Death Dealer
I'll have to try box squats one of these days.
I'll have to try box squats one of these days.
After two days of partying in Montreal...and catching the 6am flight back this morning with no sleep...I choose to workout.
After two days of partying in Montreal...and catching the 6am flight back this morning with no sleep...I choose to workout.
Well, it's been like nearly two months and i just got a lift in. Fuck, my life has been all over the place. I had to get off all the gear and just started losing track of things, drug and booze wise. Don't get married.
Anyways, good news it i am just as strong as my last lift...pressed 315 last night and weigh roughly 200lbs. I like my frame and I think I'm just gonna keep it and workout to maintain for awhile...maybe trim up for the beach or some faggot shit like that. I just don't have the time anymore.
i used some raloxifene