Caladins 10th cycle


-Flesh Eater-
This cycle is set for next year in Jan. This is the current draft. Changes may be made before then.

Stats at this posting are
38 years old
360lbs Squat
380lbs Deadlift
345lbs Bench
200lb Military Press
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This is my cycle history. As you can see this is not my 10th cycle of steroids but I am counting a DNP and a Clen/t3 cycle as the other 2.

First cycle
Sos 250 week
Deca 300 week
10 weeks

2nd cycle
Test E 500 week
Dbol 50 (IP) "First Four weeks"
Win 50 (IP) "Last Four weeks"
12 Weeks

3rd cycle
Test E 500 week
Tren 75 EOD
10 weeks

Test Prop 125 EOD
Tren 100 EOD
8 weeks

5th cycle
300 EQ
500 Test E
40mg Dbol "last 4 weeks"
16 weeks

5a cycle
DNP 400mg 10Days

5b Cycle
Clen and t3 30Days

6th cycle
500 Test E
400 Tren E
30mg Dbol
16 Weeks

7th cycle
500 Test E
400 Deca - 15 weeks
600 - 800 EQ - 15 weeks
20 Weeks
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This is my "why am I not bigger post"

Through out the last 18 years I have injured my shoulder twice. Once took me out for 6months another for 4.

I got divorced and drank myself silly for almost 9months. Then I pulled my head from my ass and I am now with a great woman who supports me. Not $$ but with my choices.

As I am closing in on the big 40 I felt I need to get off the pot or shit as my dad use to say and get myself back to what I was when I was younger. This is were the HGH is going to make all the differance. I have found a great product ""Atropin HGH". So the sky is the limit!
I will post my diet here in this post once I get closer to the new year. Right now Im eating a meat and vegs 5x day with some carbs pre and post workout.

It will look somthing like this:

6:00am - Breakfast
1 cup frozen Costco Triple Berry Fruit Mix 17C
1/2 cup frozen spinach 3P 4C 2.5Fiber
1/2 cup Quaker oats 5P 27C
2 scoops "True Protein" Teamskip 40P
5g Leucine

9:00am - Snack
1 cup frozen Costco Triple Berry Fruit Mix 17C
1/2 cup frozen spinach 3P 4C 2.5Fiber
1/2 cup Quaker oats 5P 27C
2 scoops "True Protein" Teamskip 40P
5g Leucine

12:00 - Lunch
2 Cups Berardi's Chili 50P 50C 13F 11Fiber

3:00PM - PreWorkout
-60 (3) Alpha-GPC
-45 Custom Pre workout drink xP 50C
-30 (1) Spike and 1 Yohimbe
-0 (1) Serving Surge Recovery w/ 5g Creatine, 5g Leucine, 5g Glutamine, & Powerdrive @ 25P 46C

2 Scoops of Whey [Once I leave the gym] 40P 10C 4F

6:00 (6:30)pm Dinner
6oz Hamburger or Steak 43P 18F
1 Cup Minute Brown Rice 6P 68C
1.5 serving Pinto Beans 15P 40C 15Fiber
1 Cup Brussels sprout Mash 6P 13C 6Fiber

9:00 (9:30) pm - Pre Bed
1 Cup Plain Yogurt 11P 18C 3F
1 Scoops of "True Protein" Pre-Bed Time Formula 25P
1tbl Coconut oil 14F
1tbls Peanut Butter 14P 8F 3C
2tbs Flax Seed P C F 4Fiber

Calories : 3571
Protein : 339
Carbs : 394
Fat : 57 + 20 {Fishoil}
Fiber : 40
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Current supps... Pretty much what I take year round.

500mg Circumin
Vinpocetine 10mg
DMAE 130 mg (from 350 mg DMAE bitartrate)
Vitamin D3 @ 4000IU /ED
B Complex
2 NOW Green Tea
2 Grams Beta-alanine
(2) Liv52
1400mg TMG

-Meal 3 (Lunch)
500mg Circumin
Vinpocetine 10mg
DMAE 130 mg (from 350 mg DMAE bitartrate)
2 NOW Green Tea
10 Costco Fish oil

-Meal 5 (Dinner)
500mg Circumin
10 Costco Fish oil
(1) Liv52
1 Ubermag

-Meal 6
9grams Glycine (If needed)
500mg Niacin


(1) NOW Super Enzymes
"With each meal"
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I will post my workout once I get closer to the new year. Right now Im using Wendlers 5/3/1 workout
1. I personally wouldn't taper the masteron/test.

