I think what mikea and I are saying is this...
At 18 years old and 1 year of training under your belt, you should be able to grow on just about any workout program. Now that you're juicing, it's going to make it that much easier to grow on any program. In order to MAXIMIZE your gains, you should take our advice and cut down the volume and increase the intensity. For example, yesterday I trained legs. It took me about 45 minutes (only because I had to warm up my knees properly) and I completed a TOTAL of 6 working sets for my WHOLE leg workout. I am going to go out on a limb and say that most people couldn't have handled the intensity I was working with and most would have crumbled after they did my quad work.
This of course is just an idea and no one is going to make you do anything. But honestly, you should look into some DC, 5x5, Westside, and Powerlifting principles before you continue to on your path.