MilkDaScow's Keeping it Natural Log

August 5th

Chest and Triceps

Flat Bench 225/5, 255/5, 265/5, 185/10 (really slow)
Incline Bench 185/10, 195/8, 205/6
Incline DB Flyes 55's/10, 55's/10, 60's/8

V-Bar Pushdowns 65/15, 80/10, 87.5/8 (one of those numerous pulley stacks that makes everything alot heavier)
Smith Machine CGBP 185/10, 205/8, 225/6

*made it through this workout in about 45 minutes and didn't really have much strength as shown by the numbers... hopefully its only temporary and because of the sun, lack of really nutritious food, and too much booze
Hey dude;

Workouts are lookin good in spite of your "sins of summer" lol - I'm sure the strength will be back up in no time - it's all about tradeoffs - party...or lift? Tough choice but you gotta have some recreation too.

i'm off on holiday next week - hope to come home with bulging bi's instead of bulging belly - it's all u can eat and drink for 10 days - good thing they have a gym there too! Sept will be my month to get serious again.

Later bro!
August 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th


*combination of being at Clearwater Beach and Disney World... had a great time at both

*August 9th... spending about 7 hours in the airport because it is just far enough away from my mom's house to not be able to take 2 separate trips for my girlfriend and I... so going to be sitting at Friday's for the next few hours and drinking my face off
Next Cycle (Revised)

3rd Cycle (9 weeks long)

Weeks 1-9: 100mg Test Prop ED
Weeks 2-9: 33mg Tren Ace ED (will access how my body handles the Tren and possibly bump the dosage up to 50mg ED)
*may run some injectable Winstrol (winny) @ 50mg ED from Weeks 4-9 if I don’t like how dry I am… I’m sitting on 2 20ml Bottles of Human Grade so I figure I might want to use it


Mass Gain: Gain 9 pounds of Solid Muscle (approximately 1lb/week)
Strength Gains: 10-15% of 1RM in the 3 major lifts (365lb Bench, 585lb Deadlift, 475lb Squat)
Fat Loss: 2% (approximately .5lb/week)

I think that with tightening my diet a little more and increasing the 0 Cardio I do currently to 3-4 30 minute sessions a week, this shouldn’t be unattainable.


4,200-4,500 calories ED (currently maintaining well on about 3,800-4,000 ED)

Planning on upping the protein and dropping the carbs slightly. Should be about 450 grams of protein, 350 grams of carbs, 100 grams of fat.


Going back to a little bit more of the Traditional Body Building (1 body part/wk split) but I’m going to keep the main lifts heavy (6 reps or less).

Day 1: Quads, Hamstrings, Calves
Day 2: Chest, Biceps, Forearms, Abs
Day 3: OFF
Day 4: Back, Calves, Abs
Day 5: Shoulders, Traps
Day 6: Biceps, Triceps, Forearms, Abs
Day 7: OFF

*the Bicep day w/Chest will be a lighter day (probably only 6 sets)
* any recommendations are more than welcome… the increased volume and training frequency is because I’m going to be on a healthy amount of gear
* Cardio will be 3-4x a week… I haven’t figured out exactly when because my class schedule isn’t set in stone yet
I like the cycle. The gains seem very realistic. The only sticking point is trying to lose bodyfat while gaining a significant amount of lbm. A lot of that is going to come down to your individual genetics, some people can pull this off better than others. Another factor will be how much tren you run. The more tren the easier it will be. By no means am I advising you to run high amounts of tren. It does have a very pronounced effect on fat loss. Let me know if there are any other aspects you want feedback on.
I like the cycle. The gains seem very realistic. The only sticking point is trying to lose bodyfat while gaining a significant amount of lbm. A lot of that is going to come down to your individual genetics, some people can pull this off better than others. Another factor will be how much tren you run. The more tren the easier it will be. By no means am I advising you to run high amounts of tren. It does have a very pronounced effect on fat loss. Let me know if there are any other aspects you want feedback on.

