Epileptic on TRT personal journal

Back day so I wanted a picture pumped up. I've never posed or had a double mirror. Poor lighting but I love my taper! Deer roast with potatoes and veggies in the slow cooker tonight!! God it feels good to have testosterone again!!! IMT!!! IMT!!!

I need a very calorie dense and affordable carb source. I thought oat meal. It keeps me full. Will whole grain rice do the same thing? I've thought about using just enough water to swallow more oatmeal but had a flash of puking it up because it swelled up. I'm eating a couple pieces of f***t a day but have been slipping on my veggies. Eating more food isn't a time problem. It's a volume vs physical discomfort. I ate 4 oz roast roughly, two cups potatoes and carrots with a biscuit and butter. Fitness Pal says 378 calories. I couldn't eat that 8 times a day to make calories. I can eat a PB sandwhich for 480 and still have room for a glass of milk at about 300 and not be full for 6 hours. Damn fiber or something. I dont know if your stomach shrinking has any truth but it seems like it. Im using fats and foods with fats. Not intentionally they just having the best calorie for volume. Wrecking my ldl/hdl and such I'm sure. I've also been getting in 4 quart jars of water a day. The app shows I'm getting a lot of fat. Busy days I'll add butter to PB and mayo to sandwhices and milk. All high fat.

I searched appetite stimulation and GHRP-2 came up but I'm not on that yet. Peptides are definitely tempting but I'm finding my levels. I'm already 3 variables deep with TRT and I also added exercise and diet changes. I feel great but I dont like big swings with mt epilepsy.

On that note. I had a couple auroas/pre seizure feeling at the beginning bitbmy calories were still very low somedays. I self doses meds. Now I have actually forgot them a couple times and have had no symptoms. My epilepsy thread has references saying controlling excess estrogen lowers seizures and testosterone replacement helps across the board. Quality of life, mood, mental function, sexual function and I believe more tolerant to physical exertion. I've misses my meds focused on work but then my short term memory problem has me forget them. I've stopped everything the last couple days and taken them. I'm thinking of shifting my morning alarm an hour later. Less going on. Increases work, lifting and misses doses would have had me getting auroas. Mine are a feeling of de-ja-vu.
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Very good progress and work. Continue to excel and move forward. I can relate to ***8220;not sweating the small stuff***8221; and having more patience with the kids.
Looking good bud. Sounds like you have all the pieces in place, now just need to start cramming down more food.
I'm trying to ease up on fat intake and get over to more carbs. I was by a GNC and stopped in to see what they had for carb supplements. My wife went on a medical weight koas program and I read the ingredient list. Carb concentrate, protien powder amd vitamin powder. Shits way expensive bur if they can get maltodextrin powder I can get a longer acting carb powder im bulk. Add 2 scoops to my oatmeal and get 300 calories over 150. Ill definitely look for them online. GNC prices are for suckaz!!! Haha I'll find some complex carb supp online and not pay $1 per scoop.

I did buy some DIM. My nipple soreness is becoming a constant again. Already knew it was very likely starting TRT. I run a higher estrogen level even with low T. Doctor mentioned DIM and I figured I get it while I remembered. Now I'll have it, run low and reorder some offline.

I read journals and getting info can be an interrogation sometimes. I would rather ramble and give to much. I've also read a couple pages into a thread just for the OP to never update. I hate that. I think I'm about where I'll be sitting hormonally so maybe DIM will drop it and I won't need more ana. They are 100mg. Taking 1 a day. I think I seen a veteran member say 200mg a day? I plan on searching wholesale powder down. Unless it doesn't store well or something.

Ate a double whopper running errands. Large. It's like 1500 calories. Guts ain't been right since then. Stuff is a "pasteurized processed food like product"! I left home with a PB sandwich and an apple but errands took a while. Figured I slam some calories. Should have gotten subway or something a little better.

