Bustin my cherry - First Pics!


New member
What's up guys? thought I'd post pics for fun. Make any comments you like, i'm open to constructive/deconstructive criticism.

Age: 20
Weight: 190 +/-
Height: 5'10
BF: I dunno, 15%
Current Lifts: (lift heavier when fully bulked)
Bench: 225x8 (w/ spot)
Squat: 295 x 4
Deadlift: nope, lower back too sore right now

Edit: Ill get some back shots (damn that sounds bad) when I get around to it, forgot em this time.
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first off your legs are looking real nice, but oddly they dont look as lean as the rest of you. Also your chest is disproportionally small to the rest of you. Otherwise nice defenition
Not bad... :yesway:

Your left arm look's smaller then your right..

I got the same problem with me too... (right arm smaller then left)
had gyno surgery on the chest. I know, it's a real pisser. It's lagging majorly, but i'm working real hard to bring it back up to speed. I have no clue why my legs aren't so lean, maybe it's a genetic thing? I literally have no lower chest at all, it was all cut out, my surgeon was a fucking moron and i'll never go back there again (there's a lot more to it).

Anyways, thanks for the feedback! I'll post some updated pics in a little while...
Jsanti said:
Legs look great. Focus on your upper body a bit more.

LOL! I hate to hear that, because I barely focus on my legs! They are the only workouts that i will miss if i have to miss one (i'll usually miss 1 a month). I used to be a competitive skater, so my legs really had a big head start ahead of my upper body, that's why it appearas to be lagging.

Good to have honest advice though, i'll keep it in my head and take it to the gym. :)
no clue, but it was something that just pissed me off...I had the surgery at 17, being stupid, I didn't get what I needed and completely wasted my money. I actually didn't have any gyno at all. I told the doctor my goals for the outcomes of the surgery and he just "yes yessed" me the whole way through, and nothing he said would happen did.
it was the nips. puffy and unmatched to my body...I explained this to the doctor and his idea of fixing it was gyno surgery - yeah, i know i was stuipd, but i was 17. Seems stupid to those who don't have it, but when you have it it's just something that bugs the shitta you.
xclipse4 said:
ya there ya go thats where ti comes in... what do u do for legs...? or did u do some sort of sport for them?

outlawtas2 said:
I used to be a competitive skater, so my legs really had a big head start ahead of my upper body, that's why it appearas to be lagging.

Speed skating on ice. Since I was about 12, stopped when I was 16, and started working out from there on. I started bb training seriously 2 years ago, with proper diet and stuff.

Leg routine:

Squats - heavy as i can, 275-295 lbs x 4-6 reps x 4 sets
Leg press - heavy as i can, 8-10 plates a side, again 4-6 reps, 3 sets
Leg extensions - 180-210 lbs, 8-10 reps, 3 sets
Ham Curls - dunno weight, but 8-10 reps, 3 sets
Calf raises - much weight as possible, 12-16 reps
One more calf machine, forget what it's called, but I put on 2 45lb plates and a 25lb plate.

thats it
damn...I thought I could hide it. Are lobsters still allowed on the forums?


I don't know what that means...