Some recent pics

What do your cardio sessions look like bro?

this time around it was 30 minutes after every workout on the eliptical machine..if I am really trying to drop weight, I'll hit the cardio 2x daily at least 5 days a week...nothing fancy, treadmill at 4mph at a 2 degree incline, bike at 100rpm..etc
yup, that was taken after my first show, 4 years ago, the members voted it to replace the tool that was originally put on the banner

Well i'll be damned - you're Mr. Steriodology!!! - Lookin good in the banner and lookin good in your backyard. Awsome build dude - really thick! It's not an original comment but if you can bring up your delts you'll look even better 'cause you've got some really nice traps that will show well together. Congrats on the diet - the carb thing sucks - I'm doing a CKD now to try to burn some (old) fat I've been carring around.

Great work!
You need to work on your abs... [eye rollz] Man you look amazing. I am about 10lbs lighter and have no where near the size of you. I am really good with my diet but do no cardio. Guess I need to start that. Great work you look amazing. SIGH. One day I will achieve this. ONE DAY DAMMIT. Getting to old for this shit.
thanks guys, this has been a work in progress for a lot of years...the pic in the banner ad was over 15lbs ago...getting harder and harder to make gains now
You look tight and still healthy after the dieting down. Are training going for a show soon?
Forearms look very impressive in the side chest shot.
thanks guys
5'"8', comp weight around 195lbs at last show, was about 216lbs in those pics
currently running eq/enth and low dose of gh

as for pullups, with a 45lb plate attached I can do 8-10 reps wide grip

no shows in the near future, need to bring up back and shoulders first, as well as wait till my kids are a bit older

as for bf, not sure, I would guess around 8%, but not sure
damn NS, you look like a freaking monster. great work. I don't know how you keep it up.

btw, I love the tat of the baby feet. I know it sounds gay so /no homo but as a dad to be, I think it's an awesome tat.
damn NS, you look like a freaking monster. great work. I don't know how you keep it up.

btw, I love the tat of the baby feet. I know it sounds gay so /no homo but as a dad to be, I think it's an awesome tat.

thanks bro, it doesnt sound the slightest bit gay...I never wanted any kind of a tatoo, then I had kids, and realized that it was the one thing I would love my entire life, so I got one for each of my kids
congrats on the upcoming addition to your family, it literally changed everything the second my first one was born, its what allowed me to put all this stuff into perspective
man looking sick, what ur max bench, dead,squats


its been a while since i did any of those, but here are the best lifts that I've hit
bench 365x5, 425x1
squat 500x5, raw ass to the floor with no belt
deads, 500x9 reps, 625x1, all no belt and no straps

I have vids of pretty much all of those on myspace
Hey Luke - checked out the vids - very impressive! Awsome work on the weights - hard to beat that! Nice to hear about your kids too - takes a lot of work to be a BB'er and a dad - and I'd imagine you have a job too!

Props bro!
Hey Luke - checked out the vids - very impressive! Awsome work on the weights - hard to beat that! Nice to hear about your kids too - takes a lot of work to be a BB'er and a dad - and I'd imagine you have a job too!

Props bro!

lol....very true...thanks
I do have a job, social worker, I work with abused kids