Infection's First Cycle

good luck with that dude. I have never heard of exemestane. Did you quit running the aro?

Exemestane is aromasin, it's just the trade name. So right now I am taking nolva at 40mg/day, aromasin at 12.5mg/day, and letro at 2.5mg/day. This letro better fucking take care of business...

A friend of mine is sending me adex, so I will be a bit more assured running something that is g2g.
I must say, everything I have used from RUI tastes fine, except this Tamox. It literally tastes like liquid death. I think I might order some pills because this is going to be a chore choking this shit down everyday. Is it me, or does liquid nolva always taste like shit?

Liquid Clomid tastes about =...I was pissed there was no warning when I dropped 1ml in my mouth.
I fill a shot glass with juice or pop and shoot a ml in then shoot it...then do a nasty piss shiver dance in my kitchen.
I will take some pics at the end of March, because I will have a tan, and be a few weeks into the Masteron. It should dry me out a little which will be ideal for pics.

I don't know how many weeks I am in, maybe 13? Who knows. Anyways, I am doing some of the Dorian Yates "Blood & Guts" workouts right now as I am a bit crunched for time in the gym because of midterms, but I made massive gains on it once before so I will enjoy doing this routine again.

Tomorrow is chest & biceps. Pretty excited for it because today was a day off.

Oh yeah, my estrogen has completely bottomed out apparently, because I am a little achy, super lethargic, and feel like shit. Excellent. Titties feel good though, no problems anymore, so I will back off of the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and let the estrogen creep back up to a safe level.

Mad props to my homeboy Bravo for hooking me up with adex and letro. REPS FOR LIFE!
Exemestane is aromasin, it's just the trade name. So right now I am taking nolva at 40mg/day, aromasin at 12.5mg/day, and letro at 2.5mg/day. This letro better fucking take care of business...

A friend of mine is sending me adex, so I will be a bit more assured running something that is g2g.

Bro, your a mess. You need to find out why you have so much aroma. It is very possible it is being caused by a disruption of the methylation pathway. If your on that much shit and it still is happening then then throwing more Aromatase inhibitor (AI) at it aint gonna work.

Here is some info you need to learn
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Bro, your a mess. You need to find out why you have so much aroma. It is very possible it is being caused by a disruption of the methylation pathway. If your on that much shit and it still is happening then then throwing more Aromatase inhibitor (AI) at it aint gonna work.

Here is some info you need to learn

Haha, what? I think I know a thing or two about methylation, being that I am receiving my doctorate in biochemistry...

The aromasin I was taking is either complete trash, or under-dosed significantly. Probably the first. The letro was barely doing anything as well (from the same source), and to top it all off, add the nolva to the mix, which again, is from the same source. Potentially all garbage. I've heard this before about this specific company.

Anywho, problem resolved once I started the products from my friend. Only took a few days.

And it is (you're)... heads up
Listen, im not gonna ruin your journal, but your on your first round of test and you have an insane amount of aroma, regardless if your shit is bunk or not. So instead of just tossing in a bunch of Aromatase inhibitor (AI), that will negatively effect your lipid profile, which is most likely already shot from the amount of test and or derivatives your taking, plus add in the fact that Nolva is highly toxic in more ways than one, and lowers your IGF-1 significantly, which is counterproductive to increasing your T levels, you might want to ask yourself, why do I have so much aroma to begin with?

If you were so versed as you claim, you would realize you most likely have a blocked pathway and this issue needs to be sorted out.

and as far as your doctorate, to me that is not worth the paper it is printed on, I speak with all types physicians on a daily basis, and they understand very little as well.
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and just FYI - Aromasin is a very weak Aromatase inhibitor (AI) because it has a very low binding affinity, it is not uncommon for men with excessive aroma to use 75mg QD and still have E2 issues.

Do you understand what makes one Aromatase inhibitor (AI) stronger than the other? Once you do you will realize it is also important to see where the aroma is taking place.

I originally came in here because your buddy was harassing me, but then I felt bad for you because your ruining your first cycle. It was way too excessive. You need to revamp everything.

But what I would know right? You gotta be a chemist or something, or you don't know what your talking about I guess.

Yawn......... Im outta here, I don't have time for you to look up your answers.

I do wish you the best, I hate to see guys get gyno, unfortunately its usually by their own doing.
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Listen, im not gonna ruin your journal, but your on your first round of test and you have an insane amount of aroma, regardless if your shit is bunk or not. So instead of just tossing in a bunch of Aromatase inhibitor (AI), that will negatively effect your lipid profile, which is most likely already shot from the amount of test and or derivatives your taking, plus add in the fact that Nolva is highly toxic in more ways than one, and lowers your IGF-1 significantly, which is counterproductive to increasing your T levels, you might want to ask yourself, why do I have so much aroma to begin with?

