Dougoe's Bulktastic Cycle

DougoeFre5h said:
Here's my next one, Ive been off for a while now, but I feel very healthy and more over, very ready to get back on!

1-20 Test Enan (1-10 @ 750mg/w, 11-20 @ 875mg/w)
1-4 Dbol (injectable) @ 20mg/d
1-19 EQ @ 1g/w
13-20 Tren Enan @ 500mg/w
20-22 (something short ester or oral, yet to decide)

Aromasin @ 12.5mg/d throughout.
Levitra when needed ;)

Current Supps:
B6 @ 200mg/d throughout (maintenance) will use more if necessary
B5 @ 3g/d
vitC @ 3g/d
CEE @ 6g/d
AMP02 (courtasy of OMEGA) preworkout stim
Fish Oil @ 10-20g/d
Lots of various things mixed in like spices on a dish, nootropics (piracetam), idebenone, GABA, digestive enzymes, green tea.

The goal with this one is to accumulate some solid hypertrophy, as per a mass diet (450g pro minimum) and mass oriented training courtasy of ironaddict (

Should be fun, hell Im excited!

Hey doug,

what are your stats anyhow ..just curious?
DougoeFre5h said:
Just came off a hardcore cutting phase, and then stayed clean for bout 3 months which is an eternity for me. I know I know.

5'9, 196lbs, 7%bf
1RM as of last week:
Dead: 585 belt, also hit 545 for a triple
Squat: 535 belt
Bench: 320 raw :(

Same as before, plus a lb or 2 :)

and I will have that illusive 600 dead soon. I predict a sept 600.
Good luck with everything, some q's:
1. Why inject dbol?
2. Where do you get your idebenone?
3. What's your take on omega3's interfering with anabolism? (discussion getting going on this over @ ChemA).
1) Stopped already, too much of a hastle. Why was I? Not sure, back to the caps I went.

2) - Its quality stuff, very hard to mask inferior ideb due to the unmistakable color.

3) Im not sure, you see the inflammatory pathways that I bet they're discussing will be no doubt interupted by the omega 3's, that is on paper. Does this discussion have something to do with inflammatory cascade and or arachadonic acid? Ill have to check it out. I am wary to a certain extent over the idea, but not enouhg to exclude them from my diet.

Case in point. Many BIG fellas do pretty well for themselves and take plenty of omega 3;s through fish oil or otherwise.
In fact some recent discussion has been brought up elsewhere about the possible synergistic effects omega 3s have with AA (released during excersize causing the anabolic cascade). Link me up Doc.
DougoeFre5h said:
3) Im not sure, you see the inflammatory pathways that I bet they're discussing will be no doubt interupted by the omega 3's, that is on paper. Does this discussion have something to do with inflammatory cascade and or arachadonic acid? Ill have to check it out. I am wary to a certain extent over the idea, but not enouhg to exclude them from my diet.

Case in point. Many BIG fellas do pretty well for themselves and take plenty of omega 3;s through fish oil or otherwise.
Yes, I believe the benefits of omega3's so greatly outweigh any drawbacks that I'll be keeping them in my regimen. Plus, I'm guessing 2g/week of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) probably counteracts any negative effects on anabolism ;) I'll post over at CA to get Animal and Instynct to clarify their positions on the subject.
I think I know what all the fuss is about, its really a paper war. Anyone that has taken fish oil and trained hard knows that they still grow, they still get bigger and they are healthy too.
DougoeFre5h said:
Not particularly, I was just built to pull. My tri's are weak, I can get 405 off my chest but cant get it through the last 3/4 of the movement. Been doing lockouts and board presses as of late to correct this.

As for pics, Its a bit of an issue with privacy for me.

How many boards are u using when you do your board presses?
I would start a training log but I train under IronAddict so the workout is somewhat confidentail. Its WSB though, monday was ME legs and tomorrow is ME bench. Ill post up some numbers.