AZ - Road to Poundage

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After two days of partying in Montreal...and catching the 6am flight back this morning with no sleep...I choose to workout.

12/6: ME Bench
AWAP Flat Bench: 275 x6, 295 x2
CG Pause Press: 185 x10, 205 x8, 225 x4
Dante DB Press: 80's x9
Cable rows
Upright smith rows

PWO = 140mg test / 140mg ND / 40mg Epi / 10iu slin / 85g carb / 50g protein / cab / 3 pumps AIFM
12/8: DE Lower - Had to make it quick*
Speed Box Squats: 185 x2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2
Deadlift: 135 x8, 225 x5
Cable abs
12/10: DE Bench
Speed AWAP grip: 185 x 3,3,3,3,3,3,3
Incline DB Press: 100's x8, 110's x6
Super-setted cable work as time was running short.

Missed my shot last night, fuck
Well, after a real shitty LONG night at the casino...i tried to workout. It took forever to warm up being so cold and getting pumped up was nearly impossible so i did once thing.

Deadlift: 495

that's it folks, packed it up and called it day. There's always tomorrow.
no fag

one side flexed for comparison/logging purposes

Wheels look good bud - you should try for a better pic so you have it for comparison purposes at the end of your cycle. Seems like you'll be able to put some size on your quads. What are you doing for calves?
BTW - bummer about your workout - sometimes it's hard to get the motor started...
i fucking hate calves

12/14: ME Bench
AWAP Flat Bench: 135 x8, 225 x8, 275 x8, 315 x2 - most i've ever done with this grip I think
CG Pause Press: 225 x8, 245 x4,2 - wrist started bothering me
Dante DB Press: 80's x12, 9
Cable Rows
Smith Upright rows

Gear yday and slin today
Thanks MoM.

I stopped the Epi two days lower abdomen section was in pain and not sure if it was a kidney stone or not...but figured i'd stop just to be safe.

12/16: DE Lower
Speed Box Squat: 135 x2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2 - adding 10# each set
Leg Press: 16p x10, 18p x6
Decline Weighted Sit-up
Wheels look great, keep it up. Interesting log, I enjoy following the DC-type routine. I always thought I was doing DC wrong, so it's always educational for me to see someone actually doing it correctly.
Well, it's been like nearly two months and i just got a lift in. Fuck, my life has been all over the place. I had to get off all the gear and just started losing track of things, drug and booze wise. Don't get married.

Anyways, good news it i am just as strong as my last lift...pressed 315 last night and weigh roughly 200lbs. I like my frame and I think I'm just gonna keep it and workout to maintain for awhile...maybe trim up for the beach or some faggot shit like that. I just don't have the time anymore.
Hey man;

Good to see you post again. Don't get too discouraged about the whole marriage - I ain't got no time thing. You get busier, but you also get better at dealing with being busy. At some point you may switch over like I did and go to the gym first thing in the am - that way u do it and get it over with. For me it's the only way I can keep my sanity. The nice thing about the weights is that they don't talk back, they don't need to be kissed or stroked - they just sit there - Hahahahaha.

Stay strong bro! Keep lifting - and for godsakes trim up for the beach! (J/K)
Well, it's been like nearly two months and i just got a lift in. Fuck, my life has been all over the place. I had to get off all the gear and just started losing track of things, drug and booze wise. Don't get married.

Anyways, good news it i am just as strong as my last lift...pressed 315 last night and weigh roughly 200lbs. I like my frame and I think I'm just gonna keep it and workout to maintain for awhile...maybe trim up for the beach or some faggot shit like that. I just don't have the time anymore.

Awe, c'mon man! I want the old Aztec (Aczech) back!! ;) did you just stop the gear cold turkey or do little PCT?