looks like i am going to start a journal

box squat with greens
275 2x2
315 2x2
335 2x2

315 2x10

Reverse Hypers 230 2x20

92 lb kettlebell swings 3x10

OK, first off, my squat blows, that is what happens when you are fag like myself. I have set myself back two months. I had to go back to my loose ass metal briefs. My frantz squat suit that i was lifting in does not give me the hip support i need that even my 2 inch two big metals give me. It was night and day today, i was able to drive my hips out like i should be doing and not fighting to get wide. The high rep RH's made me want to puke, the dimmels fucking killed my glutes and hams, and by the time i finished the swings i wanted to die. Good workout. Everything is great except my squat, lol. By the way, i think i am going to be alternating band tension one week, free squatting the next.
No one to help me in my shirt today, will probably have it on Friday or next monday.

Close grip 2 board

light band pushdowns 100 total reps

Bent rows
315 2x6 I need to work on these, they felt real heavy

one arm hammer rows

3plates 2x12

My friend at the gym is a cheerleader/ex competitive gymast he taught me some stretches for about a half hour afterwards, hopefully this will be the beginning of me fixing my perpetual flexibility issues.
Deads off three inch platform


SS bar box squats 245 3x5

Reverse Hypers 240 1x20 1x18

Kettlebell swings 2x10 92 lber

this workout for some reason killed me, the squats wrecked me after deads, by the time i was done i was almost in tears walking to my car my back was so pumped. I think i did something right today.
SHould have skipped today, i was at work till 4:30 last night, and back at 9:30 this morning.

3 boards
405x2 spotter did not unrack it properly and was out of my groove.
425x1 completely missed second.

pin presses a few inches from chest doubled purples
185 3x5

did some light rear delts and lats, got to do some more work tomorrow and this weekend for upper back rear delts. Overall i felt like crap, and still do.
405 5x2 off a box

dimmel deads 22xx 15
315 2x10

ghr 3x8

I am beginning to think i suck.
off three inch plaform deads


Reverse Hypers 270 lbs 3x10

Ghrs 3x8

Just shot some emails back and fourth with Joel Toranzo, looks like i am going to be training with him and his crew possibly starting this monday.
First day with Joel and company

Close grip, up to set of 12 with 225, all reps paused for a sec

decline up to set of 12 with 275 all sets paused for a sec

barbell military up to set of 185 for 12

speed bench 225 6x2

tricep pushdown, weight plus mini band 2x15

standing ab pulldowns 3x12-15

Great workout, a little different, need to get a little stamina back from the higher rep stuff.
Deads 495x4
550x1 pretty quick and not that hard

dumbell rows

Tbar rows
3 plates x8
4.5 plates x7

Hammer lat palms facing me
2.5 plates x 8
3 plates x8

Rear delts
2x10 dumbells

back attack 2x10

abs 3x10
Worked in it a bit, double Rage x

Did some two boards in it, i think it was 425, 460 and 495 all for a single. I think we are going to use the same weights next week and drop the board down to a one board. Felt pretty good, i screwed up the first 495 attempt but nailed the second, and banged up my wrist a bit. Cut the workout short to throw some ice on it. Finding Joel is a blessing.
was fooling around squatting without briefs and i didn't like it. I didn't go very heavy, i think i went up to 365 without briefs off a box for like 3 reps. I did some reps without the box as well, my groin hurts and my hips hurt. I am going back to the briefs with a box and no bands. It is what got me stronger in the first place and it is what i am going to do now. May start using some chains as time goes on.

Horizontal leg presses 3x8

Dimmel Deads 225x12, 315 2x10

Reverse Hypers 3x10 i did these lighter and more controlled, i think i only had 210 on the machine.
Close grip 235x12

incline dumbells 110lbsx 15

military barbell 195x12

rear delts dumbells 2x12

speed bench 185+doubled minis 3x2
205+doubled minis 3x2

band pushdowns 3x15

hammer curls 2x20

standing abs 4x10

ham curls 2x20 hams were sore as shit, needed to get blood in them
Rack pulls just below the knee.


