Always Learning
That's very interesting Macro, The nephrologists I saw actually directly disagrees with your nephrologist friend. Oh, and the sports therapist, doctor of sports medicine ect.....all completely disagree.macro said:well the nephrologists, and human physiology and biochemistry disagree with your assertions. Had a good laugh this weekend at the beach discussing your "doctors" diagnosis. Just so happens that one of the attendees at this improptu function does nephrology research here in san diego. Have known him for a while just never thought to ask what he did. He said he would be more than willing to contact these "doctors" . So please post their names and phones #'s so they can be passed on to him.
as a note- creatinine in bodybuilders and powerlifters 1.6-2.4 is considered normal , not accounting for creatine use. Thats just high muscular weight and protein intake.
Post their names? I seriously doubt they would want me to do that on a steroid message board. I know you know that, and your just saying that knowing I can't in order to discredit me. Your pulling out all the stop's aren't you...
Tell you what, you post the names of your neurologist friend, or anyone else you would like to, and I will forward them to my doctor and see if he will contact them. I will also give these names to the Sports Therapist and doctor of sports medicine when I run into them again. One of them, I'm sure, would be happy to discuss this issue with your friend. If for no other reason than to prevent someone from getting hurt by bad advice. Oh, and you can p.m me their names. I wouldn't ask you to post them here.
Your statement that creatinine levels are normal at a range of 1.6-2.4 may apply to 1% of the total fitness population that would supplement with CEE. A baseline Creatinine level in an individual naturally goes up as muscle mass is increased. I am 6ft, 195 lbs with an average BF of 7% year around (this fluctuates 1-2%, depending on if Im preparing for a shoot or have time to do a lean bulk, my weight may fluctuate 5 lbs up or down as well)
My average creatinine base line is .9. My Sports Therapist friend is 230 lbs, around 8% body fat, year around, getting down to 4% BF and around 220 lbs for competitions. His base line average creatinine level is 1.1.
I'm not saying that some professional bodybuilders that tip the scale at around 300 lbs or some pro power lifters that weight 400lbs won't have a baseline creatinine level somewhere in the range that you listed (although I seriously doubt its anywhere near 2.4), but again, that makes up less than 1% of the fitness population that would take CEE. Your comparing apples to oranges.
If your suggesting that most people reading this thread should not be alarmed if their creatinine levels were in the range you listed....please re think your statement. Levels that high in MOST athletes would be very dangerous and reason for concern.
Macro, come on. You are someone who clearly has influence in the fitness realm. Think about what you tell people and how it comes across. Your being very irresponsible with your influence IMHO.
Glad you had a good laugh with your friends...
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