Time to start a new one

jcp2 said:
Yeah, it kind of sucked, but i let some of the other guys get thier shirt work in, and i just helped spot. I will bench tomorrow with a 700 guy at 220.
thats nothing i bench 220 and i weigh a little less than 700 :chimney:
shirt work

495x1 these didnt touch obviously
add two board
545 miss technical diffuculties, Kathy then scolded me for 10 mintues about picking my head up
545x1 easy, feel better with head down
565x1 pretty good, felt good with head down again. I am noticing a trend

4 brd raw 315, 405, 425x3 455x0 just out of freakin gas
I asked myself why did i come to the gym the whole time i was their. Three days in a row is never good for me.

Incline flys 75 2x10 feel the burn

hammer incline press 2x12

T bar rows wide grip 4 plates 2x8

Band pushdowns 100 reps total

band pullaparts 2x20

Actually felt good when i left. Needed a large iced coffee from dunkin donuts and 300 mg of caffeine and 25 mg of ephedrine to get going though.
Full gear 580 4 singles, they got better as i went untit the 4th, it was freakin ugly, but i muscled it up pretty easy.

SLDL with quadrupled monsterminis
205x8, 6 these were freaking hard a hell, i tried a seventh and just hovered halfway as my glutes and hams gave out

Standing ab pulldowns. 15,k 12. 10 my abs are a little off, lol

Chest supported rows 2x8

Took it a little easy tongith, worked yesterday, last night, today, and have to be up to meet with a realitor tomorrow morning and will be back at work at 12 tonight.
flat bench, one finger in from max
345 2x5

incline dumbells
125s 2x8

side laterals 2x12

T bar rows, wide grip 2x8

band pushdowns 12, 12, 9

band pull aparts 12, 11, 9
OK, got to the gym with my boss, my canvas, and what i thought were my shit training briefs, only problem was they were my New ACE briefs. I can not imagine haveing to get to the bar in my Boss with those on, and the suit would be too loose without the briefs, so i figured i would give the Canvas a shot with no briefs. It was a tad loose, especially in the midsection and ass.

590x3 singles. second one being the best, but i got no real pop out of this suit. But i really had no choice.

SLDL against quadrupled monster minis 2x8 210. This was freakin rough and i was completely shot after these.

pulley cable row close grip 2x8

close grip lat pulldown 2x10

Went home. My hip is completely jacked and out of whack again, it is shooting pain down my leg into my knee. Probably from not enough support when pulling, because it hurt while doing the deads, but i wanted to finish.
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550x1 touch and good. PR, blew my face out. was seeing stars
add two board 575x1 PR

Raw 4brd 315x3, 405x3, 445 pinned, lol, i was completely fried, my front delts are cooked.

band pushdowns 3x15, very happy i got something to touch today, and i have been fighting with this weight for some time, happy i won.
mister69 said:
Is this hip problem serious? or it is a lingering pain?

Not serious, but i got the ART guy once every two weeks or when fucked up. I am perpetually tight.
training briefs belt below parallel box

6x2 435

reverse hyper 280x15, 13

my elbows and shoulders are hurting so bad i did not want to lift.
DADAWG said:
tell me about the ace briefs bro

They are real nice, they feel more sturdy then the pros did. Soft material but real stiff. Should be a nice combo under my Boss suit. They also come up real high, so i can lock them, i can not really lock my pro briefs since i am 6'3 even though they do come up.
Bench wide grip 350x5, 275x12 wasn't going to get another 350x5 i am feeling really beat up in the elbows and shoulders

incline flys 50 lbs 2x15 full 2 second pause on the bottom of each

superset front and side delts 12 reps each 2 sets total

old school tbar rows 4 pl 2x12 these were easy

leg raises 12, 10, 10 i haven't done abs forever. I was laughign at myself

band pulldows 3x12

band pullaparts 12, 9
Thanks, we actually have an old school Tbar row machine, with the handle welded to the bar, and the bar driven into something permanently so it doesn't slide.
that is great stuff. I usually jsut put the bar in a corner. So you taking a week off benching to let the elbows heal?