Time to start a new one

mister69 said:
that is great stuff. I usually jsut put the bar in a corner. So you taking a week off benching to let the elbows heal?

Probably not, lol. I have a meet coming up, and i think i only have few workouts left.
JT190 said:
Tear that shit up mang, good luck!!

Thanks, it is just a push pull. I will be competing full this fall, at least once, maybe twice. Hopefully pulling sumo works out.
I was in no mood to deadlift in full gear tonight, i am tired, i have been working alot and i have been very busy outside of it. I was due a week off from pulling anyway.

SLDL agains quadrupled monster minis 225x7, 6 brutal

Two handed CSR 2x8

Reverse Hyper 280x10, 9 wanted to puke at this point

Close grip pulldowns 2x8

I was so tired and naucious at this point i just wanted to go home.
two board 500, 550, 585x1

five board raw 335x5, 424x3, 475x2

I have slight tendonitis in my elbows and forearms, back to the liniment and elbow sleeves.
Box below parallel, training briefs, belt

445 6 sets of 2

Reverse Hyper 3x8 280 lbs

close grip seated row 15, 12, 10

Back attack 2x10

Squatting is looking better. Anxious how i will do once the i actually start training it hard after July. We just got chains in, gonna be using the alot when i get a good squat cycle planned out for a full meeet.
jcp2 said:
Box below parallel, training briefs, belt

445 6 sets of 2

Reverse Hyper 3x8 280 lbs

close grip seated row 15, 12, 10

Back attack 2x10

Squatting is looking better. Anxious how i will do once the i actually start training it hard after July. We just got chains in, gonna be using the alot when i get a good squat cycle planned out for a full meeet.
dawgie loves chains :chimney:
bench fingers one in from max legal

inclind dumbell 125x9, 6 tried to pause the 10th for two and died on the way up. The second set i was fried.

Superset front and side laterals 25lb dumbells front alternated first, than sides for 12 resps each. Twice around

T bar rows 4 pl and a quarter x8, 5plx8

band pushdows 2 sets to failure

band pullaparts 2 sets to failure
I am about 266, down from a high of 285. Stronger now with more muscle. Just change the batteries, lol.
full gear
605x 3 singles

These were the easiest pulls i have had so far. My form is getting much better sumo. I was getting down a little bit about it until today, i am very happy.

Reverse Hypers 300 2x8, 1x7 just died.

Chest Supported row 3x8

called it a night. Felt good, kept volume low. I have been hitting my posterior pretty hard so this is all i did.
565 missed twice, could not get anything to touch, shirt really locked up tonight. Not sure why, one of the guys told me when i was done i many not have been tucking hard enough, not sure, will find out next week. Done with raw work till after the meet. My shoulder has been botherng me, and my forearms have some mild tenodonitis in them.