DaHurt's First Cycle

Dude I have been folling you and Hockeyplayas threads and you two are impressive! Keep up the hard work bro its really paying off!

Haha sorry man! Been swamped, giving and grading mid-terms right now.

Here's a video for now haha.

I started to notice that one lat is slightly bigger than the other so I recorded some of my back workout to check form, and it looks pretty even...not sure what could be causing the difference in development :smashcomp

D looking huge brotha!!!

Thanks man...just trying to keep the development even! Sometimes it sounds easier than it is!

It has been helping me to really concentrate on moving my elbows, not my arms or the weight...just drawing a straight line with the elbows.
that is weird because it looks like the right side when you are pulling down....my bad

That's a good thing then! So it isn't glaringly obvious that it's the left, which is what I was afraid of! I think it is actually due to the angle of the camera and my body too..they aren't straight on.