I'm not quite sure what the point of this thread is at this juncture, but here goes.
HRT these days is usually done with EW or EOW injections, with the Androderm patch, or Androgel. All testosterone, plain and simple. I know no one using Andriol, but I know that some do. I can also have a compounding pharmacy make up anything I need, testosterone gels or creams in any strength, for men and women, even for scrotal/penile application, including DHT's. There was an older patch to be applied to the scrotum, required shaving, not to popular, seldom used today.
Levels are checked, but not too often, especially after the patient is stabilized. You can't follow too closely, and change dose too often, or you're pissing into the wind (ie, things fluctuate a little naturally, and lab tests are dependent on a lot of things). Other things are important: the patient's mood, BP, libido, etc.
What do we check? It depends. At the outset, we get more, obviously (see some of Swale's posts). CBC, lipids, liver, test, total and free, E2, I like to get SHBG, thyroid, etc. Later, follow test, maybe E2 if indicated.
Test for boldenone, methandrostenolone, etc, would be very specific and expensive, this is forensic medicine. However, I do believe, for example, that Dbol will run up you test briefly, correct me if I'm wrong. But as for as routine stuff, elevated test (and with cycling is not unusual for levels to be in the several thousands) is the big tip off. I knew a doc who was addicted (others plus test); his admission total test level was 25,000!! That's right, kids, twenty-five thousand! He was also doing enough prednisone and decadron to get a handy case of Cushing's syndrome. He's healthy and in recovery now, a happy ending. Anyway, I digress. Unless someone's looking for the other stuff specifically, it's not gonna show up. Comments? (there better be some, I've got wrist pains now! ;-)