Next cycle testo/boldo

I wish you.

don't forget if you switch to deca, lay off the nolva.
so 6th week starting and weight isn't moving, +2kg since i started

injection this morning 500mg test E left thigh 200mg bold right delt. Felt like adding an extra 1ml of test E because of the rage i had when i weighted myself at the same weight than last week.

I'm now doing 750mg test E /w and 600mg bold. LOL. My friend who is preparing a show is using less mgs. IMO these GP stuffs are total fake, not possible otherwise. But ok I continue.

No longer taking nolva or fin i find it useless to use my stock of real stuffs for nothing
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Right now I feel like stopping this cycle today, thrash all my GP shit, order the same stuffs from uncle z and start another cycle before the summer. Kinda lost 2 months here.
I dont know man it seems everybody likes it except me, I can't get any results out of it. Maybe I've got a bad batch or something.. weird shit.
very weird shit.. have you not considered going to a doctor for blood tests?? im not sure about the doctor situation in amsterdam but here in the US we can walk into a doc's office and get a blood test with little or no effort
Damn G! That's really weird man. I'm sad to hear this!!!

So many people like Geneza and you're getting me kinda scared because in about 1 or 2 weeks I'm out of Uncle's stuff and I got

-1x GP Test E
-3x GP Test Prop

that I gotta do..

Hopefully you give it a couple more weeks man! I want to hear that you're getting results!
Leanbody, this is my friend G's wonderful thread! Before I hijack it, I have a thread you can post on also.

G, Keep the updates bro, I want to see how its coming along.
Well im really pissed off, every morning i weight myself at the same weight or like +/- 200 grams depending on the diet. My training is awesome (my training partner is preparing a contest, he runs Z stuffs with big big results), my food is OK (not perfect I admit, hard to keep motivated).

I'll try to get blood tested asap (i'm searching for a "test&go" place) and I keep injections until I get the test done.

I'm doing 250mg test E / 200mg bold EOD. No longer running nolva or fin. Tomorow should be the last shot of my vials so maybe new ones will be better (bad batch can happen..)
Hi G, your friend is making the same cycle of you?
with Zlabs i assume, right?
injection today left glute last ml of both vials, went smooth, man I hate doing glutes you can't see if you're deep enough
Hey G man - if you're not gaining and it's not the test - it's got to be the diet. Add in some oatmeal with your breakfast and another protein meal through the day. Finish up with 1 C non fat cottage cheese at night. A boost of 700-1000 cals a day has got to show some movement!

Good luck bro!
I eat 100 grams of oats in my breakfast already, and proteins every 3 hours.

I am raising the kcal intake though, including lipids, its a good idea.
I eat 100 grams of oats in my breakfast already, and proteins every 3 hours.

I am raising the kcal intake though, including lipids, its a good idea.

Got to share my favorite "recipe" for breakfast - after my oatmeal I drink 1 cup of pasteurized egg whites whipped up in the blender with 2 scoops of chocolate whey and a Tablespoon of cocoa - add some coffe too if you like the flavor. The egg whites whip it up into a forthy shake - tastes great - no fat TONS of protein!
Thanks leanbody that sounds great i'll give it a try :)

So i got blood tested this morning, I'll have the results next week.
I'll have the results monday by phone and later on paper. I asked for a testosterone / estrogens / prolactin check.

Entering week 7 and still nothing, injecting 250mg test E / 400mg bold today with new vials. Let's see if I was on a bad batch or something..
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Excellent measure you choose to know the qualitys.

I heard preety things in the beginning, but nothing worth more for me like PERSONNAL EXPERIENCE, so i rate the G1234 Report as a balanced, honest, fair, and 100% legit point of view.