looks like i am going to start a journal

Worked up to 340x5 on flat and than added 3 board.
430x1 5 lb pr, just wanted to get something

Tried flat elbows out dumbell tri extensions, not sure if i like them

3x10 50's they kind of bothered my shoulder

green band pushdows 2x12 2x10

side raises 3x15 25lbs

shrugs 125's x10 145'sx10

Didnt do any upper back work as i have a pinced nerve behind my shoulder blade, it happens from time to time, and really nags me all workout, not bad considering i wasn't confortable at all, and it took a little longer than i wanted to and didn't have much intensity. I will take it though.
Dropped my box an inch, all done with medium band


Rack pulls, two inches below knee

Reverse Hyper 3x10 140

Ab pulldows stack + 30lbs 3x12

GHR 2x8

Hip is getting better, not great, back is still unconfortable. Dropped box a bit to work a little more on depth, since i widened up a bit, and feel better with that. Was going to wear my metal briefs today, but it is just too much support for me right now to do DE work. I don't like the feeling. I ordered a Frantz double poly suit that i am going to wear straps down from now on to train in, should be right between my inzer powerpants and my metal pro briefs. It was recommended to me by some peolpe as a good training aid. Did some rack pulls as i felt my lockout with 550 was not great, probably from not deadlifting as much as i used to, so i am going to throw these in from time to time now, but i would rather work lower than heavier. All in all not bad.
DE bench all reps paused
275x2x3 these were not paused, and the first set was all over the place, lol

lying dumbell extensions
2x8 60lbs
1x7 65lbs

green band pushdowns 12, 10, 9

hammere shrugs 400lbs 3x10

rack lockouts a pin lower than last time, 5 or 6 inches.


Felt good, my upper back is still bothering me so i figured i would skip rowing agian. I haven't done shrugs in a while, i need to start doing them regularly. All in all felt pretty good.
ME squat

Box squats with my Metal briefs.

Did singles up to 530x1. Probably good for 550. I need a little more work unracking weight and getting set, these were a little narrower than i usually go. Figured i would take some strain of my hip.

SS bar goodmornings. 155x8, 205 3x8

Reverse Hyper 90 lbs 3x15

Rope pulldowns stack + 40 lbs 3x12

That is it. I was going to do some paused squats today, but actually completely forgot i was going to try something new. I will probably do them on saturday. My back was tight as shit after this. I worked up a dripping sweat getting into my briefs, and think i had them seated OK, once i get used to them i should be able to get some more pop out of them, i only wear them when hitting a single, don't wear them on speed day.
I am glad i didn't do some pause squats, i am sore as shit. I think the gms fried me.
Left my boards at home accidently, decided to do some flats, it has been a while


started to do close grips off pins, and my elbows and wrists were killing me, so i stopped.

Old school T bar's with the v handle
2 plates x8
4 plates x8
5 plates 2x6

face pulls 12 2x10

That was it, i am officiallly beat up. My groins is sore as hell, and my elbows are bothering me, at least they started to. I am dropping all tri work except for band pushdowns for the next week or two, and going to replace it with upper back and lat work.
315 6x2 not real fast, my hips, but mainly my groin and low back are little sore still from Tuesday, and my powerpants are basically a pair of spandex now and completely useless. Hopefully my frantz suit will be here soon for training purposes.

deads of 3 inch platform
415x5 PR hit it pretty easily probably good for a little more

Reverse Hypers 3x10 150lbs

pullthroughs 2x20

Felt OK once i got done with the squats. The 530 even though not extremely difficult on Tuesday took something out of me, i have never had that much weight on my back. My reverse hypers go up every week, that and the deads of platforms are helping my dead. All in all a good workout, all weights are going up every week
4/4 DE bench

185 2x3
225 3x3
245 2x3
255 2x3 All reps paused. first set at 255 could have been quicker, second was pretty good.

Purple band pushdowns 3x25 grabbed it pretty high, tris were fried

bent rows off floor 240x6

One arm hammer strenght rows
2 plates x10
3 plates x8
4 plates x6

3 inch rack lockouts

Good workout today, i was in a zone, done in 50 minutes. I need to drop my rack lockouts, as these are useless, i can go a little heavier. I am going to drop them about 2-3 inches. I think they will be more useful at that point.
DADAWG said:
outstanding bro . going up every week is kick ass . im in the same shape as you with the powerpants , i wore them home today and forgot i had them on till an hour after i got here lol . you know they are useless if they are that comfortable .

Yeah, they really suck lol. My training is really heating up. Got my inzer shirt today.
sick today, try to get ME squat in tomorrow. Left work early, really feeling like shit.
4/6 ME squat

Straight bar gm's off pins around, wide stance.