2. Masteron can be wicked on the hairline. I would have some propecia/finasteride on hand.

3. Why are you bothering to IV the HGH? Also, I would take it EOD at the very least. Is there any way you can run it for a few months before the cycle begins to maximize anabolic synergy?

4. Do you find yourself prone to prolactin induced gyno? If not I would run Aromasin at 12.5mg ED with .25mg Pramipexole throughout the time you run the tren.

Other than that this looks to be a killer cycle.
Thank Shaptown for the reply.

1. The reason for the taper is from a reading a setup put together by a guy named "Prisoner". He is a pretty sharp guy and built like a brick shit house. Here is the link | Test Taper Protocol

2. Well Im bald or pretty close. The close part I shave.

4. The masteron is pretty anti estrogen on its own. That is the reason I drop the letro during that time. As for prolactin induced gyno Im not prone to it.

3. Well this is a more technical question/answer but here it goes...

The adolescent pituitary releases roughly 60-100 iu in any 21 day period, with 8-15 iu released per day on non-consecutive days. The multiple daily injection protocol mimics the natural release, plus it should prevent the GH/IGF1 from creating insulin resistance, in those prone to it. Since insulin is part of the 'anabolic triangle' of AAS, GH and insulin, then becoming resistant to its effects would be a bad thing, just as it is in natural BBing.

The 2 days 'off' should minimise the edema experienced on GH, particularly in the feet and ankles. But remember that to be truly effective, you need to be injecting intravenously. Even i.m. injects of GH won't have the bioavailability or near-instant spike of i.v. And if you want to inject subQ, don't bother using my protocol. It's not designed for that. SubQ is only really good for localised fatloss cycles.

The GHRP-6, i.v. before bed on those days when I have been injecting GH will hopefully lower any chance of somatostatin release.

Exo GH causes suppression of endo GH, by warrant of somatostatin release, which when released from the periventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, inhibits GH release from the ant. pituitary. Not good, obviously. But what if we could inhibit the inhibition? Wouldn't that mean that you could use more Gh, more often, or use the same amount, but without the suppressive aspect?

(1-18) Testosterone Cypionate 1000 mg/wk

(19-20) Testosterone Propionate 1000mg/wk

(1-15) Nandrolone Phenylpropionate 500mg/wk

(16-20) Drostanolone propianate (Masterone) 100mg/EoD {300-400mg Week}

(16-20) Trenbolone Acetate 100Mg/EoD {300-400mg Week}

(1-4 ) (9-12) Dbol 40mg /ED

(2-20) HCG 250 2/week

(1-15) Aromasin (exemestane) 12.5mg EOD

(22 - 25) Clomid (100/75/50/50)

(22 - 25) Toremifene Citrate ?


(1-25) 6IU HGH /EoD

(1-25) 125mcg of GHRP-2 + 100mcg of a GHRH analog GRF(1-29)
{before bed}
Administration should ideally be done on either an empty stomach or with only protein in the stomach. Fats & carbs blunt GH release. So administer the peptides and wait about 20 minutes (no more then 30 but no less then 15 minutes) to eat.

(1-25) 125mcg of GHRP-2 + 100mcg of a GHRH analog GRF(1-29)
{every morning}
Administration should ideally be done on either an empty stomach or with only protein in the stomach. Fats
& carbs blunt GH release. So administer the peptides and wait about 20 minutes (no more then 30 but no
less then 15 minutes) to eat.


10mg Breakfast
10mg Lunch
20mg Pre Workout

2 iu Morning IM
2 iu Lunch IM
2 iu Post WO IM
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Thanks Biggin. Jan 4th cant come to soon! Stocking up all my products this month! If I can dial in my diet should see some fantastic gain.
Thanks Biggin. Jan 4th cant come to soon! Stocking up all my products this month! If I can dial in my diet should see some fantastic gain.

