Dylan Gemelli's EPIC Ultradrol/Trenazone/Transaderm Triple Stack!!

Day 57 - Very strong chest and biceps day!!

Today I felt great when I woke up... I felt nice and fresh and full of energy... I did not feel quite as light as I have been but I still looked pretty shredded... I felt a little bloated but fixed that fairly quickly at the gym...

Cardio was great today... I did the elliptical for 7.75 miles on level 8 for 60 minutes. Then I did four sets of up downs, 25 each set... I finished with the stairclimber for 1.5 miles on level 13 for 10 minutes...

Today was chest and biceps and I had a very strong workout today... I felt very strong and pushed it very hard...

Superset: Smith machine incline - 255x10. 260x10, 260x10, 265x10
Dumbbell alternate arm side arm hammer curls - 45x10, 50x10, 50x10, 55x10

Dumbbell flies - 95x10, 95x10, 95x10, 95x10

Superset: Close-grip curls - 90x10, 90x10, 90x10, 90x10
Seated alternate arm dumbbell curls - 60x10, 60x10, 60x10, 60x10

TRX band bicep pull ups - 15, 15, 15, 15 30 second rests

Cable simotaneous chest push downs - 140x10, 150x10, 150x10, 150x10

Cable simotaneous mid line flies - 130x10, 130x10, 130x10, 130x10

I was able to reach my previous PR on smith machine inclines at 265 x10 and I believe that I could have possibly gotten a bit higher but I was happy with my rep weights on this today... I got up to 55x10 on side arm hammer curls which is a very nice range on these...

I set a big PR on dumbbell flies at 95x10 on all four sets... This was extremely difficult but I felt a big accomplishment on this... My chest was definitely feeling it after this...

The next superset I did was very tough and had me sweating pretty good... I superset close grip curls and alternate arm dumbbell curls... My biceps were really fatigued after these at the high weight range I was repping so I immediately went to burn them out after this superset...

I went to the TRX bands and did all four sets at 15 with only 30 second rests... My biceps were definitely feeling it after this and it was a nice finish to the bicep portion of the workout...

Next I got up to max weight of 150 x 10 on cable chest push downs and my chest was really feeling it...

I finished with cable mid line flies... I was able to do 130 x 10 on all four sets and felt really great after this workout...

I was very happy with this workout... I felt very strong, full of energy and was extremely vascular after this workout... I really see the great size increase in all of my muscles and the shredding that is going on with it... I am loving the results but I still feel like I have a long way to go with the shredding I want... I am making progress but I still have a lot of work today... I am happy with the progress and just pushing harder and harder each day to make achieve better results! All feedback appreciated!
Day 58 - Very strong shoulder day!

I felt great this morning when I woke up... I felt nice and refreshed and very very light... I swear that I woke up 4 times in the middle of the night and pissed so much water that I couldn't believe it... I have no idea what caused it because my diet is so fcking clean... I had nothing that would have been making me hold water but I whatever it was, its gone now! I weighed in right at 201 and the shred is definitely coming on strong... It made me work even harder seeing that it is all coming together like I want...

My cardio was very strong today... My endurance is getting better and better each day... I started with the elliptical for 7.75 miles on level 8 for 60 minutes... Then I did the stairclimber for 2.25 miles on level 13 for 15 minutes... I finished on the bike for 3 miles on level 8 for 10 minutes...

Today was shoulders and traps and was a very strong workout!

Superset: Dumbbell shoulder press - 85x10, 85x10, 85x10, 90x10
Standing dumbbell straight arm forward lateral raise (5 second negatives) - 20x10, 20x10, 20x10, 20x10

Seated dumbbell single arm straight arm full overhead lateral raise - 40x10, 40x10, 40x10, 40x10

TRX band shoulder extension - 15, 15, 15, 15 30 second rests

Superset: Close grip high row - 100x10, 105x10, 110x10, 110x10
Seated dumbbell shrugs - 125x10, 125x10, 130x10, 130x10

Single arm shoulder press (calf raise machine) - 90x10, 90x10, 90x10, 105x10

Cybex lateral raise machine - 150x10, 155x10, 155x10, 160x10

I started with dumbbell shoulder presses today... I was a little worried at the start because I didn't feel my strongest but I do that to myself every workout because my first set I am always just a little off and my strength comes on crazy as it did here... I got up to 90x10 which is my PR but I ripped that set up... I feel I could have done 95 and next time I am going for it... I superset with straight arm forward lateral raises doing them with 5 second negatives... These were tough and really got my traps going...

The next exercise was the toughest of the day... Seated straight arm single arm full overhead lateral raises... These worked my shoulders so nicely and had them burning like a mtherfcker... This exercise was very brutal but I got all four sets at 40 x10...

I immediately went to the TRX bands after the last set and did 4 brutal shoulder extension sets with only 30 second rests... These had my shoulders completely worn out but looking incredible!

Next was a very nice superset of close grip high rows and seated dumbbell shrugs... I got up to 110 x10 on the high rows and set a PR on seated dumbbell shrugs at 130x10...

Next I did single arm shoulder presses on the calf machine... These are great for isolating the shoulder and working it very hard... I got up to 105x10...

I finished with the cybex bent arm lateral raise machine... I got up to 160x10 and felt really great after this workout... It went very well today!

I am very happy with today's workout and with the amount of shred that I had today... I am definitely moving in the right direction heading into pct... I start pct on Monday and want to go into it as strong as possible... I am going harder and harder each and everyday and will continue to make as much progress as I possibly can... All feedback appreciated!
Day 59 - Feeling strong!

Today I felt good in terms of energy but the past few days I have had some sore joints again... I started to take forged joint repair a few days ago and it is helping but when adding the skeletal balm, I noticed a big difference... Hopefully it will subside in the next few days... Its basically in my right elbow, which is where I normally get it... The skeletal balm helps tremendously though...