Reverse Hypers 260 3x10

Dumbell rows 110x6, 130x6, 150x5

reverse grip hammer pulldown
2 plates x10
2 plates and a quarterx8
2 plates and a 35x8

Standing ab pulldowns 3x10
Worked up to 425, 460, and 500 all with a foam pad about the width of one board. They said the 500 would have touched. Missed a rep with 500 before i hit it, dropped it to low and it was completely out of groove.

Three board raw

385x5, got help on the last two.

Four board with doubled minis
315x5 ugly in the beginning got better and needed help on 5

Joel is doing a good job working with my board form and shirt form. And by the way he was playing around with 700 with the ultimate denim today, i see some big numbers again in his future. As hard as it is, it has been alot of fun.
425 5x2 box squat, about 15 inches

Roamanian deads 225x12, 330 2x8 kept losing my grip. Bar was fatter than the normal ones

GHR 3x8

I have a lot of work to do on my squat, my form sucks, i can't use the mono properly, and did i say my form sucks. The crew picked me apart today where my head almost exploded. I am going to really have to work on my form as they think my squat would be much higer if i could just correct a few things.
275 close grip 2 board x 10

295 decline x10

hammer shoulder 2 plates a side x10
2 plates and quarters x10

standing ab pushdowns worked up to very difficult 8, did a total of 5 sets of 10 reps each

purple band pull aparts 3x12

doubled minis over a rack pushdowns 3x25 ( active recovery )

glute ham raises 10, 10, 5

i was hurting pretty bad in the elbows and forearms today, workout was good though, hit what i needed to hit. Gonna be adding the ghr's in 4 times a week now as my hams lag a bit. See what happens, the active recovery helps so much it is not even funny. So does the advil.
Rack pulls just below the knee


Bent rows stretching all the way down to the ground on each rep
275x8, 7

close grip cable rows 3x10

Reverse Hypers 280 3x10

purple band pullaparts 3x12

Rack pulls were up about 15 lbs for the last two sets from last week. Gonna put the dead suit on next week and work on something like 610-620
3 board

Racks, worked up 5 reps a set until 465x3, 495x1 lost my groove and stopped.

band pushdowns 100 total

standing ab pulldowns 4 sets

rear delts 3x10

face pulls 3x12

I have lost some lockout strenght the last two months, should be back relatively quickly though.
didnt' really squat, but worked for about an hour on my form. I think i may have gotten it down today. I was doing some weird shit before. worked to a box didn't go above 225.

leg presses worked sets of 8 up to a heavy set of 8

standing abs 4 sets

back attack 3x8

ghr 12, 9

It was just three of us today and i got their when the other two were finishing up, most everyone took teh week off. Should be back in bus next week with decent form on the squat. Hopefully.
work sets only

close grip 265x10, then Joel yelled at me for not pausing, so i did another 10 pausing on each rep, even though he said not to. But at that point, pride has to step in, lol.

dumbell bench 110x10 long pauses on each rep, just so i didn't have to here it.

Military barbell 225x8

cable side laterals 2x15

speed bench 6 sets of 2 all reps paused 225

rolling dumbell extensions, last set of 9 with 60's dropped them before i could get 10.

Some crossovers to strectch before i left.

Good workout all in all. I don't feel as beat up today. Probably getting used to things.
worked up to 610 in my deadlift suit, good.

Bent rows, 275 2x8 stretched to the floor on each one

one arm hammer rows 3 platesx12 4 plates and change x 8

low machine row 2x10

reverse hyper 300lbs 3x10

GHR 2x10 needed a little push on last two

band pull aparts 2x10

Felt good, they said their was a possibility i would get called for hitching on the 610. I have a video off it and it looks as though i don't push my ass out far enough because of the suit, which means my knees are over the bar. I never stop the motion and i didn't use my knees as rest but it kind of looks funny.