Roccodart440's Test & Anavar Cycle

1st week of post cycle therapy (pct) I used 50mg tamoxifen. Felt great, strong libido fine.

2nd week same.

3rd week: thing not going so weel. Dropped to 40mg tamox. no sex drive. Still strong. tired.

only 5 pounds weight loss so far.
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Entering week 4 of post cycle therapy (pct).

Feeling much better. Dick is woreking fine but drive seems a bit down still. Going to 30mgs of tamox for week 4.

Strength is good. odyweight is 262 clothed. Alittler pudge buildup but not too bad.
Entered week 4 today. Feeling supressed again. Why the roller coaster?

After getting some advice I am dropping the nolva to 30mg L-tamox but adding in 50mg clomid.

After adding the clomid yesterday I woke with some wood this morning. Hopefuly this continiues.
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Week 6 of PCT

nolva 10 clomid 35

Feeling good and think I am recovered. I'm stronger now than on cycle. Weight is decent. Libido is fine.

I hope everyone gets something out of this journal. See you all next time.
Ok one last post. Toards the end I really began to think the nolva was affecting my sex drive and possibly no t helping my recovery. I began to go EOD with it and then discontiniued all together and just ran clomid. Did one extra week of clomid at 35mg ed and feel great. I just noticed that the clomid felt better than the nolvadex. Weird?