looks like i am going to start a journal

ME bench, should have been in tomorrow but had to go tonight.
Very sore from yesterday 20 minutes to loosen the body up.

Bench 225 2x5, 275x5, 315x5, add 3 board. 315x3, 335x3, 365x3, 385x3.

lying dumbell extensions 50x8, 55x8, 60x8

green band pushdowns. 2x12

side laterals 30x12 35 2x10

chest supported rows, palms facing halfway 3platesx6, 3.5x6, 4x6, 4.5x4

Felt OK for working hard yesteday as well. Wanted to get some volume for my three boards, so i didn't work up to singles today. Going to work up sets of five on flat before going into board work from now on.
Did some box squatting up to 315x4x2 than took the box away

just 225x8, 315x5, 405x5

Need to start free squatting more, i have no power out of the hole. My back is pretty strong, and this weight really feels like not much on my body, but i don't have the pop out of the whole i want.

45degree back raises with bar in front
145x5, 195x5, 245x5, 295x3

pullthroughs 3x10 with stack

Very tired, cut it short, drove girlfriend at 4:45 am to airport. Workout sucked.
de bench
185 2x3, 225 6x3 varying grips all reps paused on chest

military off pin chin level 235 3x5

rear laterals. 3x10

purple band pushdowns. 30, 23, 19

bent rows weight on ground back stays rigid and arched. 225 3x8

Felt ok, bad headache all day. Like the paused reps.
ME squat deadlift

First day at new gym. Deads worked up to 525 for a single and missed 550. Couldn't for the life of me get in a groove. New plates, new bar, new gym, through me off a bit.

Close stance gms 225 3x8

reverse hypers 4x8 not sure how much weight was on, but not much. Getting the feel for it. my back felt like a million bucks when i got off this thing.

Green band pullthroughs 2x15 1x11

leg raises 15,12,11
ME bench 1/23

225 2x5, 275x5, 315x6 add three board 345x3, 375x3, 405x3 Really got these today

lying dumbell extensions 55x8, 60 2x8

pushdowns stack 12, 7

rear delts 3x10 with 25 lb dumbells.

bent rows off floor back stays flat pulled explosively 225x5, 245 3x5

Workout went well, psyched about the three board, hit a good groove today.
DE squat 2/26

squat with mini and light anchored at bottom of rack

225 2x2
255 3x2
275 2x2
315 1x2
365 1x2

SLDL 225x8, 315x8, 365x8

Reverse Hyper 100 4x8

leg raises 3x12

I was spent, tired from the social d cocert last night. I was going to do some free squats, but my hip has been bothering me, and it doesn't bother me when i use bands from some reason, if someone can explain that to me please do. I have a pair of Metal Pro squatter briefs coming in so hopefully that will help eleviate the pain next week as i am going to do some free squats. For being tired my speed was awesome, i am in a new gym and i was able to get a wider squat rack, i only had my feet an inch or two wider, but the wider rack allows me to point my toes out and that made a huge huge difference. Speed was phenomenal up until 365, but that weight still moved pretty good. I have a pretty good plan now, i am going to continue my DE squatting with a box, but i am going to free squat after it every other week, and do deads off a box, or against bands after my DE squatting the weeks i am not free squatting, and continue to take max single every month to 6 weeks. I am going to use the bands for squatting from time to time, but all free weight on the bench for now.
2/28 Dynamic bench

185 2x3
225 4x3
245 2x3 All reps paused. Last two sets were pretty good, last set was better than the second to last by far.

incline dumbell
130x5 All easy, couldn't find the 140's, probably better that way, as the last set went up easy, the only hard part was balancing. I have shoulder pressed more than this, so i have quite a bit of room

tri pushdowns 3x20
seated cable row 3x12

went home.
3/1 ME squat

SS of box no briefs, belt deadlift stance (narrow)
315 3x3 This is assuming the bar weighs 45lbs. It may be more

Reverse Hyper 4x8 90lbs

pullthroughs 3x12

rope crunches 4x10-12

The safety squat bar was invented by the devil himself. My back was so fucking tight i could barely get throught the RH's and pullthroughs. The only time i was confortable was doing the crunches lol, and the walk to my car seemed like an eternity. This thing has some real potential. Anything this brutal has to make one stronger.
Me bench

325x5 than add three board
425 dumped it bad, figured i would give it a shot since i lost my groove
425x1 nailed it, it took a bit to lock out but i got it.

dumbell tri extensions 55x8, 60x8, 65x6
pulldowns 12, 9

rear delts 3x12
bent rows 225x5, 245 3x5 explosive off floor.

Very happy to grind out that three board. Met a 19 year old in my gym whos best raw bench is 470, and he weights 198. Gotta love it. Very humbling, lol.
DE squat with Medium band choked at bottom of rack

315x2x2 These were a little slow, rest were great.

