Some people were asking about my diet and training so here is a little something:
Check this out. If you are afraid to gain some fat while bulking then your going to have a hard time gaining muscle plain and simple. That is why you bulk during the winter and wear a! You can keep fat gain at a minimal if you train your ass off and have a good sleep schedule. In order to gain serious size you are going to have to take in a shitload of calories and protien several times a day. Eat or take a weightgainer every two to three hours. Each meal or shake needs to have atleast 50g of protien. Eating frequently will speed up your Metabolism. This will keep your body working and burning calories to digest your food so you dont accumalate too much fat during your bulking phase. Drinking Ice cold water will also help burn calories and fat. I think it is 32 calories for every 16oz of Ice cold water. Cardio is overated in my opinion and I never do it when bulking. I mean the most you will burn in a session is about 400 cals and you will void that by eatin a cookie. Now this is advice for recreational lifter and not for endurance athletes etc... But for all others save it for the cutting phase. When I bulk, I focus on three things when it comes to diet. Getting in enough protien, Getting tons of calories, and drinking alot of water.
Go straight from bulking into cutting, Honestly the only way I have found to cut and not lose a ton of muscle is "unnatural Supplements". It is hard to keep muscle mass when you are restricting your calories. It can be done but it has to be almost perfect. Like bulking you still have to eat frequently to keep your metabolism high. But rather then getting your protien and then eating as much as possible, you are now getting your protien and pretty much nothing else. A good diet for me would look something like this:
1st Meal: 6-8 egg whites scrambled (good with salsa or ketcup). Small bowl of oatmeal or cereal.
2nd Meal: Protien Shake 50 grams
3rd Meal: Chicken Breast or Can of Tuna, Any Vegetable and small bowl of rice or 2 rice cakes
4th Meal: Protien Shake 50 grams
5th Meal: Lean Steak, Chicken or Salmon, Any green Vegetables
6th Meal: Protien Shake 50 grams
***Meals should be 3-4 hours apart After about 2 weeks into this diet you should drop 2-4lbs a week. Drink as much ice cold water as possible. Again, Every 16 oz. of Cold water you drink your body burns 37 calories. You should get in a minimum of a gallon and a half a day. I drink Crystal Light instead of water cuz it tastes better. At times during this diet you will probably feel like you are starving and it sucks ass. It looks kinda like alot of food but its really not. When you feel hungry drink alot of water or Crystal Light. It helps.
The only way this diet is going to work is if you either 1) Dont work and have time to prepare 6 meals every day. Or 2) Prepare all your meals and shakes the night before and take them wherever you go the next day. For those of us that are not naturally genetic freaks have to work very hard to achieve the Bodybuilder type look. Especially Natural. There is not very much room for error.
Well I hope this helps and if you have any more questions hit me up. Peace