Cardio was very strong today... I started with the stairclimber for 7.25 miles on level 13 for 50 minutes... Then I went to the treadmill for sprints... I did 10 sprints on 12.0 mph for 30 seconds apiece with a 30 second rest in between each sprint... Then I went to the elliptical for 2 miles on level 8 for 15 minutes...

Today was back and triceps and today was a great workout... I actually felt like I was getting more energy and stronger as the workout went on today... It was a really great feeling... I actually remember stopping for a second and thinking to myself "what the fck, im feeling more energized and stronger as i go" I LOVE that feeling!!

Superset: Single arm seated cable back row - 100x10, 100x10, 110x10, 110x10
Standing dumbbell simotaneous back extension - 75x10, 85x10, 85x10, 90x10

Superset: Free weight dips - 135x20, 135x20, 135x20, 135x25
overhead medicine ball power throws - 25, 25, 25

Superset: Single arm inverted grip rotary lat - 275x10, 295x10, 305x10, 305x10
Diamond grip tricep push ups on medicine ball - 30,30,30,30

Superset: Bodymaster overhead tricep extension - 180x10, 180x10, 180x10, 190x10
lower back extension - 45x12, 45x12, 45x12

Seated simotaneous cable lat pull down - 150x10, 160x10, 170x10, 170x10

Cable rope tricep extensions (5 second negatives) 150x10, 150x10, 150x10, 150x10

I started off really working my back hard... single arm cable rows are tough because this is the cable area with all the tension on the cable... i got up to 110x10 on this and I superset with standing dumbbell simotaneous back extensions... I set a PR on this at 90x10...

Next I did free weight dips... I load three 45 plates on my legs and set up a two benches to do these dips on... I got up to 25 reps with 135 lbs. on my legs on this... My triceps look crazy on these... I superset with overhead medicine ball power throws...

Next I did single arm inverted grip rotary lat pulldowns... the machine only goes to 250 so i added 55lbs. extra to get to 305 x10 on these... i superset with diamond grip tricep pushups on the medicine ball... I added 5 to each set from what i normally do and did sets of 30...

Next I did the bodymaster overhead tricep extension and got up to 190x10... I superset this with lower back extensions with a 45lb. plate...

Next I did simotaneous cable lat pulldowns while seated on the ground... I got up to 170x10 on these...

I finished with cable rope tricep extension (5 second negatives) I did all 4 sets at 150x10...

This was a great workout for me today... I felt very strong and full of energy and was getting stronger as the workout progressed... I felt nice and lean and shredded and am definitely making good progress... I will just continue to work harder and harder each and every day! All feedback appreciated!!
Day 60 - Big Chest and Biceps Day!

Today I felt really good when I woke up... A lot of the soreness I had been feeling was gone and that was a great feeling... I'm on day four of forged joint repair so I believe that its starting to really kick in and its showing to be a nice help...

Cardio was great today... My endurance is feeling really strong right now and I love that... I started with the elliptical for 7.75 miles on level 8 for 60 minutes... I finished with 8 sets up up downs- 25 each set... 8 sets of up-downs is quite a bit and I was definitely feeling it after these... I was definitely pumped up to hit the weights though!

Today was chest and biceps and I had an excellent workout!

Bench press: 225x10, 225x10, 230x10, 235x10

Dumbbell bench press (5 second negatives) - 75x10, 75x10, 75x10, 80x10
Bodymaster vertical pec machines - 120x10, 120x10, 130x10, 140x10

TRX band push ups - 15, 15, 15, 15 30 second rests

Dumbbell simotaneous side arm curls - 55x10, 55x10, 55x10, 55x10
Single arm dumbbell curls - 70x10, 75x10, 75x10, 80x10

Cloe grip inverted bar curl - 75x10, 75x10, 75x10, 75x10

Cable straight bar curl - 185x10, 185x10, 185x10, 185x10

So today I did things a bit differently... Instead of mixing my two body parts together throughout, i isolated both of them to really burn them all out as much as possible...

I started with the bench press... I felt good and strong and maintained my PR weight of 235x10...

Next I went to dumbbell bench press negatives and the bodymaster vertical pec machine... After doing those heavy bench presses and then doing a really heavy negative dumbbell bench, my chest was definitely feeling it... I got up to 80 x10 on the negatives and I STILL managed a PR on the vertical pec machine at 140x10...

I immediately went to the TRX bands and did 4 sets of 15 band pushups with only 30 second rests... I was definitely happy the chest portion of the workout was over because I was definitely feeling it!!

Next I did simotaneous dumbbell side arm curls and single arm dumbbell curls... When I do the simontanous side arm curls, my vasuclarity is crazy... I love them just for that! They are very tough though and were a great start to the biceps portion... I set a PR on my single arm dumbbell curls of 80 x10... This was a big PR for me...

Next I did close grip inverted bar curls... I did all four sets at 75 x10 and I really felt that this exercise worked my biceps very nicely...

I finished with straight bar cable curls... I had to add a 35lb. free weight to the cables and did all four sets at 185 x10... This was a great finish to an excellent workout...

I was very happy with my strength and endurance today... I am feeling very strong and energized... I am starting pct on Sunday and I want to go into it with as much progress as possible and I will do everything I can to hold on to and add to my progress through pct as well... This was an excellent workout and I am very pleased with my continued progress... I will not settle for anything less... I do everything I can to make some sort of progress everyday... All feedback appreciated!!
Day 61 - Hittin the shoulders hard!

Today was a bit different for me... I had to get up at 4 a.m. because I had a lot to do today so I was a bit tired this morning. I had a little soreness in my elbow today as well but it subsided as the day went on. I had a scoop of ntkts and a dose of power chews pre workout this morning and I was ready to go when I got to the gym...

Cardio went very well today... I started off on the stairclimber for 7.25 miles on level 13 for 50 minutes... Then I went to the elliptical for 2.5 miles on level 8 for 20 minutes and I finished with 4 sets of up downs, 25 each set... I was feeling really good after cardio and ready to tear it up on the weights...

