chinese raw materials to make your own geer, any opinions?

Lets talk about this for a second man.

Your source was on this site not long ago propositioning newbies in this very section of the board. In his avatar he was holding 2 kilo's of raws.

What secret are you protecting? if he was here he would be trying to pass his email to the guy with 6 posts. Do you see the lunacy behind your actions?

Forget that you accused me of some nonsense, I don't even care about that now. If your own guy was here doing what he was doing, what are you protecting? seriously. I want an answer on this

This does deserve an answer form you Fedmax.
So basically he jumped down your throat because another member thanked you and he had no idea why he thanked you and automatically assumed it was because he is a snitch and a federal agent and is trying to drown this forum because he has no life!?!?

*gasps for air*


Pretty much
and now he is left baffled on how the hell I know what he does for a living :)
Zeek you really need to stay off the tits and ass thread because people are accusing you of having no life and needing to spend more time in the gym you lazy bum.
I told you straight up fedmax, I have no clue why he thanked me. If I gave him an open source I would gladly say it. No shame to that

So now that we have that established

I want to know what you are protecting when your source himself did some retarded shit on here. You answer this and I will tell you how I know you are a prison guard and at what prison :) I'll keep the prison location to PM's though
Zeek you really need to stay off the tits and ass thread because people are accusing you of having no life and needing to spend more time in the gym you lazy bum.

well, sadly they would be kind of right! I'm an old man raising two kids on his own. I don't have much of a life but there is no shame to that for me. I've been all over and done a lot in years past. Now I just focus on these kids.

But fear not I do make my gym time regardless ;)
This would have been a good time for DADAWG to bust out a skit on me. To get me back for all the DADAWG skits I put out ;)
Where is Fedmax, I want to hear why he jumped down another member's throat. I fear one day we will live in a world where we have no manners and are chastised for saying 'Thank You' & 'You're Welcome'...

That day will come not long after SOPA is passed...
I'm waiting for his reply on his source. He knows what his source did here. What is he protecting. This is a legit question
Wow, what a straight mind fuck this thread has turned into. If I trust anyone here it's Zeek. Also, like he stated there are several boards filled with banners(50+) of sources so wtf is the point of all this fed?

I mean, we have a forum dedicated to a source. Quit worrying about others and cover your own ass. It was not too long ago you openly admitted buying off that shitty excuse for a powder source. So it's straight up hypocritical to jump on Zeek in the way that you did.
This would have been a good time for DADAWG to bust out a skit on me. To get me back for all the DADAWG skits I put out ;)
Lets talk about this for a second man.

Your source was on this site not long ago propositioning newbies in this very section of the board. In his avatar he was holding 2 kilo's of raws.

What secret are you protecting? if he was here he would be trying to pass his email to the guy with 6 posts. Do you see the lunacy behind your actions?

Forget that you accused me of some nonsense, I don't even care about that now. If your own guy was here doing what he was doing, what are you protecting? seriously. I want an answer on this

Answer the "Thank you" first.

I have no idea but lets do some math. His email is not on his profile anywhere and neither is mine. He can't PM me and I can't PM him. So unless I sent him a psychic message and he tanked me for the source then he is thanking for something else, which I can;t answer even after looking through the posts.

Ok I asked and I answered you. I know I'm an old man with no life and all but I do need to get to the gym before 8:30 so how about answering me? fair is fair and right is right
Here's how the whole Fedmax/Zeek firestorm started:

Zeek was calmly talking about powders from China...probably cocaine...and like usual Zeek makes a good point.


The point ol' Zeek made was SO damn good that a member just HAD to thank him.

Someone *Fedmax* had never seen such unprovoked manners before and a hurricane of fury stormed up inside of him causing him to go on the attack!


Zeek was caught off guard and quickly took to the offensive.


3J came in trying to calm everyone down with his marvelous dieting plan.


However, after eating the kitten above Zeek's fury only got stronger.


Georgia tried to come in and help him by flying a flag of truce.


It was too late. Zeek charged after Fedmax with such fury and strength that no one could stop him.


After taking a quick bath and settling down he grabbed a hot chick and road off into the sunset never to return.

LMFAO!!!!!!!!!! well done Georgia! The next time The Dawg bans someone I am sitting out and letting you run that skit!