Dylan Gemelli's EPIC Ultradrol/Trenazone/Transaderm Triple Stack!!

Day 43 - BIG PR DAY!!

Today I felt so much better after my short battle with the flu. I still was not at 100% but probably around 90% which is much better than the 10% I felt a few days ago...

Yesterday was my last day of ultradrol and trenazone so now its just down to anavar and proviron... I have about 3 weeks left of this before PCT... I will be upping both dosages in about 10 days... Anavar will go to 80 mg and Proviron will go to 100 mg... I am hoping to keep all of my hard earned muscle mass but cut some of the water and add more shred in this portion of the cycle...

So cardio was not bad today... I was still feeling a bit winded from the flu but I still pushed through... I started with a 40 minute circuit on the treadmill... My running pace is 8.5 mph and my sprints are ran at 12.0 mph with 30 seconds rest in between each sprint... I started with a 10 minute run and immediately went to 10 sprints... then I ran 5 min, then 5 sprints, then another 5 minute run and another 5 sprints... The frustrating part of this for me is that stamina wise, I could have gone longer but because I still have shin pain, I had to cut it a bit short... I think the anavar may be contributing to some of this but I will simply push through... Next I moved on to the elliptical for 4.5 miles on level 8 for 35 minutes...

Today was chest and biceps and I had one of my most impressive workouts in terms of setting PR's... This was an unbelievable day of strength for me...

Superset: Dumbbell incline: 100x10, 100x10, 105x10, 110x10

Dumbbell simotaneous hammer curl: 80x10, 80x10, 85x10, 90x10

Superset: Dumbbell bench press (5 second negatives) : 80x10, 80x10, 80x10, 80x10

Seated dumbbell alternate arm curls - 50x10,. 55x10, 60x10, 60x10

Dumbbell arnold flies - 80x10, 80x10, 85x10, 90x10

Cable high flies - 130x10, 130x10, 130x10, 130x10

TRX band bicep pull ups - 15,15,15,15 30 second rests in between sets

Cable rope curl - 185x10, 185x10, 195x10, 195x10

So I just started off going hard... I was determined for a PR on my dumbbell inclines... I got a NICE PR of 110x10 on my dumbbell incline... That's the same as I bench! I felt great after this one but what was even more impressive was the fact I was supersetting this with dumbbell hammer curls and set a PR on those as well... 90 x10 on dumbbell hammer curls, and those are clean hammers... I was amazed at both of these PR's and it had me pumped!!

Next I went to really burn out my chest with dumbbell bench 5 second negatives... I did all 4 sets at 80 x 10 and really had my chest going... I superset these with seated alternate arm dumbbell curls... I was able to get up to 60 x 10, which I felt was very impressive...

Next I set another PR on my dumbbell arnold flies... I got up to 90 x10 on these... It was definitely a tough set but I pushed through it and set another PR...

Next i did cable high flies... I did all four sets at 130 x 10, which was very heavy and a great way to finish the chest portion of the workout...

The next exercise I did was the TRX band bicep pull up... I did all four sets for 15 reps with 30 second rests in between each set... These TRX bands are amazing and my biceps were completely burnt after these but I was determined to get a PR on my last lift...

I set a PR on my cable rope curls. I had to add a 45 lb. plate to the cable to get it and I am sure I could have done more but I did 195 x 10 for a new PR...

I am so thrilled with how my strength was today on this workout... I have always felt my chest was my weakest body part and it is becoming one of my strongest... I am loving the way my biceps are shaping up as well... I also feel like the water weight I have been complaining about is starting to come off and the shred is coming on... I will be extremely happy to end up at 200 with 6% body fat... I definitely feel that this is going to be achieved and I will not stop until it is... I am very happy with the progress and am more motivated than ever... I will continue to push harder and harder... All feedback appreciated!!
Great to hear you didn't get some nasty shit that puts you down for a week lol. Still don't understand you and cardio, you killed it more with the flu than I do on a normal day. Although I'm starting to get into it a lil more, actually feeling kind of euphoric like when I lift.
Great to hear you didn't get some nasty shit that puts you down for a week lol. Still don't understand you and cardio, you killed it more with the flu than I do on a normal day. Although I'm starting to get into it a lil more, actually feeling kind of euphoric like when I lift.

LOL i don't miss a day of cardio bro... Of course I have days where I would just assume skip it but I can't man... Once you continue to do it then it will become a routine to you and you will just do it as a normal part of your day... at least that's how it is for me!
Have you noticed any natty test suppression?? Or is the transaderm keeping you in check?

