New member
July 11th
*going tomorrow on a day off rather than today because the girlfriend is in town
*going tomorrow on a day off rather than today because the girlfriend is in town
What are your specific goals for the cycle?? 10 lbs gain and power/strength?? I personally like to run mine much longer but thats prefrence and different goals. Cant attest on the Tren so your on your own there ..I could never run it because of the possible cardio kill and other sides. We'll see how you react to it, some do fine.. I think you'd be absolutely thrilled with a Test/Var cycle but maybe next time
i don't know if gaining 20% on 1rm in eight weeks is possible.
with the tren and a good diet and minimal cardio, you won't gain any bodyfat.
Once you get on the tren you probably won't care about adding winny.