If you were so versed as you claim, you would realize you most likely have a blocked pathway and this issue needs to be sorted out.

and as far as your doctorate, to me that is not worth the paper it is printed on, I speak with all types physicians on a daily basis, and they understand very little as well.

I appreciate your concern. I will look into the information that you have provided. I really will.

I was running aromasin because I heard the sides were fewer. I heard adex can make you feel like crap, even though it is more potent, per se. I will continue on the adex and as it is working wonderfully now, or even the possibility that it isn't crap.

I had good blood work going into the cycle, and everything looked fine, so when I get blood work again I will make sure everything is fine.

The estrogen problem should be more so under control too, as I am starting masteron next week. I have heard many people comment on estrogen levels maintaining or declining while using masteron.

Thanks for the comments, The-Det-Oak.
You may just be a guy who needs letro. The reason people say the sides are fewer on exem is because the literature shows less of an effect on your lipid profile. There is a bit of truth to it but the information was extrapolated from studies on women who were taking up to 10mg QD of adex. So it really does not mean much to us.

Are you taking Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)? What makes one Aromatase inhibitor (AI) stronger than the other is the ability to penetrate deeper into dense lipid cells and control aroma there.

For instance if you are taking a hefty amount of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) you could be stimulating aroma deep in the leydig cells, in a case such as that you would want to take letro in order to get deep down into the testicles.

Or you would need to adjust how you are taking your HCG.

Don't count too much on Masteron, I know a lot of people will tell you it will minimize estrogen, but really just mediates the effect of estrogen, it doesn't do much to reduce it. Thats kind of like the whole proviron thing, there is not much truth to it.

Even if you mediated the effect for external symptoms E2 would still be high roaming through the blood and this can cause problems with your liver and even give you breast or testicular cancer. It is something you def want to check into.

Lay out for me exactly what your taking and I will check it later today and see if I can point you in the right direction.

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You may just be a guy who needs letro. The reason people say the sides are fewer on exem is because the literature shows less of an effect on your lipid profile. There is a bit of truth to it but the information was extrapolated from studies on women who were taking up to 10mg QD of adex. So it really does not mean much to us.

Are you taking Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)? What makes one Aromatase inhibitor (AI) stronger than the other is the ability to penetrate deeper into dense lipid cells and control aroma there.

For instance if you are taking a hefty amount of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) you could be stimulating aroma deep in the leydig cells, in a case such as that you would want to take letro in order to get deep down into the testicles.

Or you would need to adjust how you are taking your HCG.

Don't count too much on Masteron, I know a lot of people will tell you it will minimize estrogen, but really just mediates the effect of estrogen, it doesn't do much to reduce it. Thats kind of like the whole proviron thing, there is not much truth to it.

Even if you mediated the effect for external symptoms E2 would still be high roaming through the blood and this can cause problems with your liver and even give you breast or testicular cancer. It is something you def want to check into.

Lay out for me exactly what your taking and I will check it later today and see if I can point you in the right direction.


I tried to PM you this message, but your inbox is full.


I am currently using 300mg test e eod, and adex 0.5ed. I am thinking my estrogen is now very low, which is at least better than really high, so hopefully it will stay under control now that I have switched to adex. I was using aromasin at 12.5ed, but it didn't seem to do the trick.

I did take the letro at 2.5mg/ed for a week, which also helped decrease the estrogen.

Also, I will be decreasing the test to probably 500mg/wk starting this coming week, because I will be starting masteron at 500mg/week.

Oh yeah, I am not taking hcg. I have it on hand for PCT, if I ever come off. I will be cruising on at least a lower dosage of test from here on out, and blasting cycles on top of the base. I am very motivated on getting a pro card some day, and I am okay with having to go on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) down the road if required. I am doing blood work every couple months just to make sure everything is looking okay. Blood work was good prior to starting cycle.

Any Aromatase inhibitor (AI) recommendations? Thanks, brother.

Mast E party over at my place! Part 1 of new gear just arrived. Oh happy day.

View attachment 549324

Best gear in the bizzz. Ignore the purple spots everywhere. I think the cancer cells that we are growing in lab dried onto my phone's camera lens..
I tried to PM you this message, but your inbox is full.


I am currently using 300mg test e eod, and adex 0.5ed. I am thinking my estrogen is now very low, which is at least better than really high, so hopefully it will stay under control now that I have switched to adex. I was using aromasin at 12.5ed, but it didn't seem to do the trick.

I did take the letro at 2.5mg/ed for a week, which also helped decrease the estrogen.

Also, I will be decreasing the test to probably 500mg/wk starting this coming week, because I will be starting masteron at 500mg/week.