I'm up about 1/2 a pound since I've upped calories and make them everyday. Really I'm going to treat these next 2 months like a cycle. I have 4 weeks lifting. Im going hard now. Negatives, drop sets and partials. I'll have the highest test levels I will. I'm just assuming Ill have to drop test dosage. Completely ignorant uneducated guess of 160-170mg a week. Slightly high dose due to elevated SHBG and my liver sending it to my bladder from my medication sides and elevated liver enzymes. A dance between TT sides and good free T with increase aromiatization. Quantified data and reduction of variables to make logical informed decisions. I'll take a lower test level long term over labs staying on the high side for the next 30 years. If I ever get that concerned with mass or strength I'll blast something. My goals are not unachievable in TRT. I also take into account my levels stay higher 24 hours a day compared to daily fluctuations of truly natural test. What percentage improved recovery I get I don't know.
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Waxy maize starch anyone? Works out to about $0.20 per serving/40-45 g/150-180 calories. Mixed with water.
Stay away from maltodextrin, it is just chains of glucose molecules. Like mainlining straight glucose, and will spike your blood sugar big time. It is also perhaps the single cheapest bulk supplement you can buy, insanely cheap. It is probably the highest glycemic index you can find.

Waxy maize is similar in that it is chains of glucose molecules, but it takes your body a bit longer to break them down. Very similar to eating a piece of bread, or potato, or rice. Messy stuff to deal with, essentially fancy corn starch.

I like bagels, so came to the conclusion I'd rather eat a bagel or apple than bulk supplements for carbs.
Top picture is me at about 160-162lbs. I finally got off Keppra and was shuffling though meds that didn't stop seizures, had allergic reactions to, began Steven Johnson syndrom (?skin issues) but didn't mess with my tits or anything. Kinda lifting. Not regularly at all.

Middle was this morning at 154.8lbs.

Bottom is very close to when I started. Low 140s. I've been down to the 130s once and looked sick. Like cancer or something.
And yeah Tankman I don't want sugars!! If Ibwant to spike my blood sugar I'll eat sugar. Steady state nutrients is my goal. I don't even try carb games at workout. I'm already eating very close to it.
Top picture is me at about 160-162lbs. I finally got off Keppra and was shuffling though meds that didn't stop seizures, had allergic reactions to, began Steven Johnson syndrom (?skin issues) but didn't mess with my tits or anything. Kinda lifting. Not regularly at all.

Middle was this morning at 154.8lbs.

Bottom is very close to when I started. Low 140s. I've been down to the 130s once and looked sick. Like cancer or something.
looking like Brad Pritt in Snatch, well done. hey and can i ise that maiz starch to thicken my chinese sauces?
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looking like Brad Pritt im Snatch, well done.

I'll definitely accept any comparison to Brad Pitt in Snatch or Fight Club!! Haha

Added: Nov 5th. 6:23 am. No food, no coffee and took a shit. Standing 157.4lbs scale says 16.4% bodyfat. Hit over 3k all week and got about 3,300 per day this weekend.
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Weight and lifts have stabilized. I'm in the middle of week 8. Three workouts are roughly the same. Weight is not jumping up every time I step on the scale.

Feel good. Focus is better even if I'm focused on a distraction haha Stay on task is still a problem but whatever I'm doing I'm doing.

Patience is still better. Social anxiety is lower because I'm more confident but the "anxiety" hasn't went anywhere. POG PTSD. Not a base bunny I was all over but I wasn't out there banging the Flag door to door like a Jehova witness.

Sexual functions are back. I think a general decrease in fantasy, intense desire, erection strenght (excellent when it's needed. Ironwood!!), sensitivity and such is related to the benzo I'm on and possibly brain function. It still goes up and down on a delayed arch matched up with injections. With mildly sore and swollen nipples my E is high which can also have an effect. That'll be dealt with at labs. I went into this knowing I might have increased estrogen. It's only slightly worse than pre-TRT on the bad days and better than pre-TRT all the others.

