Pics When I was 320

hey i think your losing to much muscle since your eating such little calories, how many meals a day are you eating? and also are you eating high carbs at night, i doubt you are but i just am wondering. your chest and arms were intense in your first picture.they didnt look like you had much fat on them to be honest, on your last picture it looks like you might have lost a few inches on your arms and your chest, i know you lost alota weight but its just my opinion that you eating those minimal ammount of calories is making you lose that insane ammount of lbm you had in your first pictures.
I see definate abs in the 2nd picture you posted. Dont worry about the people who are jealous. Your about 180lbs heavier than me, and it looks like its about all muscle. Awesome work.
I may have lost some mass but I am stronger now at 265lbs then I was when I was 320lbs. My bench has gone from 515 to around 530 and I am 55lbs lighter in body weight. My Squat has also gone up. Even if I have lost some muscle I would rather have a lean, athletic look than a bulky look. Here are some more recent pics.


Swoleburn said:
Im not even trying to be a bodybuilder, I am a former football player that loves to lift weights. You think I actually stay 320lbs all year round??? That was the peak of bulking and was carrying extra fat, usually that happens when you bulk in case you forgot. My second picture is more accurate as far as what I look like for most of the year. I can take critisizm but I would atleast like to see who is giving the critisizm. If you have a better physique than me than sure, I will take your critisizm and follow advise. But since I see no pictures of you around here you should shut your mouth. You could be skinny little bitch for all I know poppin off behind a computer screen.
I bet that's exactly the case. The biggest bitches can act hard behind a cpu, and usually ARE the ones talking shit. He's just jealous of you bro. He wouldn't have spoken with such anger unless he was mad about something, so he obviously envies you and is mad about it. Do your thing brother, and fuck the haters. Best wishes.
Damn... that's almost exactly what I want to look like. It's news to me that 15% is considered fat by the way. I think some of these kids are just jealous to see what other people can accomplish, which is a retarded attitude. I think those of us who really do work hard at building a perfect physique (and don't just sit behind a computer pretending to) should learn to respect each other. After all, we all know what kind of dedication this sort of thing takes. Not everyone has the will to do this kind of thing.

Anyway, you've got my respect.
good call

and very accurate

i know ill be doing this till i cant any more

children and spouse will have to adapt to MY needs...that is how it is now...that is how it will always be
big-tymer said:
I like you better heavier bro..

Some people like the bigger look better, Thats really not the look I am after tho... When I was 320, I was like that because I had to be that heavy for College football (Offensive Line)... 320lbs is not very functional for day to day life in my opinion... I mean I had trouble tying my I really have no aspirations to compete as a bodybuilder and would just like to maintain a Lean but Big athletic build. I am going to play Arena Football next year and my focus is on speed and explosion to play Defensive Line. Once the summer is over I might bulk up again to about 290lbs but thats about as heavy as I want to be.
this post is complete shit! let me tell you why, cause if i want to look as good as this guy i gotta get up to 265, which aint happening in this life time

again looking good bro
Dude, you have some crazy genetics.

You look great!!... better than the vast majority on any of these sites...:)
Hey swole what were your stats like before you started juicing, size as well as lifts? I am wondering because I am similar in build and feel like i'm at a good point to start a cycle.
LiftTillIDie said:
Hey swole what were your stats like before you started juicing, size as well as lifts? I am wondering because I am similar in build and feel like i'm at a good point to start a cycle.

I was 21 when I started juicing, I am almost 25 now. I started after I had been training very seriously with no breaks for 6 years. I was at about 275lbs at about 18-19%bf when I started. Bench at about 400lbs and squats at about 550lbs. I had a pretty solid base before I even thought about juicing. Probably should not have started as young as I did but I did it for football at the time. My first 2 cycles were strictly for size and strength. It wasnt until my last two cycles that I even thought about dieting down. I think by having a solid muscle foundation before dieting, it allowed me to hold on to alot of my muscle and strength.
Swoleburn said:
I was 21 when I started juicing, I am almost 25 now. I started after I had been training very seriously with no breaks for 6 years. I was at about 275lbs at about 18-19%bf when I started. Bench at about 400lbs and squats at about 550lbs. I had a pretty solid base before I even thought about juicing. Probably should not have started as young as I did but I did it for football at the time. My first 2 cycles were strictly for size and strength. It wasnt until my last two cycles that I even thought about dieting down. I think by having a solid muscle foundation before dieting, it allowed me to hold on to alot of my muscle and strength.

I see, so your first couple cycles you blew up over 300 and then started refining your physique?
Your on thick mother fucker! Keep up the good work and Dont sweat the shoulder it will heal if you treat it right!