I am pleasantly surprised that I have not noticed any suppression... obviously i can't be certain without bloodwork but no shrinkage and no loss of sex drive at all... I was concerned that the trenazone would cause some shutdown but as far as I can tell I have not experienced any... I have a very strong pct set up as well to ensure an excellent recovery...
Day 44 - Huge Shoulder Day!!

Today I woke up a little tired due to getting off work so late last night but I always manage to get it together right about gym time!!

So cardio today was pretty good... I started off with the elliptical for 50 minutes on level 8 for 6.5 miles. Next i did the stairclimber for 20 minutes on level 13 for 2.75 miles. I finished with 4 sets up up-downs, 25 each set...

I definitely had a huge sweat going for the start of shoulders and I felt like this was going to be a big shoulder day and I was definitely right!!

Superset: Smith machine shoulder press: 230x10, 235x10, 240x10, 245x10

Standing free weight inverted straight arm lateral raise - 45x10, 45x10, 45x10, 45x10

Superset: Single-arm smith machine shrugs: 185x10, 185x10, 185x10, 185x10

Dumbbell simotaneous straight arm lateral raise: 50x10, 50x10, 50x10, 50x10

Kneel down single arm smith machine shoulder press: 75x10, 75x10, 75x10, 75x10

Superset: Bodymaster bent-arm lateral raise (5 second negatives): 110x10, 110x10, 110x10, 110x10

Standing straight arm shoulder free weight pullover: 45x12, 45x12, 45x12, 45x12

Standing dumbbell simotaneous rear delt: 50x10, 50x10, 50x10, 50x10

I started off feeling great with smith machine shoulder presses... My previous PR was 235x10 and I ended up getting 245 x10 on it... I believe I can get 250 next time I do these... I definitely had to push hard on the sets with 240 and 245 but I know I can do more! I superset these with inverted free weight straight arm lateral raises... I do this with a 45lb. plate in each hand and instead of going forward with my lateral raise, I go backward. These really works the traps hard and they were so pumped after this exercise...

I started off with PR weight on the single arm smith machine shrugs... 185 is very heavy on this for single arm but I did all fours sets of these... I superset with straight arm dumbbell simotaneous lateral raises... These are always tough but are so good at building the shoulders... I was able to get up to 55x10 on these...

Next I did kneel down single arm smith machine shoulder presses... These are very difficult... I really had to push hard on these but feel they very beneficial...

Next I did a superset of bodymaster bent arm lateral raise 5 second negatives and straight arm free weight shoulder pullovers... The negatives on the bent arm lateral raises completely burned up my traps for the day and i will definitely be doing more negatives on this machine. I really liked the shoulder pullovers as well... They are very difficult and really worked my shoulders well...

I finished with standing dumbbell simotaneous rear delts... These are very difficult and very heavy... The vasuclarity that I saw on these was absolutely amazing... I wanted to keep doing them just to see it! It was a great finish to a great workout...

I am so pleased with my strength right now... I am also very happy with the vascularity I see... There are still a lot of things that need work though... I am still holding on some water than is just driving me crazy but I will continue to correct this... I am working as hard as I possibly can to make all the progress I can... I will never be satisfied and always have a new goal to work towards! All feedback appreciated!!
Day 46 - Unbelievable Vascularity!!

So today when I got up I was absolutely loving the vascularity... The anavar is definitely kicking in strong and the vascularity is amazing... I am loving it and am hoping that little extra bit of water starts to go away as well... It is already beginning to and with the different types of cardio circuits I am incorporating, I think there is some ultimate shred coming on...

So today for cardio I started out with the elliptical for 60 minutes on level 8 for 7.75 miles... Then it was circuit time... This was a 4 set circuit and was very tough... I started with 25 up downs, then went to jump ropes for 150... then went to plank run for 100 and then went to butt kick jumps for 30... I rested about 2 minutes in between each set, which goes by very fast on these... these are tough circuits... but they are so beneficial... I was definitely sweating like crazy but pumped up to hit the weights...

Today was back and triceps and was a very effective workout...