Today was shoulders and traps and was a very strong day for me...

Superset: Smith machine shoulder press - 235x10, 235x10, 240x10, 240x10
Dumbbell straight arm lateral raise holds - 25 x 40sec., 25x40sec, 25x40sec, 30x40sec

Superset: Seated dumbbell straight arm single arm cross body shoulder extension - 35x10, 40x10, 40x10, 45x10
Seated dumbbell single-arm external rotator - 40x10, 40x10, 45x10, 45x10

Superset: Smith machine single arm shrugs - 185x10, 185x10, 185x10, 190x10
Dumbbell simotaneous bent arm lateral raise - 50x10, 50x10, 50x10, 55x10

Standing straight arm simotaneous dumbbell rear delt - 25x10, 25x10, 25x10, 25x10

Dumbbell face down incline simotaneous straight arm forward lateral raise - 40x10, 40x10, 40x10, 40x10

I started off today just going right after my shoulders... I started with the smith machine shoulder press and got up to 240x10... I did not get up to my previous PR of 245 x 10 but I am certain that had to do with the fact that I was supersetting dumbbell simotaneous lateral raise holds and I extended my hold time from 30 seconds to 40 seconds on each hold... That was so fcking tough... my veins were popping out all over my body... 40 seconds to hold 25 and 30 lb. dumbbells with a straight arm laterally is so difficult especially when supersetting with that heavy of a smith machine shoulder press... My shoulders were definitely feeling it after this but I wanted to continue to get after them...

Next I superset seated dumbbell straight arm single arm cross body shoulder extensions with seated dumbbell single arm external rotators... I set a PR on cross body shoulder extensions at 45 x10 and also did 45 x 10 on the external rotators... my shoulders were feeling it like crazy after these...

Next I superset single arm smith machine shrugs and bent arm dumbbell lateral raises... I set a PR on single arm smith machine shrugs at 190 x10 and got up to 55x10 on bent arm lateral raises...

Next I did straight arm standing dumbbell rear delts... these definitely worked the traps and delts well...

I finished with incline face down straight arm forward lateral raises... these are very difficult but were a great way to finish the workout... I got up to 40x10 on these... I felt great after this workout and you could really see some nice size in my shoulders and traps... I was very happy with this workout...

I am feeling very good with the progress from this cycle... Tomorrow is my last day on cycle and post cycle therapy (pct) will begin on Sunday... I will have final cycle pics this weekend... I am very happy with what I have been able to accomplish so far and I am looking forward to adding to this progress through post cycle therapy (pct) and into my sarms stack... I will keep pushing harder and harder to not only maintain but to add to these great gains and progress... All feedback appreciated!
Still going strong bro, and I like the Powerchews PWO stacked with N2KTS...that is the combo I am switching to this coming week...how were the pumps with this combo? I like the effect N2 Amp and Powerchews PWO have, after a workout I am so blown up it's crazy!!!
Still going strong bro, and I like the Powerchews PWO stacked with N2KTS...that is the combo I am switching to this coming week...how were the pumps with this combo? I like the effect N2 Amp and Powerchews PWO have, after a workout I am so blown up it's crazy!!!

it was pretty fucking sweet bro... it was definitely the extra push i needed getting up that early in the morning! i am really liking the power chews... sometimes after extended use, the pre workout powders just fuck my stomach up but the power chews do not do that as much to me so I really like them...
Day 63 + 64 - PCT Begins + NEW PICS!!

So this an update for yesterday and today... I began post cycle therapy (pct) today... Here is my complete post cycle therapy (pct) layout...

clomid 25/12.5/12.5/12.5
post cycle/unleashed combo
Ostarine (mk2866)
Americell Labs TREN NDS
lean xtreme
forma stanzol
creatine nitrate

I am not only expecting an excellent recovery but I am expecting to continue to add to my gains and this post cycle therapy (pct) will lead me into a SARMS bridge stack...

So today was a cardio day only... I did the stairclimber for 9.5 miles on level 11 for 75 min and the elliptical for 2 miles on level 8 for 15 minutes... This is my typical Sunday cardio day...

Yesterday I was extremely happy with the workout... My cardio was the best part of yesterday because I was finally able to run without any pain in my shins... I was extremely pleased about this... I started running 6 miles at 8.0 mph for 45 minutes... Then I went to the stairclimber for 2.25 miles on level 13 for 15 minutes and finished with the elliptical for 2 miles on level 8 for 15 minutes... I was feeling great and ready to tear it up with my lifting...

My workout was back and triceps and it was very strong...

Superset: single arm rotary upper back - 250x10, 260x10, 260x10, 275x10
hanging dips - 30, 30, 30, 30

Tripleset: Barbell lay down overhead tricep extension - 95x10, 95x10, 100x10, 105x10
Standing dumbbell simotaneous tricep kicks - 65x10, 70x10, 70x10, 70x10
lower back extensions - 45x12, 45x12, 45x12

Superset: cable cross simotaneous tricep extension - 70x10, 70x10, 70x10, 70x10
cable simotaneous straight arm back pull over - 70x10, 70x10, 70x10, 75x10

Superset: standing lat pulldown - 180x10, 190x10, 200x10, 200x10
overhead medicine ball power throw - 25, 25, 25

Cable lay down back extension - 150x10, 150x10, 150x10, 150x10

I started off on the rotary upper back machine with single arm back extensions... Max weight on the machine is 250 but I added an extra 25 lb. plate to the machine and set a PR on this at 275x10... I superset with manual dips at 30 each set... 30 dips is very tough to do especially on supersets... My triceps were definitely feeling it...

Next was a triple set... I started with laydown overhead barbell tricep extensions... I usually do this with a curl bar so it was different with a barbell but it felt more effective to me doing it this way... I got up to 105 x 10... Next i did dumbbell simotaneous tricep kicks... I got up to 70x10 on these and I finished the triple set with back extensions with a 45lb. plate...

