irishdave's bulk journal

Thx t-man, manowar, I know I'll improve. Going to drink very little this weekend. Trying for new bench PB today, should get it. BW is up slightly, 190lbs~ this morning after taking the mother of all dumps. 220 x 5 on bench tonight will be eaaasssyyyyyy money
long arms are great for pulling deads.

get some clips up of your lifts. you may have a form error that can easily be fixed.
Good work irish!

And I tell you I have long arms too and they suck for bench but are great for deadlifts. I'm 5'8 but my arms are 6'0.
Friday, 06/30
135 x 10
175 x 6
220 x 4 - so close to getting the 5th. This is a new PB. Quite happy but expected to get 5 reps.

Weighted dips:
BW x 8
BW+45 x 7
BW+100 x 4

Tricep extensions:
35 x 7
40 x 6

It's now Monday and my brain is fried. I just had a 3 day bender. I'm going on the dry for a month to try and keep on target cos I'm going backwards. It's so counter-productive for me to keep doing what I'm doing and I'm definitely not going to make my goals. My weight is slightly up though, 190lbs. The guinness may have put on a few lbs for me...around the gut :p
My last two years of college i didnt drink i was focused on stregnth gains.

I still dont drink and i am making gains . I go out all the time w\my buddies to bars parties etc and just bring my protein bar and a bottle of water the girls like it :-)
hey dave .. nice lifts bro.. keep up the good work!

i see your problem with the drinking situation, i was in ireland last year.. even stopped by galway ;) .. i know its tough not to drink, but try to take it ez on your pints.. instead of drinking 1 every 10 - 15 mins or so.. try and let it sit a lil while so your not having that many.. if you must drink :)

keep on pushin, you will hit your goal!
mister69 haha fair fucks to ya got some balls on to be able to do that, bringin out your protein bar with ya hehe. Galway's a good place isn't it, Onyx I hope ya liked it here, I'm actually living in Dublin right now working for next few months but back to Galway then. Yeah I'm gonna keep on pushin, thanks for the motivation, guys!
Tuesday, 04/7
Bent-over BB Rows:
135 x 10
175 x 6
210 x 4
210 x 3

Weighted chins:
bw x 8
bW+45 x 6 x 2

Lat machine:
2 medium sets

DB HH curls:
45 x 7
55 x 6
45 x 6

Didn't go all that bad considering the 3 day bender I just had. Going to stay clean this week. Bodyweight this morning was 191lbs. That's what the scale said anyways. It tells me lies half the time me thinks. I'm not trying to be smart here but I reckon I'm heavier than the scale says, it's a digital one that my dad used to use and he always swore it weighed him at least 3 lbs lighter than he was. May get a new scale tomorrow, as both the scales in the gym say I'm about 195-196(but that's with food in me in the evening).
On another note I have to spend another 100 bucks tonight to get animal pak+stak2 from the united states of america. Shipping is like $30. Nearly as much as the damn supplements. I wish they sold this shit here in Ireland as it would be way easier for me, but most health stores that stock any supplements are WAY over-priced so it's cheaper even with shipping included.
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On another note I bought USN's ZMA last night and took 4 tabs before I trained. I was really groggy come 10pmish and as fast asleep by 12 and slept well. But absolutely wrecked this morning.
Wednesday, 7/05
Very strange day yesterday. Really shattered when I got home from work and tried to sleep but broke out in a sweat. Couldn't sleep and thought I was coming down with something but managed to get up and told myself I'd still go to gym and do a light session. Ended up pushing myself harder than I have in a long time.
135 x 10
220 x 8
310 x 5
360 x 3
360 x 2 - I reckon it was over 360lbs in fact, maybe about 362-363lbs but I'm going to try and keep it at a nice round number.
That's a 5lb increase from last week. I DEFINITELY could have gotten 360 x 4 and maybe pushed out a 5 if my grip hadn't went. My grip strength needs addressing but I'm not gonna use straps

BB Millitary press:
135 x 8
155 x 4

DB Front Raises:
40 x 8
45 x 7

BB Lateral Raises:
40 x 8
45 x 8

I was able to pull it out of the bag even though I was shattered. I really want to train tonight but I'm going to take it off and bench on Friday. Aiming for 220 x 4, 222 x 3. Left my dip belt at home so no dips this week :( :(
Just using conventional. Most people my height probably use sumo, I started off using sumo as the guy I learnt to deadlift from a tall guy who used to have a PB of 705lbs @ 250-260lbs and all he used was sumo. He's in his 50's now so I don't listen to him anymore, he's losing his marbles, loooool.
I prefer conventional to be honest, but it took some getting used to.
Rock on broddas, rock on.
irishdave said:
Wednesday, 7/05
Very strange day yesterday. Really shattered when I got home from work and tried to sleep but broke out in a sweat. Couldn't sleep and thought I was coming down with something but managed to get up and told myself I'd still go to gym and do a light session. Ended up pushing myself harder than I have in a long time.
135 x 10
220 x 8
310 x 5
360 x 3
360 x 2 - I reckon it was over 360lbs in fact, maybe about 362-363lbs but I'm going to try and keep it at a nice round number.
That's a 5lb increase from last week. I DEFINITELY could have gotten 360 x 4 and maybe pushed out a 5 if my grip hadn't went. My grip strength needs addressing but I'm not gonna use straps

BB Millitary press:
135 x 8
155 x 4

DB Front Raises:
40 x 8
45 x 7

BB Lateral Raises:
40 x 8
45 x 8

I was able to pull it out of the bag even though I was shattered. I really want to train tonight but I'm going to take it off and bench on Friday. Aiming for 220 x 4, 222 x 3. Left my dip belt at home so no dips this week :( :(

nice work irish one. bet you can do much more on deads.