My appetite is still going up. I'm making my calories easier. I graze tho. I don't eat 6 meals I eat something about 10 times a day. I'm thinking of bumping them up again. I'm lean enough I don't care about fat. I might be a minority but gaining bodyfat is irrelevant to me. Haha

Some bad things. I tried preloading hCG and ended up with varied doses and some were low. Supposed to be 25 on the slinn pin and its like 10. Its like a hCG lotto. Balls have shrunk some. Noticeably. I drew the short straw 3 injections in a row so I'm not surprised. Good shot today! Next preload I'm pulling from the vial for accuracy and will freeze the batch. I once shoved a safty pin through my tounge so a dull injection point sub q doesn't matter to me.

Figured I'd try out my vacuum pose on y'all! I think his name is Sergio Olivia? The picture is a "classic" black dude with his arms out with a vacuum. He looks like he should break in half!!! Well . . . My attempt at his pose!!
I've upped calories to 3500 a day. Weight is remaining the same. Been over 3k for about 2 weeks I think . . Lifts went up but Im going for more intensity now. This workout routine isn't just slower reps but 4 second up/down Maybe I need to do a whole body workout once a week/6 days off like he said in a recent video I watched. . . . But probably not. I'm not gonna argue with his results but based off muscle soreness once a week still happens but I get to work out 3 times a week. Anyway . . Slower reps I imagine my reps will drop. Adding negatives and drop sets. I think it's either relying on oatmeal and peanut butter sandwiches/ lack of veggies/diet or possibly training intensity. I eat apples, bananas, stir fry. But not salads. I'm not gaining weight so I'm not getting fat. 154.8 Sunday. Variation os probably less than 1/2 a pound. I figure if I was overeating to much I would be gaining fat. I've maintained lifting and my TT should be in the top of normal at the least. If Im not getting bigger I'm not eating enough. Even if training sucked I'd be getting fat from a surplus. The wife likes me smooth so I'll know my body fat is going up because she will "compliment" me. "You're eating better I cant see your ribs" . . .. . honey . . .they are abdominal muscles . . . Haha

I've watched nipple soreness. Be getting labs soon. After diving into researching increased aromatization on my med I kept seeing the mentioned p450 enzymes. . . .well . . . It aromatize androgens. This is from wiki so I never talk it as truly verified.

"Aromatase, also called*estrogen synthetaseor*estrogen synthase, is an*enzymeresponsible for a key step in the*biosynthesisof*estrogens. It is*CYP19A1, a member of thecytochrome P450*superfamily (EC1.14.14.1), which are*monooxygenases*that catalyze many reactions involved insteroidogenesis. In particular, aromatase is responsible for the*aromatization*ofandrogens*into*estrogens.*"

Several Google links specifically mentioned it and brain tissue. One place I don't want estrogen elevated since it lowers my seizure threshold which can and will make me have seizures. I never realized they were directly related lie that. I'm medication resistant so I'm stuck on benzo. Really a long term Benzo puts me into a nursing home with Alzheimer's. Benzo can also inhibit GH.

Article from Journal of Endocrinology .

"It is concluded that the inhibitory effect of diazepam on human GH secretion is mediated via inhibition of dopaminergic transmission, whereas the ***945;-adrenergic control of GH release is not affected. Since diazepam potentiates GABAergic transmission, its effect may reflect the role of endogenous GABA in human GH secretion. (J Clin "

That leaves me actually wondering about peptides but it also add a new dimension. Does the peptide act on the pathway my medication inhibits. . . .

Another pic. I dont see a difference but you all might.
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Scale has read 162-163lbs all week. Scale read 17% bf right before picture. Based on appearance Im as big muscle mass wise as I've been in years!!! Same weight but leaner.

I've noticed my gyno shows more but my pecs are getting bigger and im gaining some body fat. My pants are also getting tighter around my thighs. I did a drop set of DB flies w/press and my nipples just hung on my pumped up muscles. My shirts are tighter around my shoulders/chest and arms.

Get a blood test scheduled soon and see where my levels are at.

In March the VA is gonna cut my tits off!! No training for a while post-op but it'll be good to get rid of them. Feeling them jiggle when I go up and down stairs or mow the lawn sucks.

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