Thank Shaptown for the reply.
1. The reason for the taper is from a reading a setup put together by a guy named "Prisoner". He is a pretty sharp guy and built like a brick shit house. Here is the link | Test Taper Protocol
2. Well Im bald or pretty close. The close part I shave.
4. The masteron is pretty anti estrogen on its own. That is the reason I drop the letro during that time. As for prolactin induced gyno Im not prone to it.
3. Well this is a more technical question/answer but here it goes...
The adolescent pituitary releases roughly 60-100 iu in any 21 day period, with 8-15 iu released per day on non-consecutive days. The multiple daily injection protocol mimics the natural release, plus it should prevent the GH/IGF1 from creating insulin resistance, in those prone to it. Since insulin is part of the 'anabolic triangle' of AAS, GH and insulin, then becoming resistant to its effects would be a bad thing, just as it is in natural BBing.
The 2 days 'off' should minimise the edema experienced on GH, particularly in the feet and ankles. But remember that to be truly effective, you need to be injecting intravenously. Even i.m. injects of GH won't have the bioavailability or near-instant spike of i.v. And if you want to inject subQ, don't bother using my protocol. It's not designed for that. SubQ is only really good for localised fatloss cycles.
The GHRP-6, i.v. before bed on those days when I have been injecting GH will hopefully lower any chance of somatostatin release.
Exo GH causes suppression of endo GH, by warrant of somatostatin release, which when released from the periventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, inhibits GH release from the ant. pituitary. Not good, obviously. But what if we could inhibit the inhibition? Wouldn't that mean that you could use more Gh, more often, or use the same amount, but without the suppressive aspect?