I like to think that I have good genetics... Nothing overly special but I do well with muscle gain and fat loss if my training and diet is on point.

I don't plan on going over 50mg ED of Tren, I don't know if those are to doses you are talking about, but thats really all I want to mess with for a first go around with Tren.

I know you don't care for my training, but let me know if you can change anything within the training I prefer. If not, its not a big deal as I know you don't train the same way I do.

What is your opinion on running a shorter cycle into something longer?? (ie. Test Prop/Tren Ace into Test E/EQ)My doctor has advised me not to go any longer than 16 weeks total and no longer than 8 weeks with Tren. (I know, my doctor is the coolest guy in the world... he is more concerned keeping his patients healthy and living the lifestyles they prefer rather than telling people what to do)
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As far as running a shorter cycle into a longer cycle is concerned, I would just go ahead and let everything clear out of your system from the short cycle before you jump onto long esters. My reasoning for this being that if you run the test/tren you're going to but shut down, and when you transition to the long stuff you're waiting 4-6 weeks for it to kick in while still being shut down. May as well take a month or two to recover since the short esters leave your body so fast.
As far as running a shorter cycle into a longer cycle is concerned, I would just go ahead and let everything clear out of your system from the short cycle before you jump onto long esters. My reasoning for this being that if you run the test/tren you're going to but shut down, and when you transition to the long stuff you're waiting 4-6 weeks for it to kick in while still being shut down. May as well take a month or two to recover since the short esters leave your body so fast.

yeah, I was thinking the same thing.... I was going to run the Test/EQ with a continuation of the Test Prop from the first half of the cycle
August 10th


*didn't feel all that well today and figured it would be a good idea to get my diet back on track as much as possible before training again... going to get back at it tomorrow
August 11th

Chest and Biceps

Flat Bench 265/6, 275/4, 280/4, 295/2
Incline DB Press 95's/8, 100's/7, 100's/6
Cable Cross Overs 80/12, 90/10, 90/10

One Arm Preacher Curls 45's/8, 45's/10
Straight Bar Curls 100/8, 100/8
Cybex Machine Curls 100/10, 100/10

* amazing how good rest, no drinking, and clean calories increase my performance so drastically
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bro i notice that as soon as i start drinking my body slowly starts loosing its anabolic state. i feel so lethargic and shitty. its amazing how little rest and sobriety can make a difference
no drinking!!!...fuck that, it's a way of

Protein intake looks good.

Beware, ED injections get to be a pain in the ass after awhile.

As for going from zero cardio to 3-4 30min sessions...i slow up on that. maybe add 3 20 min sessions for starters. Tren does KILL the cardio factor.
no drinking!!!...fuck that, it's a way of

Protein intake looks good.

Beware, ED injections get to be a pain in the ass after awhile.

As for going from zero cardio to 3-4 30min sessions...i slow up on that. maybe add 3 20 min sessions for starters. Tren does KILL the cardio factor.

I did ED injections for like 4 weeks last cycle and they started to get annoying, but nothing that I can't deal with...

As far as Cardio goes, I will taper into it. But the Cardio I do consists of the Stationary Bike of Elliptical at a nice slow pace. I don't hit cardio too hard ever. But I will most definitely take that into consideration.
Nigga im glad to see the new avatar..this way i know your not a 10,000 post guy that never touched a
Nigga im glad to see the new avatar..this way i know your not a 10,000 post guy that never touched a

yeah, none of that... I HAVE lifted and I HAVE ran some gear as my avatar shows

you look lean and mean as well JMEALS/KID666 lol
August 12th and 13th


*really have been feeling off, don't know what from but no energy, no motivation, real bad head aches, etc...
August 14th

Back and Traps

Pull Ups bw/12, bw+20/8, bw+30/6
Palms Facing Face Pull Downs 190/10, 205/8, 205/8
Bent Over Rows 225/10, 245/10, 265/8
Lying T-Bar Rows 115/10, 125/10, 135/8

DB Shrugs 120's/15, 120's/15, 120's/15

*felt better today and had a ton more energy, etc...