four sets at 40x10...

I did a really strong simotaneous seated cable back pulldown... I added a 25 lb. free weight to the cables and got up to 175x10... I superset with cable cross arm bent arm lateral raises with 5 second negatives... These are very tough and work the traps very nicely...

I did a triple set next... I got up to 160x10 on single arm cable back extensions and I had to add a 25lb. plate to the cables for high rows... I got up to 175x10 on these... I also superset these with overhead medicine ball power throws...

Next I did pull ups with a connector from the back extension row... I put it around the pull up bar and these work the back much more than regular pull ups... I superset with lower back extensions...

I finished with dumbbell shrugs with 5 second holds... These were tough and a great way to finish the workout...

I am very happy with the way this PCT has gone and just everything overall... I have 3 more days of PCT and the its back to SARMS, which I am very excited for... I see some great results coming and I am going for some serious shred... I am going for a whole new level and I am going to push as hard as I can to get the results I want! All feedback appreciated!!
Day 89 PCT Day 26

Today I felt pretty good... I did not sleep very well last night but I did not let that effect me during my workout today...

Cardio was good today... I started with a 6 mile run at 8.0 mph for 45 minutes... I did the stairclimber for 2.25 miles on level 13 for 15 minutes and I finished with the elliptical for 2 miles on level 8 for 15 minutes... I did some serious sweating today, even more than usual... I worked really hard and was ready to hit the weights...

Today was chest and triceps and I really pushed hard today...

Bench press - 225x10, 225x10, 225x10, 225x10

Superset: Dumbbell bench press - 100x10, 100x10, 100x10, 100x10
Hanging dips - 25, 25, 25, 25

Bodymaster vertical pec machine - 120x10, 120x10, 120x10, 130x10

TRX band tricep extension - 12, 12, 12, 12 30 second rest

Superset: Cable rope tricep extension (5 second negatives) - 160x10, 160x10, 160x10, 160x10
Cable rope overhead tricep extension low to high - 160x10, 160x10, 160x10, 160x10

Single arm dumbbell bench - 85x10, 85x10, 85x10, 85x10

I started with the bench press today... I did all four sets at 225x10 on it... Not my best day on it but I expected a slight decrease on my bench since I cut a little weight... I am still very happy with 225x10 for four sets...

Next I superset dumbbell bench press and hanging dips... I did all four sets of dumbbell bench at 100x10 and did all four sets of dips for 25 each... My chest was definitely feeling like it been through a lot and especially going straight to dumbbell bench after regular bench and supersetting with dips... I was happy to get through this part...

Next I did the vertical pec machine... It is a different movement than the regular pec machine and I feel like it works the chest nicely... I got up to 130x10...

Next I did the TRX band tricep extensions... I did all four sets for 12 each with only 30 second rests in between each set... This is great for muscular endurance and shredding your triceps..

The next superset I did was cable rope tricep extension 5 second negatives and cable rope overhead tricep extension low to high... This was an excellent superset as it worked my triceps very hard... I added a 10lb. free weight for to the cable for both exercises and did all of the sets for both of the exercises at 160x10...

I finished with an extremely tough exercise... Single arm dumbbell bench press was very difficult.. I had to push very hard on his but I did all four sets at 85x10... I felt like this was a very productive workout and was very pleased with the results...

Today was another really good workout... I feel much more comfortable that I dropped a few pounds and I just feel in a lot better condition... My weight is down to 197 and my body fat is back down to 6.2%... I am just more comfortable at this weight and much happier... I have shredded up all the new added muscle and am very happy with the way it is looking... I still have a lot of work to do but I am very happy with the way things are going... I am going to go all out shred on the upcoming sarms stack... I am determined to just be beyond ridiculously ripped and I am going to achieve this goal on the next stack... all feedback appreciated!!
Day 90 PCT Day 27

Today was a great day as I got some of the best news I think I could have gotten and I was awakened to that at like 5a.m. so I was a bit tired by the time I got to the gym... For some reason, my body was really sore today so it was a more difficult day today but I pushed through it and got some great results...

I started cadio with a 6 mile run at 8.0 for 45 minutes... Then I did the stairclimber for 2.25 miles on level 13 for 15 minutes and I finished with the elliptical for 2 miles on level 8 for 15 minutes... I was still sore but wanted to get after the weights quickly so I could push through...

Today was shoulders and biceps and it was a very beneficial workout...

Superset: Standing barbell shoulder press - 145x10, 145x10, 145x10, 150x10
Dumbbell simotaneous hammer curls - 75x10, 80x10, 80x10, 80x10

Barbell curls drop set pyramid - 75x12, 65x12, 55x12, 65x12, 75x12, 65x12, 55x12 No rest in between sets

Superset: Seated over knew single arm curl - 75x10, 75x10, 75x10, 75x10
Simotaneous straight arm dumbbell lateral holds - 30x40sec, 30x40sec, 30x40sec, 30x40sec

Superset: Alternate arm hammer strength shoulder press - 180x10, 180x10, 180x10, 180x10
Inverted curls - 90x10, 90x10, 90x10, 90x10

Cable straight arm external shoulder rotator - 40x10, 40x10, 40x10, 45x10

I started off with standing barbell shoulder presses... I got up to 150x10 on these which is a very difficult weight on this... I superset with dumbbell simotaneous hammer curls... I got up to 80x10 and my biceps were feeling good...

Next I did a drop set pyramid of barbell curls... There was no rest in between sets, only to change the weight quickly... This was very difficult and I had not done anything like this in a while so I thought it would be beneficial...

Next did single arm over the knee curls... I did all four sets at 75x10, which I felt was very impressive... Next I did standing dumbbell lateral raises for 40 second holds... These are very difficult, especially as you get into the later sets... I look like a beast when I am doing these though and so I like them even though they are so tough...

Next I did the alternate arm hammer strength shoulder press and superset it with inverted curls... I did all four sets of alternate arm shoulder press at 180x10 and did all four sets of inverted curls at 90x10...

I finished with cable straight arm external shoulder rotators... I got up to 45x10 on these...

I felt this was a great workout, especially with what I was able to do not feeling my best... I have one day left of post cycle therapy (pct) and then its time for SARMS... I am looking forward to it... It is going to be an epic cycle... I will make sure! All feedback appreciated!
Final Pics!

Here are the final pics from my cycle...

Starting weight 191 lbs. 6.2% body fat
Ending weight 197 lbs. 6.2% body fat

this was a very successful cycle... i got up to 205 and probably could have held it but i am just not that comfortable at that weight... I am much more comfortable in the 190's with a very low body fat... I am running a sarms triple stack now and am aiming for below 6% body fat by the time I am finished... I appreciate everyone's support throughout... All feedback appreciated!
Here are the final pics from my cycle...

Starting weight 191 lbs. 6.2% body fat
Ending weight 197 lbs. 6.2% body fat

this was a very successful cycle... i got up to 205 and probably could have held it but i am just not that comfortable at that weight... I am much more comfortable in the 190's with a very low body fat... I am running a sarms triple stack now and am aiming for below 6% body fat by the time I am finished... I appreciate everyone's support throughout... All feedback appreciated!

Are you going strait into the SARMS from this pct? Are you running mk/s4/gw again?