Following the progress

Day 25: dose as usual. Have alot of homework to do tonight, let alone watching the game, and Try to find some time to fit a work out in. It'll be interesting
Day 26: dose as usual. Just dont feel much energy today. My back and my left side on the edge of my ribcage are killing me for some reason. Just super tight, and really sore. Just going to work arms today.

Dumbbell Curls
50lbs each arm / 5x10

Dumbbell Tricep Extensions
50lbs / 5x10
Day 24: Dose as usual. Got sucked into going to a strip club tonight. so i broke down... had a few drinks, been a while.

you get no sympathy from me buddy - did it get your heart rate up?

Nice workouts - I just switched up my chest to do all flyes on chest day - seems to open my up - anyways, nice change of pace.

Looks like you are doing well - just watch the junk food. Keep up the intensity bro - very impressive!!!!
you get no sympathy from me buddy - did it get your heart rate up?

Nice workouts - I just switched up my chest to do all flyes on chest day - seems to open my up - anyways, nice change of pace.

Looks like you are doing well - just watch the junk food. Keep up the intensity bro - very impressive!!!!

HHAHAHAHA oh it got my heart rate up alright. well.... The one chick did. She did some things on a pole I have never seen before.

And for the junk food... Ive been eating clean for the past few days. And i dropped 2lbs already lol. its like a joke or something.
Day 27: dose as usual. Been getting blasted with appointments, and work. Gotta try and find some time today to get a leg work out in.
Day 28. Dose as usual. I think the main reason my back is getting all cramped an swollen is my bed... Fucking spent 2500$ just on the matress alone.. you think it would help NO! /Rant

Full body work out today... or for what I can do.

Curls :
5x5 with 45's (so 90lbs)
5x5 with 50's (so 100lbs)

Tricep Extensions :
5x10 with 50lbs

Upward Row :
5x5 with 40's (80lbs)

Standing Shoulder Press :
5x5 with 45's (90lbs)

Sit-up's :

Pushups :

Standing calve raises
100lbs weighted Back pack
100 Calve Raises


(I know how weird this next one sounds BUT IT IS KILLER IN THE THIGHS, try this and you will know what im talking about)

Deep stair Walking W/ Weights
100lbs back pack
50 stairs
(With this you extend over 3 steps (sort of feels like a lunge) drop down like your going to squat. Press your self up with the extended foot. EXTREMELY KILLER in the thighs. Your walking up the staris FYI
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Nice workout TSK. Your wheels are going to be killin you in 2 days! ;-) The stair lunges sound like torture (in a good way)
Day 29: Dose As Usual. Just going to hop on the tread mill. Jog/Speed walk for a while. Im thinking 5 miles will be good. SO thats what I will be doing, since its been a while since my fat ass hopped on the tread LOL...

5 Miles
I AM GOING TO PUNCH MY PRIMARY DOCTOR IN THE DICK!!!!!! I now have to wait till the End of march to get a complete physical and complete blood work board done on me. Some of these doctors are complete jokes man....
Day 30 : Official weigh in 196.1lbs. Up 10.5 lbs from start date.

Dosing as usual.

Height: 6' 00"
Weight: 185.6
Chest: 44.5"
Arms: 16"
Thighs: 25.5"
Calves: 16"
Waist: 35"

Height: 6' 00"
Weight: 196.1
Chest: 46"
Arms: 16"
Thighs: 26.5"
Calves: 16"
Waist: 35"

Arms and calves being stubborn as fuck YET AGAIN... going to wait after my doctor app. to start the anadrol. still waiting on them any way for me to run.
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OVERALL Product Opinion....

I did notice a little more energy. But in my perspective I didnt think it was worth it.
10lbs in 1 month is nice. But, the pumps and energy that was portrayed.... wasnt any where near what I expected. I will not be buying these products again
We need more love in here!

The path to shexyness should not be one taken alone!

lol, looking good.
We need more love in here!

The path to shexyness should not be one taken alone!

lol, looking good.

LMAO! I know right? I know some people fiddle there banjo to my pics from time to time but damn hhahaha. if you come on in here, leave something. I dont care if its flaming or bullshit. I take that to my advantage.:wiggle:
LMAO! I know right? I know some people fiddle there banjo to my pics from time to time but damn hhahaha. if you come on in here, leave something. I dont care if its flaming or bullshit. I take that to my advantage.:wiggle:

DId you say fiddling my banjo?

There are a few things I could fiddle my banjo to, but I'm sorry your just not shexy enough.....yet

She is though!

Day 30 : Official weigh in 196.1lbs. Up 10.5 lbs from start date.

Dosing as usual.

Height: 6' 00"
Weight: 185.6
Chest: 44.5"
Arms: 16"
Thighs: 25.5"
Calves: 16"
Waist: 35"

Height: 6' 00"
Weight: 196.1
Chest: 46"
Arms: 16"
Thighs: 26.5"
Calves: 16"
Waist: 35"

Arms and calves being stubborn as fuck YET AGAIN... going to wait after my doctor app. to start the anadrol. still waiting on them any way for me to run.

I'm not going lie I'm jealous of the a bomb bro.can't wait for ya to add it in the mix