***Regarding The Almighty***

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It does also say that he was arrested on 5/7/03 and released on 3/17/03. I work with this paper work everyday. Attention to detail.
hedmunkey said:
It does also say that he was arrested on 5/7/03 and released on 3/17/03. I work with this paper work everyday. Attention to detail.

Damn I didn't even notice that :rolleyes: W T F.
Great. I was on freindly terms with this dude too. At least as far as internet freindships go. If you are really some little bitch, 150lb scammer fuck... fuck you, you little piece of shit.
hedmunkey said:
It does also say that he was arrested on 5/7/03 and released on 3/17/03. I work with this paper work everyday. Attention to detail.

Good eye. Almighty... You still have the balls to contact me about the money and how you want to get it back to me? It's obvious by now I as well as others were scammed by you. Just be atleast man enough and admit it.. flat out.
those arrest papers on page 3 look like something he mad eon photoshop, i know nothign about what is going on but i was just reading this post and those look so fake. no decal or logo of the police department i just think it looks so fake.
I HAVE AN UPDATE! I received Almighty's Yearbook!!! It helps in the sense of giving an accurate, up-to-date and UNDENIABLE PHOTO OF ALMIGHTY, but the other information it provides is really nothing new to me. Hell, I had already found more personal information through my own personal investigation. When I graduated from high school and college, both yearbooks listed each person's full address. This yearbook for Seattle University lists JUST the home city and state for Almighty. The city states that he lives in Seattle (duh). The only new info it states is his goals, clubs, etc. In one part, he states that his life goal is someday to work for the Washington State Troopers or FBI (no joke bros). It says that he was involved in intramural soccer and baseball. And it also says that he was active in his college's Habitat for Humanity program. In high school and college, students are asked to list a phrase or quote that sums up that person----this was Almighty's, "Always look to the stars, while keeping your feet firmly planted on the ground"......How poetic, you 150lb. pencil neck geek.
He sent me an e-mail yesterday promising that he'd get the cash out today with a tracking #. It took me a while to get him an addy to send to. So we will see....
Hulkster said:
I HAVE AN UPDATE! I received Almighty's Yearbook!!! It helps in the sense of giving an accurate, up-to-date and UNDENIABLE PHOTO OF ALMIGHTY, but the other information it provides is really nothing new to me. Hell, I had already found more personal information through my own personal investigation. When I graduated from high school and college, both yearbooks listed each person's full address. This yearbook for Seattle University lists JUST the home city and state for Almighty. The city states that he lives in Seattle (duh). The only new info it states is his goals, clubs, etc. In one part, he states that his life goal is someday to work for the Washington State Troopers or FBI (no joke bros). It says that he was involved in intramural soccer and baseball. And it also says that he was active in his college's Habitat for Humanity program. In high school and college, students are asked to list a phrase or quote that sums up that person----this was Almighty's, "Always look to the stars, while keeping your feet firmly planted on the ground"......How poetic, you 150lb. pencil neck geek.

Have you scanned the picture yet?
XXXX said:
Have you scanned the picture yet?

I don't have a scanner. But if you PM or email me with your addy, I will send a copy of the photo. I will go to Kinkos and make some color copies.
i cant wait till someone chokes the shit out of him. Fucking scammers. I hate theives. And scammers are worse, they are con men
"always look to the stars, while keeping your feet firmly planted on the ground." wow, i think im gonna cry. that was sooo inspirational. but he should have wrote: always look behind your back, to avoid a dick firmly planted in your ass. at least this is what he must be thinking now. what a fuckin geek. go get his bitch ass already. NO MORE WARNINGS, NO MORE THREATS. and if he doesnt pay up then a chalk outline of his bitch ass is not out of line.
Hulkster said:
I don't have a scanner. But if you PM or email me with your addy, I will send a copy of the photo. I will go to Kinkos and make some color copies.

be careful, they charge an arm and a leg;)
Doesn't Kinkos have a scanning service? Sounds like that would be a better option over mailing people a photocopy.

And Almighty should be arrested for that inspirational quote if nothing else, it sounds like he ripped it off of Oprah.
mvmaxx said:
He sent me an e-mail yesterday promising that he'd get the cash out today with a tracking #. It took me a while to get him an addy to send to. So we will see....
I am not holding my breath
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