Next superset started with cross arm simotaneous cable tricep extensions... These are very tough and I got up to 70x10 on these... I superset with simotaneous cable straight arm back pullovers... These really worked my back and I will definitely be doing these more in my workouts... I got up to 75x10...

Next superset started with standing lat pulldowns... I like to do these standing at least once a month to get a little different way of hitting my back... I got up to 200x10... I superset with overhead medicine ball power throws... I did all three sets for 25 reps...

I finished with lay down cable back extensions... I got up to 150 x10 on these and felt great after the workout...

I really felt great after this workout and am just so pleased with what I accomplished on this cycle... Now it is time for post cycle therapy (pct) and I will go as hard as I possibly can to not only keep my gains but to add to them... I am posting my final pics from this 8 week cycle... I added 10 lbs. and my body fat is nearly the same... I am just trying to lower my body fat right down to 6% or a bit under... I am almost there and I will be very happy but I will still have work to do to make some improvements... I am just going to keep pushing harder and harder and make as much progress as I can... All feedback appreciated!!
Day 65 - PCT Day 2

So today I felt great when I woke up... I always tend to feel really good during pct with just an abundance of energy... My muscles have been a bit sore lately but otherwise I am feeling great... I feel full of energy and very strong...

Cardio today was great... I started with a 6 mile run at 8.0 mph for 45 minutes... Then I did the elliptical for 3.25 miles on level 8 for 25 minutes... I finished with the bike for 3 miles on level 8 for 10 minutes... I was definitely feeling great after cardio today...

So today was the time for my lifting cycle to switch... Every 8 weeks I alternate the body parts that I am working together throughout the week... Today was chest and triceps...

Superset: Dumbbell incline - 100x10, 105x10, 105x10, 110x10
Standing dumbbell overhead tricep extension - 110x10, 110x10, 110x10, 115x10

Incline dumbbell arnold flies - 80x10, 80x10, 80x10, 80x10

TRX band tricep extensions - 15, 15, 15, 15 30 second rests

Hammer strength iso lateral bench press - 200x10, 200x10, 200x10, 210x10

Superset: Bodymaster dips - 250x10, 250x10, 250x10, 250x10
Diamond grip tricep pushups on medicine ball - 30, 30, 30, 30

Inverted dumbbell bench press - 85x10, 85x10, 85x10, 85x10

I started today with dumbbell inclines... I was a bit sore the first two sets but by the time I got to the last set, I was feeling very strong... I did 110x10, which was my previous PR but I really believe I could have gone higher... I superset with dumbbell overhead tricep extensions... I got up to 115x10...

Next I did incline dumbbell arnold flies... I did all four sets at 80 x10... I felt this was very impressive, especially with what I just did on my previous superset...

I immediately went to the TRX bands for tricep extensions... I lengthened the bands and that made for a more elongated extension, which really made this brutal... I do sets of 15 with only 30 second rests... My triceps were feeling it after this...

Next I went to the hammer strength iso lateral bench press... I normally don't do the hammer strength bench press but I wanted to mix it in for some different movements and it was definitely a nice addition.... I got up to 210x10...

The next superset I did was tough... I did bodymaster dips at 250x10, which is max weight on the machines and superset with diamond grip tricep pushups on the medicine ball... I did all sets for 30 and my triceps were completely done for the day after this... I really got a nice pump on them today...

I finished with inverted dumbbell bench presses... I did all four sets at 85 x10, which was very impressive to finish on and especially after what I just put my triceps through... This was an excellent workout today and I was extremely pleased with how it went...

I am feeling really good about where I am at progress wise... I plan on tearing some $hit up in PCT and adding to my gains... I am one that enjoys PCT because I get so energized... I will do everything I can to continue to make progress throughout and then I have a fcking sweet SARMS bridge set up for after PCT... I will make sure to keep pushing as hard as I can and getting every bit out of this that I can! All feedback appreciated!!
Day 66 - PCT Day 3

Today I felt great when I woke up... I feel very energized and very light... My body is still a bit sore but otherwise I am feeling really good...

Cardio was great today... I started with a 6 mile at 8.0 mph for 45 minutes... Then I did the stairclimber for 2.25 miles on level 13 for 15 minutes... I finished with the elliptical for 2 miles on level 8 for 15 minutes... I definitely sweat a lot but I was feeling really good after cardio and ready to get at the weights...

Today was shoulders and biceps...

Superset: Standing barbell shoulder press - 145x10, 150x10, 150x10, 155x10
Alternate arm dumbbell side arm hammer curls - 45x10, 50x10, 50x10, 55x10

Dumbbell simotaneous straight arm lateral raise up and in - 25x10, 25x10, 25x10, 25x10

Tripleset: Single arm over the knee dumbbell curl - 70x10, 75x10, 75x10, 80x10
Standing inverted grip bar shoulder press - 100x10, 110x10, 110x10, 110x10
Close grip curls - 105x10, 105x10, 105x10, 105x10

Standing shoulder free weight figure 8's - 45x10, 45x10, 45x10, 45x10

Cable single arm rope curl - 75x10, 75x10, 80x10, 85x10

I started with a superset of standing barbell shoulder presses and alternate arm dumbbell side arm hammer curls... I got up to 155x10 on standing barbell shoulder presses and up to 55 x10 on the curls... These were both very strong and I was very happy with the start of the workout....

Next was a very difficult exercise... Its a standing straight arm lateral raise but once you take your arms up for the lateral raise, then you take them on a line in and then back out and down... These were very difficult and I am definitely going to start incorporating these into my workouts more often...

Next I did a triple set... It started with single arm over the knee dumbbell curls... I got up to 80x10, which was a very nice accomplishment... I alternated that with standing bar inverted grip shoulder presses... These are akward but work the shoulders very nicely... I got up to 110x10... I alternated both of these with close grip curls... I got up to 105x10 on these... Those were very tough but had my biceps feeling great..