Superset: Seated cable rows - 240x10, 240x10, 240x10, 250x10

Standing free weight single arm tricep kicks - 45x10, 45x10, 45x10, 45x10

Superset: Cable tricep extension: 195x10, 195x10, 195x10, 195x10

Cable lay down back extension (5 second negatives) - 195x10, 195x10, 195x10, 195x10

Superset: Single arm cable overhead tricep extension - 80x10, 80x10, 80x10, 80x10

Overhead medicine ball powerball throw (10lb) - 20,20,20

Superset: Rotary lat - 195x10, 195x10, 195x10, 195x10

lower back extension - 45x12, 45x12, 45x12

TRX Band tricep extension - 12, 12, 12, 12 30 second rests in between sets

Standing dumbbell simotaneous back extension: 80x10, 80x10, 85x10, 85x10

I started off on pr weight for my cable back rows... I set a new PR at 250x10... I superset with single arm tricep kicks using a 45lb. free weight... These definitely got my triceps nice and warmed up!!

Next I went to the cable machine... max weight on the cable machine is 150 so I had to add a 45lb. plate to the cable machine for both of these exercises... This was a PR for me on cable tricep extensions on all four sets for 195 x10... I superset with a new exercise I have never done... I put a connector on the cable and laid down flat on the ground pulling the connector straight down for a back extension... I did this as a 5 second negative and it really shredded my back... I will definitely be doing this exercise again...

Next I did single arm cable overhead tricep extensions and superset them with overhead medicine ball powerball throws... The powerball throws are especially tough after a heavy tricep lift right before it and they work your back well...

I set a PR on the rotary lat machine... the machine only goes to 250 and I added a 45 lb. plate for all four sets to do 295x10... this was very tough... i superset with lower back extensions...

Next I did the TRX band tricep extension for sets of 12 with 30 second rests... I really like the TRX bands... They really serve a great purpose for the workout and with minimal rest, they really enhance muscular endurance as well...

I finished strong with standing simotaneous dumbbell back extrensions... I got up to 85 x10 on this and felt very strong...

This was a very successful workout... I felt very strong and really felt like I made good progress today... My vascularity was absolutely amazing and stays like that throughout the day... I really love that and the amount of strength that I have... I am pushing harder and harder and am making progress everyday! All feedback appreciated!!
Day 47 - Strength and Shred!!

I woke up feeling pretty good today, refreshed and energized and ready to tear it up! I felt light and like I am holding less water... It just makes my whole mentality a lot better...

So cardio today was pretty intense... I started with a 60 minute run and sprint circuit on the treadmill... My running portion is done at 8.5 mph and my sprints are done at 12.0 mph... I run 5 minutes then immediately go to 5 sprints, back to a 5 minute run and so on for a total of 60 minutes... Then I went to the elliptical machine for 2 miles on level 8 for 15 minutes... I was definitely feeling good after this session and was ready to hit the weights!

Today was chest and biceps and I had a great workout...

Bench press: 225x10. 225x10, 225x10, 230x10

Superset: Hammer strength iso-lateral incline: 230x10, 230x10, 235x10, 240x10
Single arm dumbbell curls: 70x10, 70x10, 75x10, 75x10

Superset: Dumbbell side grip bench press: 90x10, 95x10, 95x10, 100x10
Dumbbell alternate arm side arm hammer curls: 45x10, 50x10, 50x10, 55x10

Superset: Wide grip cable curl - 150x10, 150x10, 150x10, 150x10
Lay down wide grip cable overhead curl - 150x10, 150x10, 150x10 150x10

Lay down cable overhead chest pullover: 150x10, 160x10, 160x10, 175x10

I started off strong with bench press at 225x10... I did not hit PR weight this week that I set last week but I did more weight with 225 x 10 for three sets and finished at 230x10...

I set a nice PR on the iso lateral hammer strength incline machine at 240 x10 and also set a big PR on single arm dumbbell curls at 75x10... These were both very strong lifts and I was very happy to set a PR on them both!

Next I set another very strong PR on side grip dumbbell bench press... My dumbbell presses in all areas have gotten so strong! I was able to get 100 x 10 on the side grip bench... I superset with side arm alternate arm hammer curls... My vascularity on these was the most amazing I have ever seen it... My whole body looked like nothing but veins... It was amazing!

Next I did wide grip cable curls superset with laydown wide grip cable overhead curls... I did max weight of 150 x 10 on both of these and that was a strong finish to my bicep portion of the workout...

I finished strong with lay down cable chest pullovers... max weight on the cable is 150 and I ended up adding 25 lbs. extra to the cable to get to 175 x 10...

