New Pics ( Jan 6)

You don't need super heavy weights for legs. I have had my best progress in the 20 rep range. I wouldn't squat on the smith machine personally. Its like a totally different exercise. Just drop the poundage and use free weights for squats. There's no comparison You will grow everywhere.

Could not agree more. I have started pre exhausting my legs and doing squats very last going NO heavier than 315 but going completely down and have had much better results using lighter weights
To all the people that bash, fuck it, i know my body and i push myself to limits all the time
i like to do pyramid theory from proper form to shitty form the more i get up in higher weights
so fuck it, bash all u want, actually i dig the criticism cause it makes me go a fuck of alot harder in the gym
like people stated work on your traps more 5 months ago, well what i do hmmmm, worked on my traps lifting in pyramid form ( light to max) and brought my traps up, if u dont believe my shit, check my pics out from the summer to now, so all of u pinn up models that lift light and have those ripping 6 pack abs at 170 pounds so be it, work the way u want with your proper form and keep pushing your light weights!

hey brother jus take all the comments with a grain of salt..youve made excellant progress since your last pics so your doin something right..
keep training hard look good and i bet 6 months from now youll improve even more...keep at it bro...your dedicated and traing hard..that matters most...
Good progress thus far....BUT, I see kids do what you did in your video more frequently than I would like to admit, and every time I shake my head & chalk it up to the ignorance of youth. What is your excuse? Someone squatting even 225 ass to grass would be more impressive to me than someone doing 545 on the smith machine for 1/5 reps. Your keep saying "you like lifting heavy", but I don't really consider what I watched in that video as "lifting". Drop the ego, get the gains! Good luck.
Those are some pussy squats. Lets see you do 315 NOT on the pussy smith machine, with your ass to the ground. With that form, you could snap your shit up so its better to go with proper form.
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Bro you are buggin'. Don't get overly defensive. We are only trying to help you. After I saw the video, I honestly felt embarrassed for you. Not just because of your the 1/4 squat etc., but its that you have such a big ego and doing it all wrong. You gotta humble yourself before the incorrect lifting/heavy weight does it. It's really more a safety issue. Not to mention how much more developed you will become using correct form.
This whole thread has me crying it's so funny. I'm not a pro but from everything I've read/seen/been told, you have to get in the pocket when you squat, regardless of the weight. You have good progress, what if you did things with super strict form? maybe even better progress, it's worth a try. I avoided squats for years until I finally learned to do them correctly, I would always fall forward like a bitch but once you get it right, your money.
if i saw you squatting like that in the gym id have a good laugh....ook id have to ask WHY r u doing it like this?

thx for posting video though. Next week squat in the squat rack with half that weight going atleast to parallel
I have been avoiding to comment on here but wow.....i guess i specially after that rant about form and heavy weight. You have been on a cycle for god knows how long. Your gains look good but at what expense. Really that 1/5 squat was embarrasing at best. Even at my peak I never did more tham 315 for reps amd 375 for one good set of 2 deep reps. I am at the bottom of the pecking order here in tgis forum when it comes to body amd knowledge off the top of my head and ability, but I cam admit that. Your problem is that its your percetion that everything your doing is a benefit even if ita shitty and corner cutting at best. Stop making excuses, stop blaming everyone. Put on your big boy panties on amd admit that maybe there r somethimgs that you are doing wrong amdaybe just maybe if you get rid of that ego and chip on your shoulder your gains and body will more than likely get better.
Not bashing here. Great progress! But I definetly think you would feel the muscle working better and ger better development from a full range of motion. You can still keep that intensity and heavy weight that you like. Just drop the weight a little and use full ROM. Will also prevent injury. Its like dead lifting with a rounded back, or just lowering the bar 3 inches and going back up on bench press. Your not going to get full muscle activation and get all those fibers working. And you might hurt yourself.
Once again I'm not bashing you bro. Your making good progress, keep it up.
To all the people that bash, fuck it, i know my body and i push myself to limits all the time
i like to do pyramid theory from proper form to shitty form the more i get up in higher weights
so fuck it, bash all u want, actually i dig the criticism cause it makes me go a fuck of alot harder in the gym
like people stated work on your traps more 5 months ago, well what i do hmmmm, worked on my traps lifting in pyramid form ( light to max) and brought my traps up, if u dont believe my shit, check my pics out from the summer to now, so all of u pinn up models that lift light and have those ripping 6 pack abs at 170 pounds so be it, work the way u want with your proper form and keep pushing your light weights!
Really? You know your body responds well to that?

First of all, you don't even look like you work out in your pictures from 5 months ago at the beginning ( You've put on muscle since then, but you haven't come off yet and I believe I've read a couple posts of you doing some orals between then. It would be difficult for anybody to not make progress after being on that long, regardless of training or diet.

And as far as "pinn up models that lift light and have those ripping 6 pack abs at 170 pounds" go, if you dieted down do you really think you're still going to be anywhere as near as heavy as you are now? Yes you've put on muscle, but you also still have quite a bit of fat and are holding water.

I'm not trying to bash you here. The point I'm trying to make is that I find it hard to believe that you know your body as well as you claim because you haven't been doing this very long. Lower the weight and focus on a pump. Clean up your diet. Do some cardio. Try keeping your workouts short and intense and let the drugs do their job. You want to look like a bodybuilder not a permabulker. You are seriously letting your ego shortchange your results.

As a side note, since you've been on the same compound so long at this point you'd probably be best off either switching up compounds or cruising for a few weeks.
Geez, I don't know where to start man. Well, first off congrats on the body changes. As for your horrendous squat, I would just really focus on your form and obviously you are going to have to get much lower on the weight. Look, we all started from somewhere but remember we are all in the weightlifting and steroid game here (well most of us). We are not going to praise someone for improper form. There is no excuse for you to be lifting with such horrible form. And when I say there is no excuse, there really isn't. Even if you had reconstructive knee surgery, you shouldn't be lifting like that. You then have the nerve to bash guys on here saying "well be pinn up models and lift light weights." You forgot to add, lift light weights with proper form which makes the world of difference. So just seriously try to listen to the guys on here that are actually trying to help you. And to that, I recommend you watch all the video series to this squat video so you can get the squat down with proper technique. It will make the world of a difference. In fact, look at several squat videos online. So You Think You Can Squat Part 1 - YouTube
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Matt, in all kindness the guys are right. You have made great progress thus far but you have advanced enough to where you need to make even more fine tuned changes.

If you listen to what the guys say and lower your weight and dial in on your form you will begin to make incredible improvements in the gym. If you combine that with a solid diet (one written by someone who has an expertise in diets such as 3j) you will be amazed how much progress you will make in a short period of time. Truthfully, I would definitely stop your cycle because you need to perfect the basics first. You will thank us later. I say all of this with respect.
Could not agree more. I have started pre exhausting my legs and doing squats very last going NO heavier than 315 but going completely down and have had much better results using lighter weights

Wonder who showed you that? ;) haha jk man