Next I did free weight shoulder figure 8's... These are awesome... They are very difficult but they worked my shoulders so nicely... I did these with a 45lb. plate... It can fatigue your shoulders but if you can push through as I did, they are so beneficial...

I finished with single arm cable rope curls... I got up to 85 x10 on these and it was a great finish to my workout...

This was a really great workout... My strength was great throughout as well as my endurance and energy... I feel nice and light but am maintaining my weight... I am definitely cutting up more and that just puts me in such a better mind set... I am very happy with how things are going and will do everything I can to ensure that continuous progress is being made... I am pushing harder and harder everyday... All feedback appreciated!!
Day 68 - PCT Day 5

Sorry for the missed update yesterday... I got a nasty headache later in the day and just was not up to staring at the computer any longer than I had to... I still had the fcking headache today and my body was a bit sore for a while as well... I'm not sure why I have been experiencing soreness and tightness lately... I am pretty sure I need a massage and am definitely going to get one soon...

Cardio today was strong... I started with a 2 mile run at 8.0 mph for 15 minutes... Then I did the elliptical for 5.5 miles on level 8 for 45 minutes and finished on the stairclimber for 2.25 miles on level 13 for 15 minutes... My endurance has been excellent lately... My shins are still giving me problems every now and then so I have to take a day or two in between runs and had to stop earlier than I wanted because I wanted to preserve my shins for my longer runs the rest of the week... I just simply love to run and I shred so much running so I want to be able to do it as much as possible...

Today was chest and triceps and was a very strong workout...

Bench press - 225x10, 225x10, 230x10, 235x10

Superset: Barbell overhead tricep extension - 95x10, 100x10, 105x10, 110x10
Hammer grip dumbbell bench press - 90x10, 90x10, 90x10, 90x10

Superset: Dumbbell arnold bench press - 90x10, 90x10, 90x10, 90x10
Single-arm dumbbell tricep kicks - 60x10, 70x10, 75x10, 75x10

Alternate arm bodymaster pec machine - 100x10, 100x10, 100x10, 100x10

Straight bar cable tricep extension - 185x10, 185x10, 185x10, 185x10

Single-arm cable hammer grip tricep extension - 60x10, 65x10, 70x10, 70x10

I started with bench press and was able to hit my previous PR at 235x10... I felt strong on the last set... Everytime I bench, the first set is a bit difficult but by the time I get to the last set I always feel like I could do more...

Next I superset overhead tricep extensions and hammer grip dumbbell bench press... Doing barbell overhead tricep extensions is kind of awkward but it hits the triceps very nicely... I got up to 90x10 on hammer grip dumbbell bench which is very strong...

I was impress with the next superset because I was able to do arnold bench presses at 90x10 all four sets after doing all the other very heavy chest exercises... It was tough but I was able to do all four sets at this weight... I also got up to 75x10 on single arm tricep kicks which is very strong weight...

Next I did the pec machine with alternate arms... I felt like this was much more effective than doing both arms at the same time or single arm sets... When you alternate arms it just tears your chest up in a good way... I will be doing this more often...

Next I did cable straight bar tricep extensions... I had to add 35 lbs. to the cable machine for these and they were tough but I did all four sets at 185x10...

I finished with single arm hammer grip tricep extensions... this was a great finish to the workout and I was able to get to 70x10...

This was a very strong workout and I am very pleased with how strong I am feeling... I feel very strong and my endurance is excellent... I feel light and shredded and am working hard to shred as much as possible... I am still not even close to where I want to be but I am definitely headed in the right direction... I will just continue to work as hard as I can to make more progress each and every day... All feedback appreciated!
Day 69 PCT Day 6

So today I felt much better... No more headache and I felt full of energy... I waited to go the gym until I finished my dvr of the federer vs. djokovic wimbledon match and I was even more amped since Federer won... I am having some soreness in my left shoulder but otherwise I am feeling great and very strong and energized...

Cardio was great today... I started with a 6 mile run on 8.0 mph for 45 minutes... Then I did 10 sprints at 12.0 mph with 30 second rests in between... I finished with the elliptical for 2.5 miles on level 8 for 20 minutes... I was feeling absolutely great today and was definitely ready to hit the weights...

Today was shoulders and biceps and was a very strong workout...

Superset: Dumbbell incline simotaneous curls - 50x10, 50x10, 50x10, 55x10
Standing dumbbell shoulder press - 70x10, 70x10, 70x10, 70x10

Superset: Cable single arm straight arm lateral raise - 30x10, 35x10, 40x10, 40x10
Cable single arm curl - 80x10, 80x10, 80x10, 85x10

Superset: Cable lay down overhead curl - 150x10, 160x10, 160x10, 160x10
Cable inverted bar curl - 150x10, 150x10, 150x10, 150x10

Barbell single arm shoulder push - 70x10, 75x10, 75x10, 80x10

Seated free-weight straight arm shoulder pull over - 45x12, 45x12, 45x12, 45x12

I started off with a difficult superset... I got up to 55x10 on simotaneous incline dumbbell curls and I did standing dumbbell shoulder presses at 70x10... The standing dumbbell presses are very tough and really got me going...

Next I did my straight arm lateral raises on the cable machine to really isolate my shoulders and it was very beneficial... I got up to 40 x10... I superset with single arm curls and got up to 85x10...

Next superset really got my biceps going... I did lay down overhead curls superset with inverted grip bar curls... I had to add 10 extra pounds to the cable machine for the lay down curls and got up to 160x10... I did all four sets of inverted grip curls at 150x10...

The next set was by far the toughest and I was able to set a PR on it... Single arm barbell shoulder pushes are so beneficial and I got up to 80x10... I was very happy with this and it definitely had my shoulders looking very shredded...

I finished with seated straight arm free weight shoulder pull overs... I did all four sets with a 45 lb. plate and that completed an excellent workout...