This was another very productive workout... Now that the ultradrol portion of the cycle is over, I can see the little amounts of water I was holding on to starting to go away and more shred is coming out... I absolutely love that and it makes me just work harder and harder... The anavar is still giving great strength and the vascularity from it is absolutely amazing... I will be bumping the dosage soon and am looking forward to more great results... I will push harder and harder and continue to make excellent progress... All feedback appreciated!!
No PR but your bench has improved a ton bro nice work. You keep reps pretty high, how have your joints been feelin?
No PR but your bench has improved a ton bro nice work. You keep reps pretty high, how have your joints been feelin?

after the first few weeks they have been great man... i have been really happy with that because there for a while they were hurting but they have continually gotten better!
Day 48 - Updated Pics!!

So today I felt absolutely great... I had to get up early for a ridiculous meeting at work but I felt really great when I got to the gym and my energy and endurance was the best it has been in quite a while... this was a very good sign to me!

Cardio today went great! I started off with the stairclimber for 50 minutes on level 13 for 7.25 miles. Then I went to the treadmill for sprints... I did 20 sprints at 12.0 mph with 30 second rests in between each sprint... Then I finished with the bike for 6 miles on level 8 for 20 minutes. I was feeling great and it definitely was a great start to a great workout!

Today was shoulders and traps and I hit them HARD... I burnt them out like a madman... It was a tremendous workout for me!

Superset: Dumbbell ALTERNATE ARM shoulder press: 80 x10, 80x10, 80x10, 85x10
Dumbbell straight arm lateral raise (5 second negatives: 25x10, 25x10, 25x10, 25x10

Superset: Seated dumbbell straight arm single arm cross body shoulder extension: 35x10, 35x10, 35x10, 40x10
Single arm dumbbell bent arm lateral raise: 55x10, 55x10, 55x10, 55x10

TRX band shoulder extensions: 15,15,15,15 30 second rests in between sets

Superset: Cable rope high row: 185x10, 185x10, 185x10, 195x10
Dumbbell shrugs: 150x10, 150x10, 150x10, 150x10

Cable cross arm bent arm lateral raise: 40x10, 45x10, 50x10, 55x10

I started off very hard with ALTERNATE ARM dumbbell shoulder presses. My previous PR was 75x10 and I crushed that today getting up to 85x10. That's absolutely huge for that amount of weight. I really burned up shoulders with the straight arm lateral raise negatives... This combo was crazy and it just got crazier after that!

Next I did seated dumbbell straight arm cross body shoulder extensions. These are described in one word... "brutal" They worked my shoulders so hard... Getting up to 40x10 was a great accomplishment, considering what I did the previous superset and the fact I was supersetting with bent arm lateral raises at such a high weight. I was doing 55x10 on my single arm dumbbell bent arm lateral raises... This was very tough but I pushed through it... My shoulders were definitely feeling it...

Next I did the TRX band shoulder extensions. I raised my reps to 15 each set with 30 second rests. This was very tough and really gives great muscular endurance... I love the TRX bands...

Next I superset cable rope high rows and dumbbell shrugs... Max weight on the cable is 150 so I ended up adding a 45 lb. plate to the high rows getting up to 195x10 which was a new PR for me... I did 150x10 on my dumbbell shrugs which is the highest the dumbbells go...

I finished strong with cross arm cable bent arm lateral raises... These are really tough but really work the traps hard... It was a great finish to a great workout...

I was so happy with the entire workout today. My endurance and stamina was excellent and my strength was great. I have new pictures today to show my progress... I am so happy with the vascularity and the shred that I am having... I am working so hard to get as shredded as possible and still be in the 200lb. range... This is not the easiest thing to do but I am making it happen and I am thrilled with the results... It makes me work harder and harder to try to get even more shred... All feedback appreciated!!
Day 49 - Going Hard!!

Today I definitely felt great once I got to the gym... I was a bit tired beause I did not get enough sleep last night but my endurance is getting much stronger and I am able to push even harder and am loving it!

Cardio was really intense today... I started with the elliptical for 7.75 miles on level 8 for 7.75 miles. Next I did an intense circuit. It was an up down and burpee circuit... I did 8 sets of 25 alternating between each... So i did 25 up -downs, then a set of abs, then 25 burpees, abs, etc... for a total of 8 sets... I was definitely feeling it after this circuit but it just really adds shred which I love!

Today was back and triceps and I pushed very hard today...

