Dougoe's Bulktastic Cycle

DougoeFre5h said:
PA, lift, dave, that - thanks for the comments fellas.

Dadawg, I feel what your saying. My logic is like this, shbg will be creeping up and up from day one. Nors are damn good at lowing shbg, which will "revitalize" my cycle mid way through, free up some androgens and allow me to continue gaining till the last day (hoepfully).

You have an equally valid POV, and I considered it both ways. In my opinion your idea is much more of a well played cycle in the long run. My method is more of a shotgun approach to piling on size. Ill be doing my damnest during post cycle therapy (pct) to keep it all.
shbg = proviron for the win lol .
Damn you I cant win. Actually it will compete for the AR as well, and trust me I have a LOT of tricks up my sleeve for upregulation of AR and cell receptor activation. Given this, I hate to then take steps backwards with proviron.
Doug, I feel your pain. My bench sucks too. I have trouble from my chest to about three inches, and then I can push a ton. I’m in the process of having a 3 board implanted in my chest. I'll PM you for a question about one of your products I want to try.
DougoeFre5h said:
Damn you I cant win. Actually it will compete for the AR as well, and trust me I have a LOT of tricks up my sleeve for upregulation of AR and cell receptor activation. Given this, I hate to then take steps backwards with proviron.
Please provide me with details. email is desired. I can keep confidential is wanted. I might be willing to give something a try, as I've never been able to get great gains from ANY cycle unlike the vast majority of others.
mranak, we can talk shop anytime, but I invite you to read some threads and articles over at

One of our mod, trouble, is about as brilliant as they come. The key is essential fatty acids, and thier many many little-known benefits. We've discussed ideas and methods through supplementation and food sources alone that will one up what IGF and MGF promise. While IGF is the last stop on the tracks, were concerned the cascade and getting it to all fall into place.

Wanna get started? Do some reading up on arachidonic acid, an omega-6 fa. Its gets much much deeper than that and I admittedly have a general and mostly limited understanding of the cellular goings-on. Heres a few forum links to get ya started. Beware, the rabbit hole just keeps going.
DougoeFre5h said:
The key is essential fatty acids, and thier many many little-known benefits.

Wanna get started? Do some reading up on arachidonic acid, an omega-6 fa.
Okay, I'll do some reading.

and just for the sake of saying it, fish oil is a wonderful thing. I'm not a supplement freak at all. Hell, I'm not even currently taking a multivitamin even though I believe I should. But the benefits of fish oil are huge. Everyone should take fish oil.

I'm surprised to see your mention of omega-6, however. There is of course evidence that one of the problems in our cultural diet is that our ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 is not properly balanced (most of us take way more omega-6 than omega-3).

But of course, you are mentioning a specific omega-6 acid and I have do not know anything about it. Perhaps it isn't even prominent in my diet.
arachadonic acid isnt particularly a good thing for overall health in the long run. It is, however THE chemical that stressed muscle cells excrete - the chemical that cuases the entire anabolic cascade. 2-3 exogeneous AA (arachidonic acid) cycles a year is all I would venture to do.
Hint #2 - forskolin. If interested Ill tell you fellas where to pick it up at 95% purity, and how to solve the absorption problems associated with it.

This right here, with omega 3's (preferably from fish oil) can and will effectively upregulate the AR, as well as help regulate and favorably control a LOTTTTT of good stuff.
Forskolin is a labdane diterpene that is produced by Coleus forskohlii (synonym: Plectranthus barbatus). Forskolin is commonly used to raise levels of cyclic AMP (cAMP) in the study and research of cell physiology. Forskolin resensitizes cell receptors by activating the enzyme adenylyl cyclase and increasing the intracellular levels of cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate (cyclic AMP or cAMP). Cyclic AMP is an important signal carrier that is necessary for the proper biological response of cells to hormones and other extracellular signals. It is required for cell communication in the hypothalamus/pituitary gland axis and for the feedback control of hormones.
Ill post up my supplement regimin sans dosages.

Upon Waking
Dig Enzymes
Fish Oil

Pre WO (1 hour prior)

Pre WO (Immediately)


Fish Oil

Melatonin If Desired
mranak said:
Please provide me with details. email is desired. I can keep confidential is wanted. I might be willing to give something a try, as I've never been able to get great gains from ANY cycle unlike the vast majority of others.

Aren't you on your first cycle now?
Those supps are all bought in bulk, and are all VERY cheap. Shopping through CNW and BN is the best way to save cash. And yes they all work hand in hand. For example....

ALCAR has bany benefits, but as a downside forms a lot of free radicals which need to be quenched. Thats why I take idebenone, because its able to get to the mitochondria unlike other low-oxygen "antioxidants" that actually turn into oxidative agents in such conditions: ie, lifting heavy ass weight.

The supplement hole is a deep one, the more you learn the more there is to buy and try. What I have there is a decent list that covers many bases. For the penny pincher, all you NEED is a solid multi, EFA's, CEE and your choice of antioxidant.
i like pbs idea of running the anavar throughout an djust dropping the dbol all together. i used to be against var, but low sides and as far as I know you're not competing in anything so it should do you well... I just ordered a b unch of it to try out.