STATS: im 18 ,6ft 3, 185lbs, 14%bf .... 8 tablets of DBOL a day then PCT. (NOOB)

who the hell told you that??? you went to that stupid forum where everyone is brainwashed with the iifym approach didn't you??
clean foods dont exist huh?? lmao..

not only do you not know what your doing with this oral only cycle.. your also about a brainwashed as you can get about your diet.. walk away from it all bro

do u clean your food with soap ? what is a clean food then please enlighten me.
We can't just tell you everything or it would be irresponsible of us. you need to know yourself exactly what you are putting into your body. I do not mean this rudely at all. You just need research so you can know everything you need to know. we wont be there while you are on your cycle to help you.

whats is test c and test e ?
whats nolva 40/40/20/20/
whats clomid 50 50 50 50

how much lean muscle mass can i put on with this with rest,nutrion,training. on average.
is it hard to maintain/ how much will i loose when coming off
when should u or do u have to do a 2nd cycle.
do u clean your food with soap ? what is a clean food then please enlighten me.

wow... your an idiot

eating a simple carb vs a complex carb has a different impact on your body.. the complex carb is more "clean" because it burns slower and sustains better glucose levels...

adding a fat to a complex carb will slow down your carb absorption even more... when you follow an IIFYM approach you dont look into these things....

yea go ahead and eat burger king and mcdonalds so you reach your 3000 calories... my clients see results for a reason...

go back to your stupid brainwashed forum..
do u clean your food with soap ? what is a clean food then please enlighten me.

do you wake up in the morning and have a snickers bar with a pixie stix? i bet you do.. your brainwashed to believe something that someone made up to make being a nutritionist and giving out advice easier...
wow... your an idiot

eating a simple carb vs a complex carb has a different impact on your body.. the complex carb is more "clean" because it burns slower and sustains better glucose levels...

adding a fat to a complex carb will slow down your carb absorption even more... when you follow an IIFYM approach you dont look into these things....

yea go ahead and eat burger king and mcdonalds so you reach your 3000 calories... my clients see results for a reason...

go back to your stupid brainwashed forum..

your clients see results by hitting macros and sticking to it.

1.) complex carbs Gi doesnt effect body comp a carb is a carb it doesnt matter if its a slow release or a fast release.

2.) micronutrients doesnt effect body comp AT ALL
do you wake up in the morning and have a snickers bar with a pixie stix? i bet you do.. your brainwashed to believe something that someone made up to make being a nutritionist and giving out advice easier...

pancakes actually.

i eat 1.5g protein per lb lean mass then hit my macros
i drank 2l of coke = 200g carbs
20 chicken nuggets from maccy ds
large fries
one hamburger

hit bang on 3600 cals
In all seriousness idk y these guys won't jus let u in. If wanna increase test by 836% and save ur liver here u go... SWIM did this and gained 43.6lbs in 16 wks. Wk 1-12 100mg of dbol (50 in morn 50 in evening)... Oral winstrol 100mg wk 6-12... Taper both down for another 4 weeks until ur at 10mg each (slower u taper the faster ur natural test comes back and 0 effect on ur liver as opposed to stopping cold turkey) chew them up and chase wih beer it increases test by anothe 126% y woukd dbol b any different then vicodin? Now to battle the gyno u can take 3 shots of whiskey a day but make sure they're spread out thru the day and u will have no estrogenic effect what so ever... Think bout it for a min. Do u no any women who drink whiskey? Well if u do I bet they're more man than u. But to save ur liver cuz Thad what were goin for here make sure and buy too shelf whiskey cuz it doesn't have the toxins cheap whiskey does... That's what Ron does (Swanson.... Not Coleman)
lol, this is a classic thread!

Has to be an in house troll, pwoning everyone.. no one is this terminal.

What I find amazing is your on day 11 and you look like Justin Beiber's Skinny brother..
lol, this is a classic thread!

Has to be an in house troll, pwoning everyone.. no one is this terminal.

What I find amazing is your on day 11 and you look like Justin Beiber's Skinny brother..

Hahahaha, this made my day!

This guy is one of those people who become a statistic..
pancakes actually.

i eat 1.5g protein per lb lean mass then hit my macros
i drank 2l of coke = 200g carbs
20 chicken nuggets from maccy ds
large fries
one hamburger

hit bang on 3600 cals

This has to be the worst diet I've ever seen that someone actually thinks is a good muscle building diet hahaha
so many uneducated people on here about nutrition.
it may not be healthy but my body in order for it to grow needs on average 500 calories surpluss, then the body will be able to build muscle. ...are you with me so far
sadly I've seen worse from older 'kids' .. and the outcome will be the same by age 30 as well.. look at it this way, at the rate he's going we won't have to worry about his off spring becoming more doodie in the genetic pool. ( caddyshack reference.. win! )

I'm debating if porkchop is laughing too hard to delete this thread.. or he's just mesmerized by the train wreck rolling through his living room with this thread.
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so many uneducated people on here about nutrition.
it may not be healthy but my body in order for it to grow needs on average 500 calories surpluss, then the body will be able to build muscle. ...are you with me so far

Not 3600 cal spot on.Your menu came to 2595 calories,100g fat,272g carbs, and only 68g protein.
btw i do eat foods full of micronutrients with meats like chicken steak, turkey then i just fit whatever i want to eat in to get my calories.