Superset: Bodymaster high row (5 second negatives): 55x10, 60x10, 60x10, 70x10

Seated dumbbell overhead tricep extension: 110x10, 115x10, 115x10, 120x10

Triple set: Single-arm bodymaster dips: 150x10, 150x10, 150x10, 150x10

Diamond-grip push-ups on medicine ball: 25, 25, 25, 25

lower back extensions: 45x12, 45x12, 45x12

Superset: Rope lat pull down: 200x10, 210x10, 210x10, 220x10

Straight arm rope pull overs: 80x10, 90x10, 90x10, 90x10

Superset: Single-arm rope cable side arm tricep extension - 80x10, 80x10, 80x10, 85x10

Wide-grip back push ups - 30,30,30

Rotary upper back - 250x10, 250x10, 250x10, 250x10

I started off with negatives right off the jump because I wanted to really get a nice warm up on my back and really work it out hard... I set a PR on this lift at 70x10... I felt very strong on my dumbbell overhead tricep extensions and feel like I could do more on it... I was able to get 120x10 today which was very strong...

Next I did a triple set that was very difficult and really burnt my triceps... The single arm dips on the bodymaster machine are tough on their own but supersetting them with the diamond push ups on the medicine ball is very difficult... The vascularity I could see on my arms when doing thees push ups was unreal... I loved it! I also did lower back extensions with these as well... This was a difficult set and really had my tricpes looking nice...

Next I did some rope work on my back... I like to mix up connectors on my back to hit it in different areas... I did rope pulldowns and got up to 220x10... I superset with straight arm rope back pullovers and got up to 90x10... My back was feeling pretty good after these...

Next I finished my triceps off with single arm rope side arm tricep extensions.... These really isoate the triceps and work them nicely... I superset with wide grip back push ups...

I finished strong with the rotary upper back machine... I did max weight of 250 x 10 on this...

I was very pleased with today's workout and am especially pleased with my endurance lately... Since the ultradrol portion ended my endurance has gotten back to where it always was and the water weight I was holding is coming off and I am feeling so much better about everything... My vascularity is amazing and I just want to continue to get stronger and to continue to shred! I am so motivated to make progress each and every day and will stop at nothing to achieve my goals... All feedback appreciated!!
Day 50 - Shredding up!

Today I felt extremely refreshed and full of energy. I also feel very light because of the loss of the extra water I was holding on to... This is putting me in a much better state of mind and really helping me in my overall state of mind... It is very motivating to me!

Today's cardio was great. I started with a 60 minute circuit of running and sprints... Its run 5 minutes on 8.5 mph then turn it up to 12.0 mph and do 5 sprints with 30 second rest in between then back to run then sprints... This is all done for 60 minutes and towards the end, is especially tough! I finished with the elliptical for 15 minutes on level 8 for 2 miles...

Today was chest and biceps and was a very strong workout for me...

Superset: Dumbbell incline - 100 x10, 105x10, 105x10, 110x10
Standing dumbbell alternate arm curl - 60 x10, 65x10, 65x10, 70x10

Superset: Dumbbell incline flies (5 second negatives) - 60x10, 60x10, 65x10, 70x10
Incline curl bar curl - 90x10, 100x10, 100x10, 100x10

Dumbbell arnold bench press - 90x10, 90x10, 90x10, 95x10

Superset: Inverted grip bicep pull downs - 210x10, 220x10, 220x10, 230x10
Bodymaster vertical pec machine - 120x10, 120x10, 120x10, 130x10

TRX band bicep pull ups - 15, 15, 15, 15 30 second rests

I started off very strong with dumbbell inclines superset with alternate arm bicep curls. I was able to hit my PR weight from the previous week of 110x10 on incline dumbbells and I set a new PR for standing alternate arm curls at 70x10...

Next I did dumbbell incline flies with 5 second negatives superset with incline curl bar curls... I really worked my chest hard and got up to 70x10 on the negatives... That's huge weight for negatives on flies... The inclines curls with the curl bar really worked my biceps nicely and I was able to get to 100x10...

I hit a PR on my next exercise with was dumbbell arnold bench press... I got up to 95x10 which I felt was extra impressive considering what I had already put my chest through on the previous exercises...

Next I superset inverted bicep pull downs and the vertical pec machine. I got up to 230 x 10 on the inverted pull downs, which was very high weight and got up to 130 on the vertical pec machine which was a great finish to the chest portion of the workout...

I finished very strong with the TRX band bicep pull ups... These were very tough to finish the workout with, especially with only 30 second rest in between sets... It was a great finish to a very strong workout...

I am so pleased with today's workout and my progress... I am at 202 lbs. right now and the extra water weight is coming off and the new muscle I have built is really starting to shred up nicely... The vascularity is beyond amazing and my strength is still great... I am very happy with the progress and it just makes me want to go harder and harder to achieve more! All feedback appreciated!!
Your posts are so ridiculously long that it makes me not want to read them. But judging by your photos and the skim reading that I did do, you're making some amazing progress. Keep it up brother you really do look great :)
Day 51 - The shredding continues!!