Dimmel deads

Reverse Hypers 160 3x10

Hammer leg curl 3x15

Ab rope pulldowns kneeling. 3x12 stack + 2 20 lb dumbells

I feel awful, this was supposed to be yesterday but i was couch ridden. I have a head/sinus thing going on, and so does just about everyone i know. Working out actually makes me feel a little better. Felt OK, was a little sluggish, went heavier on Dimmels, RH's, and GM's than i ever have, so i gues it was a good workout, lol. Was going to do pause squats, but i think i am going to have to do them after DE day, i can't take time to warm up for GM's and then i am going to need 20 minutes to warm up for pause squats, i will be their all day. I have a hard time with my flexibility squatting.
4/7 ME bench

3 board

Green band pushdowns 3x12

One arm hammer row
3 plates x 8
4 plates x 6
4 plates and a quarter x 5ish they were hard

face pulls 3x10

6 inch lockouts
495x3 these took everything i had

Good workout today.
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DE squat green bands choked at bottom of rack


Deads off 3 inch platform

Reverse Hypers 190lbs 3x8

Hammer hamstring curl seated 3x25

Pulldwown rope abs, stack +50 3x10

Wore my metal briefs as my inzers are garbage. First time i ever seated them properly, got my suit slippers and it makes it night and day. My briefs are loose once i get them seated properly, i bought them 2 inches bigger than i measure. Dropped my box again. speed was decent,Really able to force my knees out on these sets now that i have more support. Felt good today, and my deads are climbing, 600 here i come.
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4/11 DE bench

all weights paused, each weight was done with one of three grips.

Purple band pulldowns 100 total reps and i grabbed the fucker high, my tris were done after this. Probably about 7 sets and the first one was for 35, lol

Old school T bar rows.
3 plates x8
4 plates x8
4 plates and a quarter x8
5 plates x6 Did these pretty much with my back parallel to ground

Face pulls 3x12

Rack lockouts at 6 inches or so


I couldn't get the second one at 515 to move, held the first one for about 5 seconds. I was shot. Tris were fried. Felt good today, speed was excellent on the presses. My chest is a little sore around the shoulder tie in, where i have been having probs, doesn't hurt at all when i lift though. May need to take it easy next week.
ME squat 4/12

SS bar box squats no briefs no belt until last rep

Buffalo bar GM's

Reverse hypers 200lbs 3x8 these were brutal at this weight, glutes were fried

Dimmel deads 225 15,15,12

Didn't feel great today on ME work, so i went a little heavier and harder with my accesory stuff. Dimmels last is brutal. Probably gonna try briefs next time i hit the SS bar and go a tad wider.
4/13 ME bench

This was not a good workout, i am shot. I have been taking ephedra and my CNS is cooked.

315x3 add two board 365x3 385x3 405x1 420xmiss

green band pulldowns 3x12

rear dumbell lateral raises. 3x10

I was done, between watching what i eat and the ephedrine, i am shot. I am going to have to stop, and get back on r-ala green tea and ALCAR. I can't take this shit anymore. I couldn't two board what i can bench, lol. Taking the rest of the week off, and coming back hard monday.
4/18 DE bench all reps paused
245x3x3 Three different grips at each weight

Purple band pushdowns 100 total reps

BB rows, bodybuilding style starting from standing position

Face pulls 12, 10, 10 130lbs

6 inch rack lockouts

in and out in 45 minutes. don't know if i had a third in me at 515, i got a ham cramp pushing and almost fell off the bench. Everything else went nicely. Felt pretty strong today. I haven't done my bb rows like this in probably a year, maybe a little less. I drop them pretty low, they are not shrugs like you see most of the kids do in the gym.
4/19 ME dl

Deads of 3 inch platform

SS bar box squats, belt only on last sets

Reverse Hyper 210lbs 3x10

Hammer seated leb curl 2x15 1x12

Felt good, my dead is really coming along. I think i am starting to close in on 600 now. I will probably weight a few more weeks, train hard, and go for it. I think upping the weight in the reverse hypers is really helping. They hit the glutes hard. Deadlifting off the block really teaches you how to get down and spring up, if you don't you are stiff legging it and not going to get it.
ME bench

Worked up to 315 for 3 on the flat than added two board

440xmiss kept in form real well, which is a problem for me when i miss on the boards. Even though i missed i did something right.

green band pushdowns 3x12 held them high, and made them extremely tough this week

one arm hammer rows
2 plates x12
4 plates 3x8

side laterals 30 lbs 3x12

hammers curls 45 lbs 2x10

Felt pretty good, had one spotter so decided against wearing my shirt. Flowed through the workout nicely, those hammers killed my rear delts, so decided against rear delt work and did sides. Felt good off the boards today, 440 was tight, i just missed it halfway up, no biggie.
De squat

275+ green and purple choked around rack

Buffalo Bar GMs 145x8, 235x8, 325 2x6

Reverse Hypers 220lbs 3x10

Ab pulldowns stack plus 70 lbs 3x8

Good workout, used my new frantz suit, straps down. Suit is tight and doesn't give me the spring my looser metal briefs do, so i like it a tad better to workout in. Good support, but not as much pop.