Squats and Deads S&M
Nice banjo!!
6k mmm mmm thats alot of eatting
been 4 days, still holding the same weight
cut my eating down. eating a little cleaner, but still intaking 6000 cals. an no... thats not a lie or an over exaggeration
Hows things?
probably. It just pisses me off tho man, like not everyone is the same, shit isnt just solved with a snap of the finger. I know whats going on, because its my body. YOU DONT! Your suppose to listen to the situation at hand, take everything into concideration, and then run some tests to find out exactly. Not just cut me off at not even mid point, and automatically make an assumption. Shit is just ridiculous.
My insurance coverage changed, and my deductible was raised substantially. Which if it was back to what it normally was... when i only payed 80$ a visit... IF THAT, I wouldnt really care. I could piss that.... But not when I have to pay 300$ now a visit lol. It just seems doctors dont care anymore about treating and helping people. They only care about shooting some pills in front of you and saying... WELL, best of luck to you.
Shit this doctor for when i recently went to see cause supposedly "GURU" of the back medicine. Gave me some meds an said it would clear me up... im like dude... after a month i dont think some lame ass pills are going to help. LONG BEHOLD those pills he gave me created stomach ulcers immediately and caused alot of bleeding. Only thing he had to say to me was... well that was a side effect that rarely happens.... like BITCH lol, if I would have known that I wouldnt have taken them, I would have just said fuck it, went downtown picked up some pain killers from a junkie that would last me over a few weeks and saved me a few hundred.
And no worries I'm not losing faith... just utterly pissed off with the set backs.
listen man, western medicine is a fucking dog and pony show, real pain in the ass. Dont get me wrong, there are some great aspects of it but still much lacking.
One of the big problems is MD's do what gets paid which is give out pills. Total horse shit most of the time.
i'm going to just stop right there. You get my drift. it is true the pharm companies drive health care in this coutry.
Ever think of seeing someone who specializes in holistic healing? Always safe to get a doctors view on a situation, but when they no longer care to help might as well try yourself.
I know the Chiropractor helped me when I recently sprained my spinal cord (every vertebrae from the middle of my back to the top lol) and it even had a large bend in it from a snowboarding fall that twisted me wrong.
Had I gone to the ER, it would have been 3,000's worth of tests to tell me nothing they could do or surgery. Chiro fixed me up. 95% back to where I was, but still pulling some muscles due to weakness.
Thinkin yay or nay for chiro?