Infection's First Cycle

da chemist is gettting hugee. Hows your strength going man, you feeling like a God yet :)

Thanks buddy. I'm working on it.

Strength is definitely up, and I was feeling like a God, until I got the flu. It made me realize that I had not yet attained God status yet. By summer I should be a literal monster.
Respectible weight bro. I hope you get over that cold crap. I just beat it a couple days ago. And yeah, love seeing the abs when i was super light and dehydrated!
What's up everybody? I am back to my normal self, and feeling 100% healthy again.

I crushed legs and biceps today. I am doing biceps every other day now, and they are starting to grow like weeds. Maybe it's the 110g post workout carbs that are helping, lol. I switched up my post workout nutrition so I will see how that goes. Also, I am in the middle of changing all of my workouts around, which I prefer doing about every 6-8 weeks.

Tomorrow is my ten week anniversary with my 23g oil rig. We are happy together.
Yooooooooo ladies and gents. I am up grading papers, and I will not be getting any sleep until tomorrow unfortunately. I considered slamming a PWO to keep me amped up while grading, but I thought about the massive crash that potentially would follow.

I crushed back and biceps today. It became to crowded to finish up hammies, so I will only hit them once this week on leg day. No biggie. I am feeling great, and definitely seeing some serious results. I am at the beginning of week 10, so in 2 weeks I will give a weight update which will be useful for people to compare if they are running 12 week cycles.

I am not too bloated currently, and feeling pretty dry compared to the last few weeks(before the flu).

Tomorrow is a rest day, both because I have not slept, and because I have a boatload of things to get done tomorrow. Thursday is shoulders/triceps/traps/abs. Sounds fun!

I hope everyone is doing well, and making some great progress.
Today was leg and biceps day. It was awesome. I weighed in at 221# today, and I am looking decently dry. My strength is soaring, and I am really packing on some quality muscle mass.

I changed up my workout routines and frequency this past week. I went over all my training from the last few months as well as my physique. I am hitting hammies, traps, biceps, and rear delts every other day, and everything else is on a 4 day training week, so like Monday and Friday would be the same muscle group.

I am seeing excellent gains from the switch, and I am feeling really good. I am a big fan of Rich Piana, and he is a strong believer in every other day workouts for lagging muscle groups. I watched a video of his the other day, and what he says makes sense, so I decided to run a new workout schedule for 6-8 weeks and see how everything goes.

I am starting week 11 on Monday. Pretty soon my goodies will be here, and I will be starting part II of this cycle.
Hell yea bro you have a solid base your goin to be beasting good luck keep us posted like to see someone else's results starting at a solid foundation
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Thanks, guys. I appreciate the support!

Just had my pre workout meal. Headed to the gym in a few for chest, triceps, traps, and abs. Sunday is always fun day.
Killer workout. My lifts have been going up a ton. I did back off on my calories just a little bit, and I think I have now found the sweet spot for myself while bulking. I have plenty of energy during the day, I am not feeling overly bloated from carbs, I am recovering plenty fast, and overall everything seems to be going smoothly right now.

I was thinking about it the other day, and I have not given an update in a while where I mention chicks. Tell you the truth, I have not been super horny or anything lately, even though my test is soaring. I did, however, almost throw a dumbbell at a kid yesterday. I am normally pretty chill, but when I am at the gym and someone is talking smack, I shift into rage mode.
You've put on some serious weight and shit.

Roger that, homie. Now that I am cruising comfortably on a ton of test, it's time to get my other goodies started and shit.

Today, an attractive girl was standing next to me, and asked if I use steroids. I wasn't expecting that. Definitely caught me off guard, and so I replied with I eat a lot of food. I should have thrown it back in her face, and been like, "have you always been that fat?"

Today was back, hammies, and biceps. Crushed it.

Tomorrow is traps, delts, upper chest, and abs. Also, I am hunting for this girl that I have been meaning to ask out to coffee. Too bad gear doesn't instill confidence.
Damn, she wasn't at the gym today. I was so ready to talk to her, too!

I felt really good during my workout today. I got pumped just doing my warm up with super light dumbbells. That might be from the oil rig that I am attached to.:yumyum:

I am off tomorrow, mainly because I physically do not have time to go. Legs and biceps will be on Thursday.
Thanks, Stan!

I forgot to tell you boys.. This morning when I was pinning, I must have gotten a bad pin, because when I went to push it into my quad, I almost shit myself. Dull pin = holy shit that hurts! Switched it out and all went well.
Nips are getting kinda sensitive from the high dose of test I am on. I just pulled out the nolva and I will blast it at 40mg for 2 weeks. I must say, everything I have used from RUI tastes fine, except this Tamox. It literally tastes like liquid death. I think I might order some pills because this is going to be a chore choking this shit down everyday. Is it me, or does liquid nolva always taste like shit?

A question for anyone who has experience: Should I just run the nolve ed at 40mg along with aromasin like normal, or should I just blast letro?

EDIT: DUH, I am an idiot. I am way tired and not thinking very clearly, obviously. A SERM is not what I need, I just need to drop my estrogen with a stronger Aromatase inhibitor (AI). I am running Aromasin 12.5mg eod, but I think I will blast letro at 1.25mg ed for a little while. Masteron should be here in like a week, so I will probably run the letro a few days into the masteron. I will back down my test, too, when I toss in the masteron. I will run 200mg masteron e3d, and 300mg test e e3d.

Screw this liquid tamox.
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Awesome workout tonight. I had to workout later in the evening because I really wanted to get as much work done as possible while I was still in the zone earlier today.

Tonight was legs and biceps. I was feeling pretty damn good. A little right knee pain, but no biggie. I didn't go heavy on squats. I went up to 225 for several sets of high reps, and got a really good pump. The rest of the workout was kinda intense, because I kept the rests short, and moved between a bicep set and a leg set, so I was constantly going. It was a good change from the normal routine.

I hit 224# on the scale today, too. Even though I do not feel bloated, I know I am holding excess water, so I would say I am up a few pounds from water. I was looking down at my feet last night, actually, and I noticed that my ankles are kinda bloated. They are not swollen, the tissue is just super full. That is what makes me think I am holding some excess water, which is probably because my estrogen is way too high, which is one of the reasons I am on letro temporarily.

Anyways, time for a meal. Later homies.
So I think that the exemestane I am using is severely under dosed, or just completely bunk. I should not be holding this much water with the amount I am using. I jumped on 2.5mg letro every day until I shed some of this water. I was reading that estrogen must be extremely high if ankles are bloated. So, I hope the letro is good to go.

I am going to order up some letro from a solid source tonight because I am not messing around with estro or gyno.