i dont think i said, but its the light heavyweight class, open, no novice class for this show.
the weights for this class was 176.26-198.25 I came in at 198.2 hahaha literally a twentieth of a pound under the cutoff. if i would have ended up as a heavyweight i would have just left lol. there were some fucking monsters in that class. insane looking dudes. But i definately could have been more shredded for sure. I looked good for first show, but lots of room for improvement. Im excited. like i said i had a blast. it was a great night.
After the show I killed the buffet. then i went back to my hotel room, showered, at a ton of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, lemon poppy seed scones, and peanut butter on cookie dough pop-tarts (which was fucking amazing tasting, u gotta try it).
then the next morning i woke up full which was super weird. and i ate more scones and a muffin and more pb and j. ate just under a pound of pb the next morning. and basically i was eating on a full stomach the whole day sunday. i was misserable but i just wanted to eat, it was weird. so today i woke up not hungry, but my stomach didnt hurt anymore, so im eating mostly good food today. it was frustrating that i couldnt eat as much as i wanted to yesterday cause my stomach shrunk so much.
so today i started with some eggs and oatmeal and thats it so far. in a little bit ill have a chicken breast and some vita tops for my carb. so im still gonna get in some other not so good foods, but im progressively start eating cleaner again.
tues, wed, and thurs i gotta do some training thing with work and they will have be doing some intense personal trainer workouts, so basically cardio stuff which will be good. and ill jump back into my weight training on friday probably. ill start with the light weight high reps again like i was doing before the show, and ill slowly be increasing my weight. so far im up 10lbs.
i feel kinda bad eating so much junk yesterday, my plan was to avoid going crazy, but i just wanted to eat so bad. the 3 months of dieting sucked lol.