Today I felt really good from the start. I slept well and my body and overall mind set was excellent all day...

Cardio was very strong today. I started with a run and sprint circuit. My runs were on 8.5 mph for 5 minutes then go straight into sprints at 12.0 mph with 30 second rests in between each sprint then back to running... I did this for 50 minutes... Then I did the elliptical for 2.5 miles on level 8 for 20 minutes. I finished with the bike for 3.25 miles on level 8 for 10 minutes... I was definitely feeling good after cardio and ready to lift some shoulders and traps!

Today was shoulders and traps and was a very productive workout!

Superset: Smith machines shoulder press - 235x10, 240x10, 240x10, 245x10
Dumbbell reverse simotaneous straight arm lateral raise - 50x10, 50x10, 50x10, 50x10

Superset: Seated dumbbell alternate-arm straight arm lateral raise - 40x10, 40x10, 40x10, 45x10
Seated dumbbell external shoulder rotator - 40x10, 40x10, 45x10, 45x10

Superset: Seated bent over dumbbell high row - 60x10, 60x10, 65x10, 65x10
Bodymaster single-arm bent arm lateral raise - 140x10, 145x10 150x10, 150x10

Bodymaster shoulder press: 250x10, 260x10, 275x10, 275x10

Dumbbell incline simotaneous bent arm lateral raise - 50x10, 50x10, 55x10, 55x10

I started off very strong matching my previous PR on the smith machine at 245x10... That is a very strong shoulder press... I superset with reverse straight arm lateral raises and got up to 50x10 and really got a nice start with my traps...

The next superset was very tough... It started with alternate arm straight arm lateral raises... I couldn't believe the vascularity on this and just how strong I was being able to do 45 x10 on this... Next was the dumbbell shoulder external rotator... The veins throughout my body looked as though they would all pop out... This is a great exercise normally done with a cable but I did it with a dumbbell balancing it mid level... At that weight, it was very difficult and really worked my shoulder nicely...

I went after my traps on the next superset... Bent over dumbbell rows and single arm bodymaster machine lateral raises... I did the machine max on the single arm lateral raises...

Next I did the bodymaster shoulder press machine... The max weight on this machine is 250... I set a huge PR of 275 x10 after adding a 25lb. free weight to the machine...

I finished strong with simotaneous incline dumbbell bent arm lateral raises... I got up to 55x10 and it was a great finish to a very strong workout...

I felt that more excellent progress was made today... I really like my energy levels continue to get better and my overall energy levels are so much higher... I feel more shredded and my cardio and endurance are getting back up to normal levels... I am very happy with the progress made and will continue to add to the progress... All feedback appreciated!!
Your posts are so ridiculously long that it makes me not want to read them. But judging by your photos and the skim reading that I did do, you're making some amazing progress. Keep it up brother you really do look great :)

thanks for the support, i truly appreciate it!
Day 52 - Going Hard!!

Today I didn't feel the best when I woke up because I think I slept too much but I shook that off quickly and had a great day in the gym... I took 6 powerchews pre workout today and they worked great!!

Cardio was great today... I started off with the elliptical for 60 minutes on level 8 for 7.75 miles... I finished with a circuit of up downs and burpees... 8 total sets of 25... 4 of each type... alternating types... These really shred me up nicely and just get me pumped for lifting...

Today was back and triceps and was a very strong workout...

Superset: Cable rope tricep extension - 195x10, 195x10, 195x10, 205x10
Cable rope overhead tricep extension - 150x10, 160x10, 160x10, 175x10

Superset: Cable single-arm back extension - 150x10, 160x10, 160x10, 160x10
Overhead medicine ball power throws - 25, 25, 25

Superset: Single-arm rotary lat pulldown - 275x10, 285x10, 295x10, 295x10
Lower back extensions - 45x12, 45x12, 45x12

Superset: Seated cable back row - 240x10, 240x10, 240x10, 250x10
Cable lay down single arm back extension - 130x10, 130x10, 130x10, 140x10

Cybex tricep arm extension - 130x10, 135x10, 135x10, 135x10

TRX band tricep extension - 12, 12, 12, 12 30 second rest

I started off with rope tricep extensions superset with overhead rope tricep extensions. I set a PR on the regular tricep extension at 205 x 10... max weight on the cables is 150 so I had to add weight on both exercises... I got up to 175 x 10 on overhead rope extensions which was very tough as well...