I was very pleased with todays workout for many reasons... I felt the best I have felt in a very long time in terms of stamina and endurance... The entire workout from the beginning of cardio to the last rep or weights, I felt very strong and energized... I love days like this and just felt great... It has me already looking forward to tomorrows workout! I am loving the progress and will continue to push harder every day! All feedback appreciated!!
Day 70 - PCT Day 7

Today I felt great again when I woke up... I had a lot of energy and just an overall really good feeling... A lot of the soreness has gone away that I have been experiencing but I think I have hurt something in my left shoulder a bit... I have done the same thing many times when I lift really heavy on shoulders but hopefully when I start the tb-500 that will help me with it...

Cardio was great today... I started with the elliptical for 8 miles on level 8 for 60 minutes... Next I did 4 sets of up downs, 25 each set... Then I did a butt kick jump circuit... 8 sets of 25 with only 30 second rests in between... I finished with the bike for 3 miles on level 8 for 10 minutes... I was feeling great and definitely ready to hit the weights...

Today was back and traps and I went right after it!

Superset: Cable alternate arm bent arm lateral raise - 40x10, 40x10, 40x10, 40x10
Cable cross arm straight arm rear delt - 55x10, 60x10, 60x10, 60x10

Tripleset: Cable single arm straight arm hammer grip forward lateral raise - 35x10, 35x10, 40x10, 40x10
Standing dumbbell simotaneous back extension - 75x10, 80x10, 80x10, 85x10
Powerball overhead medicine ball throw - 25, 25, 25

Superset: Cable straight arm single arm back pull over - 80x10, 80x10, 80x10, 85x10
Rotary lat - 285x10, 285x10, 285x10, 285x10

Superset: Seated cable back row (5 second negatives)- 140x10, 140x10, 140x10, 140x10
Lower back extension - 45x12, 45x12, 45x12

Seated dumbbell shrugs - 130x10, 130x10, 130x10, 130x10

I started off with some very difficult exercises... The alternate arm cable bent arm lateral raises are no joke at all... It takes a lot of strength and stamina to do those and they isolate the traps so nicely... I got up to 40x10 on these... I superset with cable cross arm rear delts... These are very tough as well and I got up to 60x10 on these...

Next was a triple set... I started with single arm cable straight arm hammer grip forward lateral raises... These were very effective and I will be incorporating these more often... I superset with standing dumbbell back extensions and I got up to 85x10 and my back was feeling really good... I finished the triple set with overhead medicine ball power throws... I did all three sets for 25 each...

Next I did cable straight arm back pullovers and got up to 85x10... I superset with the rotary lat machine... I had to add an extra 35 lb. free weight to the machine and did all four sets at 285x10...

Next was a very difficult exercise... Cable rows with 5 second negatives... These shredded my back and were very effective... I did all four sets at 140 x10... I superset with lower back extensions...

I finished with seated dumbbell shrugs... I did all four sets at 130x10... It was a great finish to a very effective workout...

I am very pleased with the way pct is going... I am one week in now and have held steady at 201... My energy and endurance is just getting better and better and I am feeling really good... I will continue to work as hard as possible to not only maintain my gains but to be able to add to them as well... All feedback appreciated!!
Day 72 - PCT Day 9 INTENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today I felt great... I was feeling nice and light and full of energy... Very slight soreness in my shoulder but otherwise I felt great...

Cardio today was absolutely awesome... I started with a 6 mile run at 8.0 mph for 45 minutes... Then I went to the stairclimber for 2.25 miles on level 13 for 15 minutes... I finished with the elliptical for 2 miles on level 8 for 15 minutes... I was feeling wonderful and was ready to hit the weights hard today...

Today was chest and triceps and I had a new concept I wanted to try... This was one of the most intense and difficult workouts I have done in a very long time...

Basically this was based on supersets of the same exercise, utilizing negatives on the first set and then immediately raising to the weight and doing the set at a normal pace... This is designed to shock the muscles and to push them to another level...

Superset: Dumbbell incline (5 second negatives) - 80x10, 80x10, 80x10, 80x10
Dumbbell incline - 100x10, 100x10, 100x10, 100x10

Superset: Dumbbell incline flies (5 second negatives) - 65x10, 65x10, 65x10, 65x10
Dumbbell incline flies - 80x10, 80x10, 80x10, 80x10

Superset: Cable T-Bar tricep pushdowns (5 second negatives) - 150x10, 150x10, 150x10, 150x10
Cable T-Bar tricep pushdowns - 185x10, 185x10, 185x10, 185x10

Superset: Cable rope overhead tricep extensions ( 5 second negatives) - 120x10, 120x10, 120x10, 120x10
Cable rope overhead tricep extensions - 150x10, 150x10, 150x10, 150x10

As I said, this was new concept that I wanted to try and it was amazing... It was very difficult and I felt like I really accomplished a lot when I was finished... I am hoping to see some more muscle growth with incorporating this because it really was a shock to the muscles and pushed them to their limits...

The first superset was so difficult because I was doing big weight on these... The negatives, if done properly, are so difficult and doing them at 80bs on dumbbells on incline is already big weight but then immediately supersetting that with 100's is brutal... My chest was definitely feeling worked when I finished this set...

I decided to really push my chest and do the next superset with chest again... This proved to be very difficult but I was able to complete it... Dumbbell flies on the incline are tough... I superset negatives at 65x10 and did the normal flies at 80x10... This was amazing weight on these and I was happy that I accomplished it and I was also very happy the chest portion of the workout was complete...

I did t bar cable tricep pushdowns next... I did the negatives at the cables max weight of 150 and I added a 35lb. plate for the regular pushdowns... My triceps were looking amazing after this set but they were definitely feeling it as well...

I finished with rope overhead tricep extensions... The negatives on these were amazing... I could just feel my triceps getting shredded on these... I was able to do the regular overhead extensions at 150x10 and was just feeling amazing that I was able to do this workout...

