chinese raw materials to make your own geer, any opinions?

I agree. It is still legal to manufacture and export these raws and no matter where you got it, probably came from china originally. I have had no probs in the past year with my brews.
Yes there are domestic raw producers. None of us have to worry about that since there is no way for us to obtain them.

Back to raws from China. The real answer is that we do not know. The major problem with these chinese raws people get is that there is no return address on them. What I mean by this is we are not told where they are made and by who. I'm sure some chinese raw producers make a very clean and accurately dosed product. You can also be sure that some of them sell a dirty impure product. It's a roll of the dice
This is low tech but melts tests and comparing filtration rates between powders and how much junk is left in the cup and just plain old "this shit is kicking I feel great" are something we pretty much have to rely on for short term answers.

USA powders.....Zeek nailed that one!
Wow....haven't made it to that step of brewing my own....but would like to try.

Now that i got the truth...guess i better get used to the idea of going Chinese.

Dayum...those Chinese are making everything these days!

Yes there are domestic raw producers. None of us have to worry about that since there is no way for us to obtain them.

Back to raws from China. The real answer is that we do not know. The major problem with these chinese raws people get is that there is no return address on them. What I mean by this is we are not told where they are made and by who. I'm sure some chinese raw producers make a very clean and accurately dosed product. You can also be sure that some of them sell a dirty impure product. It's a roll of the dice
Overpopulation and NO LAWS and the need of money and sweatshops = CHA-CHING...lowest prices on EARTH. Literally.
Can someone point me in the right direction as far as a reputable website for powder form gear? I've searched long and hard but I don't want to get ripped off and I don't know which site to trust. They all get mixed reviews that I've seen. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am new here but not a novice to taking juice...just tired of paying so much for it.:bash:
I was in that spot about 2 years ago. (paying to much for gear). Im a newbie here but was a member to another site for about 2 years. Just read all you can, Im sure youll find what you need to know. Some of these guys will answer your question and im sure it will be the correct answer. As far as a SOURCE.....your on your own. Im sure you can put 2 and 2 together for that one.(google is great!) Got 10+brews under my belt now. Only 1 crashed(shame on you cyp) but was easily fixed. Good Luck!
Carfull what you buy guys, do standard melt tests, and there are lots of guys here with lots of info to help you along.

Be safe!
Yeah, I know finding the source is the hardest and most painstaking process. I mean, I've been on and off gear for like 10 years now and I've only met one person that reconstituted it himself years ago at which point it didn't click to ask him if he could hook me up with powder form. So now I'm back at square one...FML! I can get pre-mixed all day, but I'm tired of getting raped for street price. I don't want to get too specific about anything on here as I know it's frowned upon and I def don't want to get anyone into any trouble. But if anyone can help and wants to get in touch another way just let me know. Florida boy for life!
Im with you on the street rape hehe, homebrew is 10x less sometimes even more....

There are lots of boards out there, just hang out, get to know some people and you will find what you need.
As for local in your area, thats going to even be tougher.
Yeah, I know. I'll just have to be patient and hope someone can eventually help me out...or I can find something on my own. I don't care if it's local or not though. I love this forum! I'm really new here, but I've learned a lot so far on here. You will never know everything, haha!:)
Do not google a source for raw powders!! Don't be so desperate that you either end up getting ripped off or some crappy product. Put the time in and get to know the brew crew we have here. These guys have a passion for brewing and once they get a feel for you and trust you they will point you in the right direction.
I have Google'ed for RAW powder so much my, I almost have every Chinese site memorized. I still don't have a clue what to trust. I can't afford to to get ripped for anything. I will be 40 this week a have for kids under 11 yrs old. Income is only a couple bills a week right now. I have enough gear to get done with my current cycle that i just started but would love to make my own. Any help would be very welcome.
Judge , the way to get that help is to be active posting and get to know the guys.
Guys. Don't say a fucking word.
If you don't know the person, keep your lip sealed.
These people could be straight up cops, I think they are.
They new to the forum, 3posts.. give me a break.
I smell some big fat juicy bacon
No disrespect Zeek, but this is exactly how the pigs do it...
When your ass is sitting behind bars(not you Zeek) you'll be saying why did I want to help this DUDE out so bad and I don't know him from Adam?? Then you will have countless years to ask yourself this.. if you come up with any other explanation other then I'm a true dumbass then you are truly just that..a dumbass. Let's tighten up brothers! Not to mention he has "Judge" as part of this username and one (1) post in 10 months!! Yeah he's serious...not. Serious about putting our asses away for 8+ in a Pen.

"Pigs" are busy writing traffic tickets. Federal agents that are assigned to deal with this kind of shit already have targets. They dont need to come onto a forum and build a relationship to find a raw source in china. They know who the big cats are and are wathching them. Really im not saying it doesnt happen and not to be carefull but i think thats more geared towards domestic shit. But always better safe than sorry. Just no need stay up at night paranoid.