I thought i would see more of you over at AF?

How did you like the 20 week cycle? I was reading Ulters thoughts on cycles going flatline after 8 weeks or you can run them out 20 weeks and gains tend to come back, im just wondering what I should do since next week is week 12 for me? head to PCT or draw it out another8 weeks?
im on test/deca with no weight gain but lots of strength gains.
700mg test ew (i upped it)
450mg deca ew
I thought i would see more of you over at AF?

How did you like the 20 week cycle? I was reading Ulters thoughts on cycles going flatline after 8 weeks or you can run them out 20 weeks and gains tend to come back, im just wondering what I should do since next week is week 12 for me? head to PCT or draw it out another8 weeks?
im on test/deca with no weight gain but lots of strength gains.
700mg test ew (i upped it)
450mg deca ew

I would extend it personally.:druggie:
I thought i would see more of you over at AF?

How did you like the 20 week cycle? I was reading Ulters thoughts on cycles going flatline after 8 weeks or you can run them out 20 weeks and gains tend to come back, im just wondering what I should do since next week is week 12 for me? head to PCT or draw it out another8 weeks?
im on test/deca with no weight gain but lots of strength gains.
700mg test ew (i upped it)
450mg deca ew

Afboard? or ?
I read alot of forums but I always come back to this one.

Loved the 20week but you can see I throw some dbol in at week 9 to get the ball bouncing again on this 20 weeker.

Well it depend. Are you ready to be shut down... really good. Are you taking hcg?

How many cycles have you run?
Afboard? or ?
I read alot of forums but I always come back to this one.

Loved the 20week but you can see I throw some dbol in at week 9 to get the ball bouncing again on this 20 weeker.

Well it depend. Are you ready to be shut down... really good. Are you taking hcg?

How many cycles have you run?

Yeah I thought you were an AFboard OG?

anyhow your right there are lots of forums ology is great I try to go where opinions are unbiased as much as possible.

This is my first cycle which is weird that I have not gained weight? I mean originally iwas 135 lbs. when I was 19 yrs old. then in a year and a half of HARD training and 4-5k calories a day + lots of protein I maxed my body naturally to 205lbs by age 20, here I am almost 27 doing my first cycle and have made HUGE strength gains but the scale says nothing about extra mass to go with those gains.

I have enough to run this baby out 20 weeks. I would be adding Var to it for a "kick" and maybe GH very soon, would start at 2iu's ED and go higher from there.

with a 20 week cycle its still gonna be a 4 week post cycle therapy (pct) plus the 2-3 week waiting period for the long esters to relax right?

Next cycle will prolly be a 8-10 week Test/Tren/Var?

Test its self does almost nothing but make me Horny and hairy LOL.

I wanna boost igf and hgh levels that may be what my body likes and the AAS will force those chemicals to work harder.
Yeah I thought you were an AFboard OG?

anyhow your right there are lots of forums ology is great I try to go where opinions are unbiased as much as possible.

This is my first cycle which is weird that I have not gained weight? I mean originally iwas 135 lbs. when I was 19 yrs old. then in a year and a half of HARD training and 4-5k calories a day + lots of protein I maxed my body naturally to 205lbs by age 20, here I am almost 27 doing my first cycle and have made HUGE strength gains but the scale says nothing about extra mass to go with those gains.

I have enough to run this baby out 20 weeks. I would be adding Var to it for a "kick" and maybe GH very soon, would start at 2iu's ED and go higher from there.

with a 20 week cycle its still gonna be a 4 week post cycle therapy (pct) plus the 2-3 week waiting period for the long esters to relax right?

Next cycle will prolly be a 8-10 week Test/Tren/Var?

Test its self does almost nothing but make me Horny and hairy LOL.

I wanna boost igf and hgh levels that may be what my body likes and the AAS will force those chemicals to work harder.

I have been on that board since 2005 but mostly as a lurker.

Hairy is right.. never had hair on my shoulders tell I took Test.

Correct.. I start taking the week following my last shot then run it 4 weeks. Then see where I am. Do I need to run longer... somthing differnt.... Sometimes you need to run 6weeks..