To be able to do this intense of a workout, especially in post cycle therapy (pct) is simply amazing... I am thrilled with this workout and will be incorporating this in from time to time just to shock my muscles and to push them to a new level... I am very happy with the progress I am making right now and just feel great... I am going to continue to push harder and harder and try to make as much progress as possible each and every day... I love it! All feedback appreciated!!
Day 73 - PCT Day 10 HUGE INTENSITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today I felt great when I woke up... I did have some soreness in my chest from all the negatives from the day before but that was minimal... I felt very light and shredded and my vascularity has been amazing... I really felt great today...

Cardio was great today... I started with a 6 mile run at 8.0 mph for 45 minutes... Next I did the elliptical for 3.25 miles on level 8 for 25 minutes... I finished on the bike for 3.25 miles on level 8 for 10 minutes... I felt great after cardio and I was ready to hit the weights hard today...

So I decided that I was going to do the same type of workout I did yesterday with all of the negatives incorporated... This proved to be one of the most hardcore workouts I've done in such a long time.. This workout was shoulders and traps and I was ready to get after it!!

Superset: Seated dumbbell shoulder press ( 5 second negatives) - 65x10, 65x10, 65x10, 65x10
Seated dumbbell shoulder press - 80x10, 80x10, 80x10, 80x10

Superset: Standing dumbbell simotaneous straight arm lateral raise (5 second negatives) - 25x10, 25x10, 25x10, 25x10
Standing dumbbell simotaneous straight arm lateral raise - 40x10, 40x10, 40x10, 40x10

Superset: Seated dumbbell simotaneous side arm curls ( 5 second negatives) - 25x10, 25x10, 25x10, 25x10
Seated dumbbell simotaneous side arm curls - 40x10, 40x10, 40x10, 40x10

Superset: Cable bar curl (5 second negatives) - 120x10, 120x10, 120x10, 120x10
Cable bar curl - 150x10, 150x10, 150x10, 150x10

Considering what I did for a workout yesterday, the fact I was able to do a similar type today was a major accomplishment... The way that I felt while doing this was amazing and the weight I was able to push through was awesome...

I started with the very difficult dumbbell shoulder press negatives and superset with regular dumbbell shoulder presses... I thought being able to do negatives with 65 lb dumbbells and supersetting with 80's was fcking amazing... I was definitely feeling it after this set...

The next superset was so difficult and had my shoulders looking so incredible that I just stared and smiled... I was so happy when I completed this superset because it was so damn hard... Straight arm dumbbell lateral raises on negatives is one of those exercises that burns you out quickly, yet i pushed through and made it... I was feeling sore after this but my stamina was awesome and I was ready for biceps...

Next I did a superset of seated dumbbell simotaneous side arm curls... I really worked my biceps hard on these and did some high quality curls... My biceps were burning on the negatives and the veins that I was showing on the negatives and the regular set was amazing... They were popping out all over the place...

I finished with a bar curl superset on the cable... I did the negatives at 120 and the regular ones at the full cable weight of 150... This was ripping my biceps up but they looked fcking great when I was done...

This workout was one of the most intense workouts I have done in a very long time... I am absolutely thrilled with my results and my motivation, energy and strength is at a very strong point right now... I am always motivated but I just can't wait to get back in the gym everyday... I love this so much and I love the progress that I am making... I just try to get better each and every day... All feedback appreciated!!
Day 74 - PCT Day 11 INCREDIBLE INTENSITY!!!!!!!!

Today I felt great when I woke up... I felt nice and light and my body just felt great... My muscle shape was looking excellent and vascularity was awesome! I am very happy with the progress being made...

Cardio was excellent today... I started with a 6 mile run on 8.0 mph for 45 minutes... Then I went to the stairclimber for 2.25 miles on level 13 for 15 minutes... I finished with the elliptical for 2 miles on level 8 for 15 minutes... I was feeling good and ready to hit the weights hard today...

So today I wanted to complete all my body parts with the negatives routine I have been doing... This proved to be extremely difficult as back is very tough, especially doing negatives but when I was done, I felt great about what I had accomplished... Today was back and traps and I was determined to work as hard as I possibly could and I did that and more today!

Superset: Lat pulldown (5 second negatives) - 150x10, 150x10, 160x10, 160x10
Lat pulldown - 210x10, 210x10, 210x10, 210x10

Tripleset: Dorsiflexor back extension (5 second negatives) - 225x10, 225x10, 225x10, 225x10
Dorsiflexor back extension - 300x10, 300x10, 300x10, 300x10
Overhead medicine power ball throws - 25, 25, 25

Tripleset: Curl bar high row (5 second negatives) - 70x10, 70x10, 70x10, 70x10
Curl bar high row - 105x10, 105x10, 105x10, 105x10
lower back extension - 45x12, 45x12, 45x12

Superset: Cable cross arm bent arm lateral raise (5 second negatives) - 30x10, 30x10, 30x10, 30x10
Cable cross arm bent arm lateral raise - 50x10, 50x10, 50x10, 50x10

I started off with lat pulldowns... The negatives really shaped my back nicely and I really felt I got a lot out of this superset... It was a nice way to start the workout... It was difficult but very effective...

The next tripleset was the most difficult of the workout... The dorsiflexor back extension machine negatives were tough... They required so much strength and effort to complete but I pushed through them and I was doing a very strong weight on both the negatives and normal exercise... I also added the overhead medicine ball power throws to the set which are always utilized in my back workouts...

Next I did curl bar high rows... The negatives had my traps looking awesome and the normal sets were done at a very high weight and were very effective... I also superset with lower back extensions... This was a great triple set and I was feeling really good after it...

I finished with cable cross arm bent arm lateral raises... The negatives felt really good on this exercise as I could just feel my traps getting more shredded... I love doing bent arm lateral raises this way because it is nearly impossible to cheat and the movement really works the traps nicely... This was a strong finish to a very strong workout...