I was up to 160x10 on single arm back extensions and I added to my normal sets of 20 on overhead powerball throws, getting up to 25 each set...

Next I set a big PR on the single arm rotary lat machine... I had to add a 45 lb. plate to the machine and got up to 295 x 10... I superset with lower back extensions with a 45 lb. plate for sets of 12...

Next I did seated cable back rows superset with lay down cable back extensions... I got up to 250x10 on the rows which is my PR... The lay down back extensions was something new I was trying to hit my back in different areas and it was definitely a nice addition to my exercises... I was able to get to 140x10...

Next I did the cybex tricep arm extension machine... I haven't done this one in a while and it definitely works the triceps well...

I finished strong with TRX band tricep extensions... I only rest 30 seconds in between each set and by doing this last it really burns out the muscle group you are working... I really like these bands and try to incorporate at least one exercise with them in each of my workouts...

I was very happy with today's workout... The powerchews were a nice addition to help with energy and I felt strong and lean... I really feel great right now with how everything is going... My strength is great and I am leaning out very nicely on the anavar... I am pushing harder and harder with the cardio and also with the weights... I am going to continue to push harder and harder to make more and more progress... All feedback appreciated!!
Day 53 - Big Chest Day!!

I felt really good today when I woke up and was really looking forward to getting after it in the gym today!

I started off with a 20 minute circuit of running and sprints... 5 minute run then immediately to sprints... 5 with 30 seconds of rest... etc... Next I went to the stairclimber for 5.75 miles on level 13 for 40 minutes and I finished with the elliptical for 2 miles on level 8 for 15 minutes...

Today was chest and biceps and it was definitely a very strong workout

Bench press - 225x10, 225x10, 230x10, 235x10

Superset: Dumbbell bench press- 105x10, 105x10, 105x10, 105x10
Standing dumbbell simotaneous side arm curls- 45x10, 50x10, 50x10, 55x10

Superset: Standing dumbbell simotaneous hammer curls: 85x10, 85x10, 85x10, 90x10
Single arm dumbbell over the knee curl - 65x10, 70x10, 75x10, 80x10

Superset: Dumbbell alternate arm chest raises - 55x10, 55x10, 55x10, 60x10
Wide-grip inverted bar curl - 80x10, 90x10, 90x10, 90x10

Rotary chest - 250x10, 250x10, 250x10, 250x10

I was very happy to hit my previous PR of 235x10 on my bench press... I was definitely getting strong each set and my last set was my strongest... I think I could have set a new PR today but I was still happy with 235x10...

Next I superset dumbbell bench press and simotaneous side arm dumbbell curls... I hit 105 x10 on all my dumbbell bench and felt that was very nice considering what I just did right before on my bench press... I was feeling great on my curls and my vasulcarity was amazing on these...

Next I hit my previous PR of 90x10 on my dumbbell hammer curls... This is very tough on hammer curls... I set a new PR on over the knee single arm curls at 80x10... I was very happy with this PR...

Next I superset dumbbell chest raises and wide grip inverted curls... I got up to 60 x10 on the dumbbell chest raises and was really burning but feeling great... I finished the bicep portion of the workout with wide grip inverted curls... I got up to 90x10 and had a great pump in my biceps... It was tough but really worked well!

I finished with rotary chest... I hit max weight on the machine on all four sets at 250x10...

This workout was very productive and I just feel great overall in the gym... I am at 201 right now... I have dropped about 4 lbs. of water and the shred is really coming on nicely... The new mass is showing even better because its much more cut up and I am just thrilled with the progress... The anavar and proviron portion is working very nicely and I am so motivated that it is going really great... There is still much improvement to be made but I feel that I am definitely making great progress... All feedback appreciated!!
Day 54 - Hittin the shoulders hard!

Today I felt great and it really showed during my workout today... I feel nice and light but very strong as well...

I started off cardio with a twenty minute run and sprint circuit as I have been doing... I'm kind of frustrated with this because my endurance is great but my shins are still giving me trouble and I believe that will subside as soon I start PCT but its still frustrating because I want to just keep running! I then moved on to the elliptical for 40 minutes on level 8 for 5.25 miles... Then I did the stairclimber for 10 minutes on level 13... I finished with 4 sets of up downs, 25 each set... I definitely had a great cardio session and was ready to get after it with the weights...

Today was shoulder and traps and my strength was great! I am very happy with today's workout!

