MOM's 1-T/Epistane log


Death Dealer
Upper body hypertrophy -

Incline HS machine 2 plates per side x10 3 plates x8 4 plates x8 x10
overhad grip pull ups bw x8 bw+25 x8 bw+45 x12
cable chest flyes 100 x8 120 x8 150 x8
HS high row 3 plates per side x8 4 plates x8 5 plates x10
seated lateral raises 30's x8 35's x8 40's x10
superset w/ cable shrugs 200 x10 x15 x20

Last workout natty. I'll apply the 1-T after my shower a little later. I'll weigh myself before posting again.
Weighed in at 257 midway through my daily meals. I'm hoping to end this cycle at 265 or more, most likely shaving a percent or two bodyfat. I would like to assess some of the effects of 1-T independently of epistane so I'm going to run it for at least a few weeks by itself.

I applied 5 pumps after showering. Smells like garbage, and took a while to fully rub in and dry. The lotion now comes in a clear plastic canister as opposed to the metal one I got my dermacrine and sustain alpha in previously. The design seems much improved, and the pump is built in.
How long do you plan on running this cycle? Are you going to bother with HCG or do you consider it a waste for an OTC cycle?
I'll probably go 10 weeks total. 3 weeks of 1-T followed by 6 weeks of epistane/1-T and then a week or two more 1-t while the epistane clears.

I have hcg on hand as well as sustain alpha. Sustain will be my first line of defense, as I'd prefer to hoard the hcg for a test cycle, but if I feel extra shut down I'll hop on hcg.
then a week or two more 1-t while the epistane clears.
Why, how long of a half-life does epistane have? I thought it's out of the system and your ready for post cycle therapy (pct) the day after your final dose.
I have hcg on hand as well as sustain alpha. Sustain will be my first line of defense, as I'd prefer to hoard the hcg for a test cycle, but if I feel extra shut down I'll hop on hcg.
Solid protocol. Do you plan on using the sustain at 10 pumps for 2 days a week?
The half life of epistane is pretty similar to most orals, it would clear the system in a couple of days tops. In my opinion it's good to give your body time to regulate everything between adding and dropping compounds.

As far as the sustain is concerned, I believe a normal dose is something like 4-5 pumps a day. What is this 10 pumps twice a week protocol you mentioned?
Thanks for the link that's interesting. It looked to me like they were saying to use it at 6 pumps 2x per week.
Thanks for the link that's interesting. It looked to me like they were saying to use it at 6 pumps 2x per week.

You're right, I got a little mixed up. I read another thread there where they said use 10 pumps. I'm guessing 6 pumps will probably do the trick though.
That's the method I'll be using. I did sort of a pulsing dosage after my dermacrine/epistane cycle taking it eod or e3d for a couple weeks and it seemed to help.
Day 4 1-T

Lower body hypertrophy -

walking db lunges 55's x16 75's x16 100's x16 - been a while since I did 100's
donkey calf press machine 2 plates per side x10 3 plates x10 4 plates x15
superset w/ decline twisting crunches w/16 lb medicine ball at extension x12 x16 x20
cambered bar preacher curls 25 per side x8 35 per side x8 45 per side x9
superset w/ cable pressdowns 90 x15 140 x15 190 x16

Just a few days in and I've noticed the increase in sex drive usually associated with going on androgens. I felt strong today and had more energy than I normally would have considering I was hung over. Definitely feeling more anabolic, but all of this is very subjective at this point so I'll give it some more time before I reach any conclusions.
Day 6 1-T

Upper body strength -

bench 135 x8 225 x5 275 x5 315 x4 x4 x4 - Felt a lot better than last week
HS rows 3 plates per side x6 4 plates x6 5 plates x6 6 plates x8
db military 75's x6 90's x6 100's x8 - totally off balance
smith machine shrugs 315 x8 365 x8 x12
superset w/ forearm work

Everything felt good. I was really rushed because I was lifting on my lunch break. I was also missing my wrist wraps and lifting straps which hurt me on military and rows. No big changes to report, muscles are feeling slightly more dense.
Day 8 1-T

Lower body strength

front squats 135 x5 225 x3 275 x2 315 x2 (belted) 365 x2 (belted)
jacknife crunches x12 x15 x20
superset w/ hammer strength calf press 3 plates+25 per side x12 x15 x20
overhead db press 80 x10 100 x10 120 x10
superset w/ db preacher curls 35 x8 (per arm) 45 x8 50 x8 (right arm) x3 (left arm) - after the second rep it felt like something tore in the top of my bicep. I don't think anything is actually torn, there is no bruising and it doesn't hurt to move, but I'm going to have to watch this very carefully.

Nothing new to report from the 1-T. Really not feeling anything gymwise. I'm going to weigh in later today. I'll be doing weekly weigh-ins from here on out.
Had food poisoning all day yesterday. Was puking/dry heaving for about 12 hours. Got extremely dehydrated. Didn't apply 1-T because I couldn't stay on my feet long enough to shower. I'm alright today, back to normal eating schedule and did 1-T. I'll be back in the gym tomorrow.
Day 13 1-T

Upper body hypertrophy

incline db bench 75's x20 85's x20 90's x16
lat pulldowns 150 x15 x15 x20
flat bench 135 x20 185 x15 x17
wide grip cable low row 150 x15 200 x10 150 x20
seated lateral raise machine 100 x20 150 x20 200 x16
superset w/ dumbell shrugs 40's x20 50's x20 60's x20

Obviously not where my numbers usually are. Weighed in around 250 during the workout, which means I've lost at least eight pounds. Moreover, my bicep is not nearly healed so I had to go extremely light. I was still pretty weak and dehydrated today, so I just took it easy and worked on getting some blood in the muscles. All in all I'm pretty discouraged, but I've got some time to pick things up before starting up the epistane.
Day 15 1-T

Lower body hypertrophy -

squats 135 x5 225 x5 315 x5 x6 x8 x10(belted) - Just trying to get my base strong before the epistane.
HS ab crunches 220 x8 x10 x12
superset w/ calf sled 300 x10 340 x12 400 x16
rope pressdowns 80 x15 100 x15 120 x15
superset w/ seated db curls 30's x15 40's x12 50's x12 - bicep feeling a lot better

Really not feeling anything from the 1-T besides increased sex drive.
Day 18 1-T

A cold hit me out of nowhere today. Skipped a superbowl party so I could stay home and sleep, but I wasn't going to miss the gym. Very lethargic. I can't catch a break lately.

Upper body strength -

smith bench 135 x8 225 x5 275 x5 315 x5 345 x3
cable low rows 150 x8 200 x6 250 x6 300 (full stack) x10 rope low rows 200 x16 - Wanted to test out the bicep with heavy weight but didn't want to push for my usual 15 or so reps. The rope rows felt so good on my forearms that I decided to do face pulls for forearm work.
freemotion cable military press 80 x6 120 x6 150 (full stack) x10
shrugs on standing calf raise machine 300 x10 350 x10 400 x12
superset w/ face pulls 150 x8 x8 x8 dropset x5 regular rows
Day 20 1-T

Lower body strength

stiff leg deads 135 x6 225 x6 315 x6 405 x6 495 x4 (belted)
HS calf press 4 plates per side x10 x15 x22
superset w/ hanging twisting leg raises bw x10 x15 x20
dip machine 200 (full stack) x10 x15 x22
superset w/ standing alternating cable curls 60 x8 (per arm) 80 x8 100 x8

Epistane here I come. I'll start Thursday and get myself weighed before then.
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