Oh yeah, I am not taking hcg. I have it on hand for PCT, if I ever come off. I will be cruising on at least a lower dosage of test from here on out, and blasting cycles on top of the base. I am very motivated on getting a pro card some day, and I am okay with having to go on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) down the road if required. I am doing blood work every couple months just to make sure everything is looking okay. Blood work was good prior to starting cycle.

Any Aromatase inhibitor (AI) recommendations? Thanks, brother.


Ok sorry about that, i get a few PM's :) and I wish I could answer them I just don't have enough time in the day with my job.

It sounds like you have your estrogen back in control, obviously a lab draw would be the only true way to tell.

If you started taking your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and you lost a little weight that is a good sign your E2 is coming down.

I like the switch to adex, for some reason some guys will do better on that, others not so much. It really goes by the individual.

What makes you think your estrogen is low? If it went down you most likely lost a little strength and water weight, as long as your joints aren't hurting, your not getting headaches and your johnson is standing strong in the morning then there is a good chance you have enough to get by.

As you decrease your T your estrogen conversion will come down a bit. I personally think 750 a week for T is the number for those who are being aggressive. Any more than that and the sides vs gains is not a good ratio, meaning I don't get that many more gains going over 750 a week, but I get a hell of a lot more sides. I can go up to 750 though and have the same sides as 300 a week.

I would throw the masteron at it and reduce my adex to .5mg MWF with that amount of testosterone and just keep an eye out for the headaches, joint pain and mental fogginess.

Your new set up looks much better.

One good thing to find out is how your digestive track is doing, if you are having any malabsorption issues from heavy toxins in the body you will have a hard time absorbing zinc which is your bodies natural way of inhibiting aroma.

Keep in mind once hormones become inactive then they turn into toxins.

Watch your salt intake, most guys are super sensitive to it when on testosterone, I can literally gain 8 pounds overnight if I eat out chinese :)

Make sure you doing some cardio, this will help you sweat out leftover T and you have less toxins built up. I can notice a major difference in acne when I do not do enough cardio to get a nice sweat going 20min 3x a week.

Drink red wine vinegar every day this will also help flush toxins.

Other than that to find out why your aromatizing so much you can do GI tract test and get the answers you need.

Hope this helps
Ok sorry about that, i get a few PM's :) and I wish I could answer them I just don't have enough time in the day with my job.

It sounds like you have your estrogen back in control, obviously a lab draw would be the only true way to tell.

If you started taking your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and you lost a little weight that is a good sign your E2 is coming down.

I like the switch to adex, for some reason some guys will do better on that, others not so much. It really goes by the individual.

What makes you think your estrogen is low? If it went down you most likely lost a little strength and water weight, as long as your joints aren't hurting, your not getting headaches and your johnson is standing strong in the morning then there is a good chance you have enough to get by.

As you decrease your T your estrogen conversion will come down a bit. I personally think 750 a week for T is the number for those who are being aggressive. Any more than that and the sides vs gains is not a good ratio, meaning I don't get that many more gains going over 750 a week, but I get a hell of a lot more sides. I can go up to 750 though and have the same sides as 300 a week.

I would throw the masteron at it and reduce my adex to .5mg MWF with that amount of testosterone and just keep an eye out for the headaches, joint pain and mental fogginess.

Your new set up looks much better.

One good thing to find out is how your digestive track is doing, if you are having any malabsorption issues from heavy toxins in the body you will have a hard time absorbing zinc which is your bodies natural way of inhibiting aroma.

Keep in mind once hormones become inactive then they turn into toxins.

Watch your salt intake, most guys are super sensitive to it when on testosterone, I can literally gain 8 pounds overnight if I eat out chinese :)

Make sure you doing some cardio, this will help you sweat out leftover T and you have less toxins built up. I can notice a major difference in acne when I do not do enough cardio to get a nice sweat going 20min 3x a week.

Drink red wine vinegar every day this will also help flush toxins.

Other than that to find out why your aromatizing so much you can do GI tract test and get the answers you need.

Hope this helps

Thanks, bud, I appreciate the reply. I think my estrogen was getting low because my mind was getting a little cloudy and I was a lot more lethargic after blasting the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for several days.

I will definitely have to increase my cardio, because my skin is getting bad, and I have never had skin issues ever, until using test. I will do the cardio, the red wine vinegar, and I was going to start tanning once or twice a week which always seems to keep my skin clear.

I dropped the test back down now that I started masteron, so I will watch my estrogen levels and back off on the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) as well.


P.S. Has anyone on here used adderall while on gear? I am going to stop taking caffeine because it is really messing me up, and I am getting wayyyyy stressed out lately in school, and having some issues. I will talk to my doc about a script, but wanted to see if anyone has any first hand experience with it.
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If it were me I would avoid adderal for sure.... for some people it can cause weight loss...and it will probably make it much harder to put on muscle mass.