And here s what s left...


New member
I ve trained 5 times in 2.5 month s do to a car wreck..then a heavy blow 3 weeks ago as a 3 yr old relationship ended in a trainwreck...46 years old, pale, no knees left due to surgeries, left shoulder pinned in 99, lower back surgery in 02 has a fusion in it.
....let s hope 2011 bring s this old man a respite from both physical, emotional and mental trauma..I m near the breaking point...boys...
hey bro just remember there is nobody more important then yourself. Just hang in there, you will be fine my brother.
as long as you don't mention suicide (damn we;ve had a rash of that lately). lol

Seriously though Teut, you should try something different like me. I don't talk about it much, but going from a BBing routine of heavy ass weights after 20 years to doing what I'm doing now has been like a new beginning (start gay ass music) for my workouts. I still get to sling around some weight, and get cardio, and get done faster, and feel a whole helluva lot better.

PM if you wanna throw some ideas around.
hey man;
i hear you - sometimes shit just piles up too fukkin deep! But don't wallow in it, set your sites on moving forward to be the best you can be (Can you hear the violins?) Sounds goofy, but it's hard as hell to get to middle age and it's not what you expected (I'm 51). but you are still on the other side of the fence so work to enjoy the journey as much as you can. More gay advice - If you get really down on yourself, think hard about what makes you happy even for a moment and go do it. go to a movie, or go on a hike or (like me) go lift weights...or go get a nice Asian massage with a happy ending. I'm actually contemplating taking up blacksmithing !!! Take a class - it's good to be around people when you are down. Anyways - hope that isn't too much advice, but as they say, been there done that!

here's a little eye candy for you!
Good luck broski!
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hey solid german! i wish you the best for the next coming year.

and if you look at yourself in the miror, you will see, someone to be proud about!
Man up, and soldier on!... Man, this time of year can be ruff w the holidays/shitty weather. I would recommend to do as suggested above. Find the little things that make you happy. Get out of the house when not working. Go to the gun range/dragstrip/sportsbar w friends to watch the game, or whatever will keep's you busy.Catch up on chores around the house, or w family. Getting some sunlight always helps me.. this time of the year ill hit the tanning bed. Even if you cant lift like you want, scale back and still get in there. We all know staying faithfully/on track routine is what we want to maintain/build what we've all work so hard for. If you were going 5x a week, go 3x instead... hell do seated calfs, light biceps, cardio... and anything else you can get awaywith in the gym. Im half your age and have some of the same surgeries.. It sucks, but oh well. As far as your girl... DONT return her calls/text her/even think about going by her house for atleast 2 months. The past year I've pulled my head out of my ass, and started picking up girls in the most random places... gastation, grocery store, hardware store, mall, my work, when i get a haircut etc.. always gotta be on your toes for the next women in your life! Smile give them the greenlight, and put in your 0.02 cents
P.s. A happy ending never hurts anybody lol!
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I ve trained 5 times in 2.5 month s do to a car wreck..then a heavy blow 3 weeks ago as a 3 yr old relationship ended in a trainwreck...46 years old, pale, no knees left due to surgeries, left shoulder pinned in 99, lower back surgery in 02 has a fusion in it.
....let s hope 2011 bring s this old man a respite from both physical, emotional and mental trauma..I m near the breaking point...boys...

Sounds like you and I could have a injury competition. Guys like you overcome though they don't break. With everything you have been through you owe it to yourself to keep battling or it makes the past struggles trivialized.

P.S. The death of the Haitians is a natural process of evolution. Their race as a whole will be strengthened by the deaths of the genetically inferior.
I can relate totally. I will PM you some of my latest BS, lol might make you feel better to know my personal levels of hell that I've been through lately.
Teutonic, it could be a hell of a lot could be experiencing all that at half the age. I'm beat to shit right now...multiple injuries, can't workout at all. I'm completely unable to workout now for 4 months.

On a side note, I dig your advice and value your keep it up!
Sorry to hear about the relationship brother. As for me, it's 3AM meals, and just eating my feelings haha(ice-cream, good tasting carbs, candy, PB, some buttery ass seafood). To each his own. Relationships can be rough man...Your bro's here at ology' got your back.
T- You are looking pretty damn good for what you have gone through. I can't wait to see what you decide to do and the results. I will be following your progress if you decide to keep a journal.

2011 hopefully will be better for us both "T"
Sounds like you and I could have a injury competition. Guys like you overcome though they don't break. With everything you have been through you owe it to yourself to keep battling or it makes the past struggles trivialized.

P.S. The death of the Haitians is a natural process of evolution. Their race as a whole will be strengthened by the deaths of the genetically inferior.

Feed the each other.
..and this was me 6 months ago before the meltdown carwreck..a fat 208
Comeback tour in progress..thank s for the support boys..