Deadlift off three inch platform

Revery Hyper 100lbs 3x10

leg raises 3x10

That was it, took too long, the strenght and conditioning coach for the NY Rangers saw me squatting and came over and wanted to talk about Westside, so i obliged. First time deadlifting off a box, felt good, and i can tell this is what is going to take me to 600. Hip is starting to feel better and hopefully will do some free squatting next week. Band tension for some reason does not bother my hip, and i am getting my stance out wider and the bands help me stretch out much more than straight weight, not sure why.
Ok, tweaked my pec/bi/shoulder tie in hitting that 424 three board the other day, didn't think it would still be bothering me but it was, tried to do DE bench but it wasn't going to happen. So i skipped it.

shoulder presses off pins
235x5 started to hurt a bit
185 2x10 these fried my shoulders, pauseing is murder on the delts when you do higher reps.

rear delts 4x10

Tri pushdowns 2x25, 1x20 great pump in tris, got a ton of blood in thier

old school v handle rows with barbell
2 plates x6
3 plates x6
4 plates x5
4 plates and a quarter x5
4 plates and 2 quarters x5
4 plates and 3 quarters x5

leg raises 2x15, 1x10

Felt like i had a pretty good workout even though i couldn't bench. I want to thank big paul trememdously for helping my put this together, i really feel like i am covering all bases right now. I don't think it is quite exactly his workout but it is based on all the pointers he gave me.
SS bar squat
145 2x5
375x1 Felt akward stopped, had no spotter, and have no clue how i could dump this if i need to.

Close stance gm's
225x15 really hit my glutes well

Reverse Hypers 110 3x8

hammer seated hamstring 1 platex25 2 plates 2x10

rope crunches stack 2x15 1x12

Felt like shit when i got to the gym, spent 4 hours in traffic today, when i should have been in the car 45 minutes, huge ice problem. Had a decent workout though once i got into it. If anyone has a clue how to dump the ss bar if i need to speak up. The HS seated hamstring curl is awesome, it actually works the hams sort of how i feel them from a ghr but not quite. Much better than the regular ham curl.
3/10 ME bench

Pin presses four inches off chest.

315x3x3 all done with pinkies on rings

lying tricep dumbell extension, palms facing.


tri pushdowns, straight bar, 10, 8

bent rows off ground, back flat whole time, explosive


rear delts, bent over.

kneeling rope crunches to sides
did 3 sets somewhere between 10-15 each set.

shoulder is still bothering me a little, couldn't explode through pins. Had to grind them out. I was afraid if i blasted through i would rip my pec off the bone, lol. Probably good thing because i took it easy. 315 sets were tough, but not where i should have stopped. Back was flat the whole time, not sure if you guys arch or setup when you do these but i didn't.
De squat

just briefs, no belt. all with medium band choked at bottom of rack
315x2x2 much faster this week, very happy

Deadlifts off 3 inch platform

reverse hyper 110 3x10

seated hamstring curl 70lbs of weight 18, 15, 12 these burn.

Hip is beginning to feel better, almost good. Felt strong today, was a good workout. Started drinking a 32 oz gatorade during my workout, not sure if that is helping.
DE bench all reps paused

185 2x3
205 2x3
225 4x3 Everything moved very quickly, shoulder feels better

Shoulder presses off pins, just below nose
255x4 fifth one was not happening, four took a little while to get up

rear delts 3x10

tri pushdowns 25, 22, 17

old school v bar rows
1 plate x6
3 plates x5
4 plates x5
5 plates x5
5 plates and quarterx5 handle slid on last rep, kind of scary, good way to get hurt

rope abs 3x15 stack

Good workout today, in and out in around an hour.
SS bar GM's off pins at naval
395x1 hands fell down to knees as i got stuck a little off pins, barely touched would have gotten it without it, but it was kind of a reflex lol, those that have used the bar will know what i am talking about.

Dimmel deadlifts 225x15, 15, 14, 12 need to use wraps my forearms cramp bad.

Reverse hyper 120 3x10

seated hamstring curl 70 lbs 3x15

rope twisting crunches 3x14

Workouts are going excellent, i feel like i really know what i am doing and am not wasting any sets reps or exercises, i feel like everyhting has a purpose. This is probably the first time i have felt like this since i started working out like this. The ss bar is a son of bitch for gm's.
3/17 ME bench

Pin presses pin 3-4 inches off chest.

390 didn't even break the bar, lol. I was shot.

Incline tates. 30x10, 40x10, 50x8, 60x5 the last set bothered my shoulder so i quit, first time doing these

vbar pushdowns stack 2x15

side raises 25lbs 3x15

close grip lat pulldowns 3x8

My back is very very sore, from doing dimmel deads the other day, so i skipped rowing and did some lat pulldowns, hams are sore as shit as well. Pretty good workout, wondering where my flat bench is now.
DE bench all reps paused

185 2x3
225 4x3
235 2x3

rack lockouts

495x3 I guess they were about 3 inches, maybe a little more, maybe a little less, have no clue. Felt what a lockout should be. First time ever doing these.

Lying dumbell extensions 3x8 60 lbs, a month or two ago i couldn't get 60's for 8 for one set.

barbell rows of floor 245x5, 255x5, 265x5

rear delts 3x12 25lbs

twisting rope crunches 3x16

Felt good today.
Deads, had to find my groove again. Did countless reps at 315, and then 405 and finally got my groove back. Took some time and something out of me. All i did after that was
550x1 Very happy about this, haven't pulled this in some time, and it broke the floor easily, so easily i forgot to push my hips out and i muscled it to lock out.

Reverse Hyper 140lbs 4x10

Pullthroughs stack 15, 2x12

GHR 8, 8, 5

I am feeling pretty good, i have a pinched nerver behind my shoulder, and my ham is twitching a bit, i would have been good for 560-570 today, probaby 570, but i knew when to quit. I have finally started learning how to work on my weakness and bring my lifts up without doing the lift itself.