chinese raw materials to make your own geer, any opinions?

"Pigs" are busy writing traffic tickets. Federal agents that are assigned to deal with this kind of shit already have targets. They dont need to come onto a forum and build a relationship to find a raw source in china. They know who the big cats are and are wathching them. Really im not saying it doesnt happen and not to be carefull but i think thats more geared towards domestic shit. But always better safe than sorry. Just no need stay up at night paranoid.

I have to agree with this, how would you do 8 years for giving someone a source? I don't even think you can get prosecuted for that. Either way, I wouldn't even tell my best friend/brother etc. my source.
Everything the feds want to know is easily searched up on open boards across the net. The ones with 50 sources with banners and sub forums.

And when they catch the occasional source receiving a nice pack from overseas, that is where they get their juicy leads from.
Guys. Don't say a fucking word.
If you don't know the person, keep your lip sealed.
These people could be straight up cops, I think they are.
They new to the forum, 3posts.. give me a break.
I smell some big fat juicy bacon

fucking porkers lol but ive been looking on line for a while but i will not be so dumb and loss my cash or get fucked from some site online. ive seen some that look good tempting.
Wait until your ass is in court & they show you printed out pages of this exact same conversation we are having right now.
Don't listen to Fedmax or Me, and we will see.

I love it how you are saying, cops are to busy writing up traffic tickets.
You never even been involved in any cyber criminal activity and you are stating that cops are to busy with other shit.
Wait until you're shit hits the fan, then you will come back here and tell us you're new story.
Well sir, I'm sorry to burst your bubble but I am living proof that they are not busy at all, not going to discuss what happened because its none of your concern.

There is a reason they are called pigs. Straight up fucking pigs.
They never around when you need them, always around when u don't need them, call for help and you're the one who gets in trouble.
Cops are not too busy just writing tickets. Even in a TINY county of 30,000 people there is a division strictly dedication to cyber crimes. Within that division there are a few dozen cops, investigators, whatever who dedicate their time to catching criminals doing illegal cyber activities.

These are not limited to catching people who are buying and selling steroids, child pornography, buying and selling illegal drugs, finding sexual predators.

They had a special class at my church one night years ago and a few guys from the police force came and told us all about it. They have this software that allows them access to a lot of different shit. They can snoop through your e-mail and other things deemed private if they have suspicion that you are doing illegal activities...or maybe if they just want to.
You guys need to chill the fuck out, any brewer with half a brain or worth a shit doesn't just share there source so spare me on the law bullshit. Fucking christ, I use my head so hopefully you do too.
I'm just saying that there are some cops out there who aren't just doing illegal shit and beating people lol.

I've never been paranoid about anything.
I wasn't talking directly at you Georiga, fact of the matter is, anyone dumb enough to give up a source for raw or finished to a one time poster deserves to get fucked.

Regardless of that, just the shit we talk about can get us in trouble here. I'll be rthe first to admitt that I can get a little loose with info in threads asking for help etc. Why do you think I deleted my thread? You can google that a decade later and it'll still come up.

Or how about the multiple guys claiming they buy from an idiot with 2 kilo in his avitar on the open forum? They just don't look for sources guys.
i wasn't talking directly at you georiga, fact of the matter is, anyone dumb enough to give up a source for raw or finished to a one time poster deserves to get fucked.

Regardless of that, just the shit we talk about can get us in trouble here. I'll be rthe first to admitt that i can get a little loose with info in threads asking for help etc. Why do you think i deleted my thread? You can google that a decade later and it'll still come up.

Or how about the multiple guys claiming they buy from an idiot with 2 kilo in his avitar on the open forum? They just don't look for sources guys.

There is a reason they are called pigs. Straight up fucking pigs.
They never around when you need them, always around when u don't need them, call for help and you're the one who gets in trouble.

Come on bro. For the most part the cops are out there to help. Sure there are a few bad apples and innocent people do get fucked over once in a while. But for the most part if you are not a fucking moron most of them are people just like us and willing to help when you need it.
Come on bro. For the most part the cops are out there to help. Sure there are a few bad apples and innocent people do get fucked over once in a while. But for the most part if you are not a fucking moron most of them are people just like us and willing to help when you need it.

Agree 100%
Come on bro. For the most part the cops are out there to help. Sure there are a few bad apples and innocent people do get fucked over once in a while. But for the most part if you are not a fucking moron most of them are people just like us and willing to help when you need it.

Yes you are right 100%
but im still going to say fuck all cops.
I can be a cop too, Check out my piece.
Yeah, it's cool. I wouldn't trust me either online, haha! That's why you gotta make the move to meet someone in person to be able to even kinda trust them. I mean I go to school, have a good job, a fine ass fiance, a great family, a house...pretty much a lot to lose. It doesn't matter how long I post on will never truly know me unless you meet me. Which in my case, if you're in Florida...hit me up. If not, keep providing info to me over the next years, cause I'm not going anywhere. I like it here and have learned a lot in my short time here so you all can get used to seeing my posts when I have time. Peace...
There are two kinds of sources out there.

The open sources who take anyone as a client. They advertise on open source boards. What is the issue with sharing these sources with anyone? after all they share themselves with anyone. Some of the top suppliers are open sources

Private sources. These should be kept private and only shared when you feel you truly know and trust a person. That isn't 100% ever but they themselves do accept clients by referral.
They say 99.5 (yes I am sure some are) but the vast majority MAY put it @ 99.5 on paper because it looks better then less say 92.5.
If I am honest and put my shit up as 92.5 and everyone else lies and puts 98-99.9.. and Joe Blow doesn't know either of us and the prices are close then how much would get rid of vs. me... FDA %'s are much closer to being point on.

says who? they will send you the formula and everything, its not rocket science. once you get the tools to make it, and if you find a very large company that has many other materials, why would they do that?

If your not buying form someone that supplies other pharmacy's around the world, then i would get a new source, they are not hard to find.

if your doing 10 million in busuness a year, short changing the raw materials wont make you or break you. besides, if the price is too good to be true, it is.
Let me tell you something Fedmax, I don't use raws and I don't have any raw sources. The guy has 6 posts, he isn't pming anyone and they aren't pming him.

It would probably take me all of 5 minutes to get an email and referral to whoever the top raw source is though.

And I can assure you of one thing, I would help out a good natured guy with 6 posts long before I help out some dip shit with 148 posts that thinks he knows something ;)

What he's trying to say on a open forum for everyone to see including the FEDS is thank you Zeek for throwing me a source via email/PM when you don't know me from Adam, risking the freedom of everyone else that uses the same source because I don't have enough post (time in the community) to send you a PM/email. Thanks again Zeek.
What he's trying to say on a open forum for everyone to see including the FEDS is thank you Zeek for throwing me a source via email/PM when you don't know me from Adam, risking the freedom of everyone else that uses the same source because I don't have enough post (time in the community) to send you a PM/email. Thanks again Zeek.

Wtf is wrong with you dude? Shut up and go sit in a corner.