macro said:
just to be clear, the opinions here in are based on science, not advertisements.
now am going to take offense, since you have implied lack of knowledge- which is in fact YOUR problem in this discussion.
your assertions and opinions were discredited because they had no merit and were based on erroneous interpretations of your test results as well as you and your doctors complete lack of understanding of creatine metabolism.
you made absolutely no cogent or coherent arguement during this discussion, just the half assed opinions of your private physician.
so please, dont try to act as though you are doing anyone a favor here. A favor was done for you, explaining the actual causes of your results and what they mean. The fact that you have chosen to ignore this is your loss.
and know just a little more about biochemistry than any of your physicians. Its really quite sad how well you have been indoctrinated to beleive that doctors are experts... most doctors are idiots... very few of them have any understanding of medicine or biology outside of their own specific area of expertise. Very few are equipped to deal with any results or findings that are not in line with illness. (the case here, a marker that indicates a problem that is due to supplementation of that markers substrate) There are exceptions to the narrow minded doctor, but they are few and far between.
Macro, you would have been arguing the world was flat hundreds of years ago, even after people sailed around it.
I am basing my conclusions on:
Blood test results
Sonogram results
Years of experince with many other forms of creatine,
Medical Doctors (who I realize you feel you are much smarter than)
Doctors specalizing in Sports Medicine
Sports theropists
I have no agenda and no reason to post this other than to warn others of the possible dangers and side effects of CEE supplementation. Your suggesting otherwise I take as direct insult. I would ask you what I have to gain from making any of this up? Absoulutly nothing. My time is much more valuable than that.
You on the other hand, you sell CEE and would have a big financial interest in defending your position. I just can't believe you are so adamit about it when you are so blatently wrong. You only would have to scratch the surface to find out that an increase in ones creatinine level DOES infact equate to ones kidney working harder. Your logic about it being normal during creatine supplementation is only half way true. It is normal for ones creatinine level to increase on creatine, but that IS indicating that the kidneys are indeed working harder. We just accept that in order to reap the benifits creatine has to offer....pros out wiegh the cons. Once your creatinine levels reach a harmful state, as was the case with me due to CEE, your kidneys are at risk.
I have used various forms of creatine for years with no problems. CEE was the only form to give me trouble. I didn't believe, as you don't, it was CEE at first. It took multiple blood tests and a sonogram to change my mind. I ruled out hydration, excess protein intake and any other supplement. You can read about this in my thread on AM but the point is, it was the CEE in my case.
I also sought the advice of Sports Theropists and doctors specalizing in Sports medicine.
I would be the first to admit when I'm wrong. I have been corrected many times over the years and am thankful for everyone. That's how we learn. I would ask you to check your motives and information again. We all have a tendency to hear what we want to when we desire a certain out come. Just humor me and entertain the thought of you being incorrect on this issue. This may open up your mind a bit more and allow you to do some real UNBIASED research on this.
I would also offer you this advice, don't be so quick to discreadit the opinions on those who are truely experts in a particualr field. The people I spoke of are experts in bio-chemestry, the human body, and sports medicine and supplementation. Even you could learn from them.