Need suggestions for joint pains!!


New member
Lately my knees and elbows have been really hurting and feel sore a lot. Does anyone know of vitamins or supps that help with this sort of pain? Or help maintain good joints?

Add in some msn with the glucosamine and chondroitin sulphate. Try icing your joints after workouts and make shure you are fully warmed up prior to your workout.
Thanks guys!! I'll try those out and let ya know.
...I'm not sure if this makes a huge difference but I think the reason I have been feeling like this is I have really bad tendonitis, and the cold here in Denver doesn't help either right now!
There is an awesome supplement called Elasti Joint by Labrada Nutrition. It's got glucosamine, chondroitin, msm, and collagen in it.
It is an amazing product for joint health and repair.:)
i also reccomend that you put a little extra time into your warm us at the gym if your having trouble with your joints . i get a little elbow tendonitis occasionally from heavy bb curls and i find that applying a sports cream before i leave home and putting on a neoprene elbow sleeve before i start my workout really helps me . good luck :)
i got tons glucosimine & condroitin for ya!!

Like Dadawg said...WARM-UP for a good 10-12 mins then stretch.
I always warm up and bike for at least 7 minutes but I'll start doing more. I have been stretching before and after and that seems to be helping too.

lil'shortstack said:
I always warm up and bike for at least 7 minutes but I'll start doing more. I have been stretching before and after and that seems to be helping too.


Wow no love for my thread, well I have tons of those tabs if you need them.
lil'shortstack said:
I always warm up and bike for at least 7 minutes but I'll start doing more. I have been stretching before and after and that seems to be helping too.

I don't know how obsessive this is but along with supps I stretch between sets. For example between sets on squats I stretch quads. Nothing excessive. Just pull my heel to my butt and hold it for 10.

I've always done that. Have yet to have joint problems. :)
Hey LS,
just wondering how often you are training? Sometimes joint pain is the bods way of letting you know you need to rest?...

When I had joint pain awhile ago, I reassesed my diet. Along with the supps I made sure to drink a ton of water and get some Essential Fats in the diet. This helped reduce some of my achiness. Best of luck!
Keili - Lately I have been doing cardio about 5-6x a week, but only lifting about 4x a week. I think it is the impact of cardio, but every machine and the treadmill kill my knees. Any suggestions? Thanks
It's hard to say WHAT is causing the joint pain, as there are so many factors to consider. You may have to try a couple things to pinpoint what it could be. I'd cut the cardio out completely for 1 week and see how your knees feel. If your knee pain lessens, then you'll have to pick a type of fat-burning activity that is super NICE to the knees (maybe swimming, or the cross-training machines?) and start back slowly. If the pain doesn't end w/o cardio, then it could be joint/muscle issues in or around your knee and leg. Then, you may want to see a doc about it. It could be as simple as a tight muscle, or a concern about the tracking in your knee. In general, women have more issues with their knees because of our wide hip/knee angle, then men do.

I tend to think it might be too much stress/impact because it's in both knees equally, right? In general, what KIND of cardio are you doing? How many days a week do you train your legs with weights in addition to the cardio? And, when you do legs, is it after/before cardio, or a workout all on its own?
Keili - Wow thanks for all the feedback and to answer your q's ...
I train legs once a week and I warm up for about 10 min of cardio before and stretch then stretch again after but no real cool down.

I have been doing cardio about 5 times a week with either the stairmaster, precor, walking incline on treadmill, and belly dancing.
Fyre said:
There is an awesome supplement called Elasti Joint by Labrada Nutrition. It's got glucosamine, chondroitin, msm, and collagen in it.
It is an amazing product for joint health and repair.:)

Fyre, where can I get this stuff? GNC in LPMall? Do you know how much it costs? I'm having the same problems as Lil ss except shin splints as well :rolleyes:
Prana said:
Fyre, where can I get this stuff? GNC in LPMall? Do you know how much it costs? I'm having the same problems as Lil ss except shin splints as well :rolleyes:

Oh god girl, I get the shin splints too....but I'm flat footed so it's to be expected.
yeah lil ss, I hate cardio enough as it is...

I didnt' know flat feet added to it. I also heard poor shoes and lack of stretching

oh well summer's coming soon, and out come the rollerblades!! let the treadmills burn for all I care hahah