Superset: Hammer strength shoulder press - 250x10, 260x10, 260x10, 265x10
Dumbbell simotaneous lateral raise HOLDS - 20, 25, 25, 30 (30 second holds)

Superset: Dumbbell arnold press - 65x10, 65x10, 65x10, 70x10
Dumbbell simotaneous high row - 60x10, 60x10, 60x10, 65x10

Superset: Cable cross arm bent arm lateral raise - 50x10, 55x10, 55x10, 55x10
Cable cross arm rear delt - 50x10, 50x10, 55x10, 60x10

Cable single arm straight arm forward shoulder raise - 30x10, 35x10, 35x10, 40x10

Dumbbell shrugs - 150x10, 150x10, 150x10, 150x10

I started off setting a PR on my first two exercises of the day... I set a big PR on the hammer strength shoulder press... 265x10 was a huge PR... I also set a PR for 30 second dumbbell lateral raise holds with 30 lb. dumbbells... I was feeling very strong and my shoulders were looking great!!

I hit my previous PR weight on arnold presses of 70x10 and was able to get up to 65x10 on dumbbell simotaneous high rows...

The next superset I did was very tough... Two different cross arm cable exercises... I got up to 55x10 on bent arm lateral raises and 60 x10 on cross arm rear delts... These exercises complimented each other very well and had my traps feeling it like crazy!

Next I did cable straight arm forward shoulder raises... These really isolate the shoulder and work it well...

I finished with dumbbell shrugs at the max dumbbell weight of 150x10...

I was very happy with today's workout... I was able to set some great PR's and really worked my shoulders and traps well... I also feel much more shredded and it is just motivating me more and more... I am right at 201 and my body fat is dropping back down to where it belongs in the lower 6% range... I still have a lot of work to do but I am definitely headed in the right direction and will keep working harder and harder everyday! All feedback appreciated!!
Day 55 - Getting my shred on!

Today I felt great again when I got up... I was a bit sore but I took a little forged joint repair and it definitely did the trick... Otherwise I was definitely feeling good!

Cardio was excellent today... I started with the elliptical for 60 minutes on level 8 for 7.75 miles... Then I did an up down and burpee circuit... 8 total sets, 4 of each at 25 each set... These really help to get that extra shred going... They are very difficult but they are very much worth the effort...

Today was back and triceps and was definitely a very successful workout...

Superset: Wide grip lat pulldown - 220x10, 220x10, 220x10, 230x10
Cable straight arm single arm back pull over - 75x10, 80x10, 80x10, 85x10

Superset: Cable straight arm back twist - 60x10, 65x10, 70x10, 75x10
lower back extension - 45x12, 45x12, 45x12

Superset: Low cable rope overhead tricep extension - 130x10, 140x10, 150x10, 160x10
Inverted grip cable tricep exension - 150x10, 160x10, 170x10, 175x10

Superset: Close grip bench - 225x10, 225x10, 225x10, 225x10
overhead medicine ball powerball throw - 25, 25, 25

Hanging dips - 25, 25, 25, 25

Dorsi flexor back extension - 330x10, 330x10, 330x10, 330x10

I started off with wide grip lat pulldowns... i got up to 230 x10 which was very nice and got my back warmed up well... I superset with single arm straight arm cable back pull overs... I really worked my back hard on these and got up to 85x10...

Next I tried something new with straight arm cable back twists... These really worked my back well and I was able to consistently increase weight throughout this set... I superset with back extensions with a 45lb. plate...

My next superset was very tough on my triceps... I started with rope overhead tricep extensions but I had the rope on the bottom so it increased the resistance a lot... Max weight on the cable is 150 and I was able to get up to 160x10... I superset with inverted tricep extensions and was able to get up to 175x10... I had to add weight on the cable for both of these exercises...

Next superset was close grip bench and overhead medicine ball power throws... I did 225 x10 on all four sets and that was very impressive to me especially considering I was doing this towards the end of my workout... I also did my sets of powerball throws for 25 each...

Next I did regular hanging dips... My triceps were really burning at this point but I did all four sets for 25...

I finished with the dorsi flexor back extension machine... I did all four sets on max weight of 330x10...

I was very happy with this workout... My energy level was very high and my strength was great... I really am pushing hard and doing everything I can to make improvements each workout... I felt very light today and am feeling more and more shredded everyday... I want to keep this momentum going stronger each and everyday... I am so determined to get as shredded as possible but still hold on to my size... Its going very good right now and I will do everything I can to improve everyday! All feedback appreciated!!