My workout

Thanks guys. I was actually hoping to get one more rep, but I'll take what I can get :)
BB Bench 225lb 2X6, 1X4, 1X5 (I was fucking with my form and my grip)
DB Incline 60lb 1X8, 1X7
Band Pushdown
DC Stretch 60lb

OK, I was going out so I did some light shoulder and arm work for a pump :(
adidamps2 said:
nice work many total sets you hit before this?

I did warmups with 135, 225, then a single rep with 315 before i did this set.
Rack Chins 1X20, 2X15 BW
DB Rows 100lb 2X6
DB Clean and Press 35lb 2X10
Band Pullaparts 1X12