Wednesday, 7/05
Very strange day yesterday. Really shattered when I got home from work and tried to sleep but broke out in a sweat. Couldn't sleep and thought I was coming down with something but managed to get up and told myself I'd still go to gym and do a light session. Ended up pushing myself harder than I have in a long time.
135 x 10
220 x 8
310 x 5
360 x 3
360 x 2 - I reckon it was over 360lbs in fact, maybe about 362-363lbs but I'm going to try and keep it at a nice round number.
That's a 5lb increase from last week. I DEFINITELY could have gotten 360 x 4 and maybe pushed out a 5 if my grip hadn't went. My grip strength needs addressing but I'm not gonna use straps
BB Millitary press:
135 x 8
155 x 4
DB Front Raises:
40 x 8
45 x 7
BB Lateral Raises:
40 x 8
45 x 8
I was able to pull it out of the bag even though I was shattered. I really want to train tonight but I'm going to take it off and bench on Friday. Aiming for 220 x 4, 222 x 3. Left my dip belt at home so no dips this week