I really felt like I accomplished a lot today and feel extremely good about implementing this negatives routine into my workout... I feel like it is adding awesome shape to my muscles and definitely adds muscular endurance... I am very happy with the progress being made and am working as hard as I possibly can to make progress everyday!! All feedback appreciated!!
Day 75 - PCT Day 12

So last night I started to get a sore throat and I woke up this morning with it and I felt like $hit... My back was sore from all the negatives yesterday and not feeling good only enhanced that feeling... A lot of times when I have a cold like this I have great workouts and that held true for today's workout...

Cardio was great today... I started with a 6 mile run on 8.0 mph for 45 minutes... Then I did the stairclimber for 2.25 miles on level 13 for 15 minutes... I finished with the elliptical for 2 miles on level 8 for 15 minutes... I was feeling really good after cardio and ready to get after the weights hard!

Today was chest and triceps and even though I was not feeling good I was determined to push as hard as I could...

Bench press: 225x10, 225x10, 225x10, 230x10

Superset: Dumbbell alternate arm hammer grip bench press - 80x10, 80x10, 80x10, 80x10
Lay down close grip curl bar overhead tricep extension - 105x10, 105x10, 105x10, 105x10

Superset: Bodymaster pec machine (5 second negatives) - 100x10, 100x10, 100x10, 110x10
Cable single arm hammer grip tricep extensions - 70x10, 70x10, 70x10, 75x10

Superset: Bodymaster dips - 250x10, 250x10, 250x10, 250x10
Diamond grip tricep pushups on medicine ball - 30, 30, 30, 30

Inverted grip rotary chest - 145x10, 145x10, 145x10, 160x10

My body was definitely sore as I started with bench press today and I could definitely feel it on the first few sets but it worked itself out pretty quickly... It was not my strongest bench day but I still did 230x10 and was feeling a bit stronger after this set...

Next was a very difficult superset... I started with alternate arm hammer grip dumbbell bench presses... I got up to 80x10 which I feel is impressive, especially considering I went straight to it after bench presses... I superset with close grip lay down overhead tricep extensions... My triceps were feeling great after this set...

Next I went to the pec machine and did negatives on it... I could just feel my chest getting shredded on these... I really feel there is excellent benefit with negatives on this movement... I superset with hammer grip single arm tricep extensions... I like the hammer grip because it really hits the triceps nicely... It is the toughest grip to do tricep extensions so I like to utilize this movement in my workout...

The next superset was tough especially since it was towards the end of the workout... I started with bodymaster dips... I did all four sets at 250x10, which is the max weight of the machine... I superset with diamond grip tricep pushups on the medicine ball... The veins that I saw on this were absolutely amazing... This was a very tough set and was a great finish to the tricep portion of the workout...

I finished with the rotary chest machine with an inverted grip... Its always tough to do chest movements with an inverted grip... I got up to 160x10 and felt great about the workout...

This was a very nice workout today... I am so happy that I was able to accomplish so much today feeling the way that I did... I refuse to ever waste a day knowing there is always progress to be made... I am also attaching a leg pic since I have been bad about posting these during my cycle... All feedback appreciated!!
Day 76 - PCT Day 13

Today I overslept a bit so I was a little tired this morning but I ended up snapping out of it pretty quickly... I felt much better than I did yesterday in terms of having a cold and I was ready to have a great workout...

Cardio was great today... I started with a 6 mile run at 8.0 mph for 45 minutes... Next I did the stairclimber for 2.25 miles on level 13 for 15 minutes... I finished with the elliptical for 2 miles on level 8 for 15 minutes... I felt great after cardio and was ready to hit the weights hard!

Today was shoulders and biceps and I was ready to make some good progress today...

Superset: Smith machine shoulder press - 235x10, 235x10, 235x10, 240x10
Dumbbell standing alternate arm curls - 50x10, 55x10, 60x10, 65x10

Superset: Seated single arm straight arm cross boy shoulder extensions - 35x10, 35x10, 40x10, 40x10
Standing free weight figure 8's - 45x10, 45x10, 45x10, 45x10

Superset: Alternate arm dumbbell hammer curls - 70x10, 70x10, 70x10, 75x10
Dumbbell simotaneous side arm hammer curls - 45x10, 45x10, 45x10, 45x10

Bodymaster shoulder press hammer grip - 250x10, 250x10, 250x10, 250x10

Cable rope curl - 185x10, 185x10, 185x10, 185x10

I started off with a superset of smith machine shoulder presses and alternate arm dumbbell curls... I was a little sore to start with but by the third set of shoulder presses, I was feeling very strong... I got up to 240x10... I got up to 65x10 on alternate arm dumbbell curls and both my shoulders and biceps were feeling very strong...

The next superset had my shoulders looking fking great... The single arm cross arm straight arm dumbbell shoulder extensions are just tough... They work the shoulders very hard... I got up to 40 x10... The standing shoulder figure 8's with a 45 lb. plate are so tough but they work so well... I couldn't believe how my shoulders looked while I was doing these... I see so much progress from this movement... Its a great exercise...

Next I did alternate arm dumbbell hammer curls and simotaneous dumbbell side arm hammer curls... I got up to 75 x 10 on alternate arm hammer curls and was very happy with that weight for alternate arms... That's a pretty sweet weight to be at for that exercise... The simotaneous side arm hammer curls are great for shaping the biceps and I got up to 45x10 on these...

Next I did the bodymaster machine shoulder presses with a hammer grip... I did the machine max weight on all four sets at 250x10... This was a very strong finish to the shoulder portion of the workout...

I finished with cable rope curls... I had to add a 35lb. weight to the cables and did all four sets at 185x10... I could feel my biceps shredding on these and was just very happy with the way this workout went...

I really can see so much difference in how shredded I am getting all over... I absolutely love the vascularity I am seeing and the strength is great... So far, post cycle therapy (pct) has been great and I am pushing as hard as I can to continue making progress everyday... I am loving this cycle and all of the progress being made... All feedback appreciated!!