uncle z

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We had litle problem whit usa , but now all back to normal and i wnat to say sorry for this, thanks for understand


are you going to be replying to messages? i sent u an email with wu from danny


Thanks for the update. I'm also wondering the same thing as Danny. Would like to know if my shipment is coming international like the other poster mentioned or domestic. Feel free to let me know via-PM or email.

remeber guys i have difrent time here and if y have day i have night here

we replay for all email so if y need some info just email us

like i write now all back to normal whit usa

remeber guys i have difrent time here and if y have day i have night here

we replay for all email so if y need some info just email us

like i write now all back to normal whit usa

If these asses read the thread they would understand guys be patient stop flooding the guys Email with Questions if you haven't made a purchase..
If you have chill the fuck out this aint amazon or buy.com
Placed a small domestic order (20ml) from Z on the 16th. Waited and waited, and finally contacted Z. As he mentioned in this thread, he had problems with his domestic guy. He then shipped my order international (which I didn't want due to customs and signature confirmation being required). Well my package landed at customs this past Thursday and is still sitting there. Starting to think it may have gotten seized. If a package is seized, will it show when it moves along to me, or will one day I just get a package with a letter in it? How long does something typically sit in customs for? Am I right to start worrying about a week in customs or is this typical?
No Freakin' luck

I ordered domestic to speed things up and avoid the inevitable headache associated with crossing the pond. I hope all is well in domestic land. I don't want to be a nudge-nick with email ragging of the unc-a-tron. I will have make an extra human sacrifice to the Norse God of Gear. (Damn, fresh out of virgins in my stash...is anything gonna go my way!) Well, now that I got that out...:dunno:
Z's been good to me but im on day 31 on waiting for my goodies. Seriously, I would have paid a lot more just to get the shit in on time.
Z's been good to me but im on day 31 on waiting for my goodies. Seriously, I would have paid a lot more just to get the shit in on time.

Is it in customs or are you just waiting with no info? It's a shame he's had a bad run like this. Hopefully everyone gets their stuff and gets in in a timely manner. At least mine is listed in customs. Guess that's a good thing, and a bad thing for how long it's been siting there....
He once sent me some real painful shit and when I emailed him he took care of it and got me some more free stuff to replace (although it was the same painful shit) . Either way, I cut with sterile oil and was real happy with his services... He needs to hire some more staff or something... he wont even respond to emails I sent after I waited 3 weeks. I have confidence still though..
Placed a small domestic order (20ml) from Z on the 16th. Waited and waited, and finally contacted Z. As he mentioned in this thread, he had problems with his domestic guy. He then shipped my order international (which I didn't want due to customs and signature confirmation being required). Well my package landed at customs this past Thursday and is still sitting there. Starting to think it may have gotten seized. If a package is seized, will it show when it moves along to me, or will one day I just get a package with a letter in it? How long does something typically sit in customs for? Am I right to start worrying about a week in customs or is this typical?

Once you get a seizure slip you can email it to Z and he will resend it.
Placed a small domestic order (20ml) from Z on the 16th. Waited and waited, and finally contacted Z. As he mentioned in this thread, he had problems with his domestic guy. He then shipped my order international (which I didn't want due to customs and signature confirmation being required). Well my package landed at customs this past Thursday and is still sitting there. Starting to think it may have gotten seized. If a package is seized, will it show when it moves along to me, or will one day I just get a package with a letter in it? How long does something typically sit in customs for? Am I right to start worrying about a week in customs or is this typical?

Usually takes longer then 2 weeks, just wait it out.
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Usually takes longer then 2 weeks, just wait it out.

What's crazy is I've ordered things (non gear) from out of the country numerous times in the past 2 or so months, in fact I have something coming international right now. These packages ALWAYS passed customs in 1-2 days and are delivered usually the follow day. Another international package was sent and it arrived in under a week, ship time, cleared customs and to my door. So fast I didn't even know it went through customs. Checked again today on my gear, still the same message it's said for a week.....

So why does gear mysteriously take longer than 2 weeks, yet everything else I've ordered take a day to clear?
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