Straight Boost

thats an impressive squat for a guy your size. congrats. any raw squat that is of legal depth over 6 is impressive esp for a 220er. very nice godspeed.

keep us posted on the boxing as well.

post the pic once the shoot is done as well.
awesome squat at that weight. Im a tad shorter than you and at the same weight I cant get much more than 435 for 3. lol you got 200lbs on me god damn.
One thing I have noticed. I use to be an extremely bad squatter (lol). Squating is lots of form and takes time. I pratice with good form with lightweight around 225 before I start any workout.

I use not to keep my back angeled enough into it and I would black out, and if i angel too much it feels like my back is going to snap. So it is a good balance to get a feel for.

The next thing was to figure out where the weight felt comfortable on my shoulders.

Also for just getting sheere strenght up in your ass and legs in general, use the smith machine. I could crank almost 700lbs on it but I don't count that sense I don't have to balance the weight, but it does concentrate the load on your legs more instead of your flexors in your hip.
Will keep updated on the posting too.

Being only 20 I find it may hold a positive future. Also having a sponsor helps for eating right. I got this milonare lady that bets on horses and dogs that I met through my dad. She said I should go back into Golden and go from there.
bro you are very impressive. whats you nutrition look like each day?

with that kinda leg strength what kinda bench and dealift you got going?

you really should try PLing if you havent already done so.

just wondering if and what kinda of knee wraps you wear and belt also.

thanks and look forward to your response.
g0dsp33d said:
One thing I have noticed. I use to be an extremely bad squatter (lol). Squating is lots of form and takes time. I pratice with good form with lightweight around 225 before I start any workout.

I use not to keep my back angeled enough into it and I would black out, and if i angel too much it feels like my back is going to snap. So it is a good balance to get a feel for.

The next thing was to figure out where the weight felt comfortable on my shoulders.

Also for just getting sheere strenght up in your ass and legs in general, use the smith machine. I could crank almost 700lbs on it but I don't count that sense I don't have to balance the weight, but it does concentrate the load on your legs more instead of your flexors in your hip.

LOL no one asked for a squat 101 class.

I dont understand how you feel comfortable squatting triple your bodyweight with no spot for LOW reps. Anything could happen. I still have moments where I lean forward a little and come out of the groove. I fail sometimes. I owe a LOT of graditude and respect to my good buddys who spot me. How do you get by without one?
Damn dude, you are one strong fawker if you are pushing that much weight. That is some impressive shit!! I'm 5'9" and 230lbs and I get excited when I hit 405 or more. 635???

Although, let the record reflect that I am one handsome bastard!!LOL:D
alot of its attitude. It's funny seing all these pensi 160 lbs skinny guys think there ripped pushing around 225 + some squats and I'll get in my own power rack and start with 400lbs for a set of failure, then I just keep adding the weight and watch peoples jaws drop as they watch me.

I also take Yohimbe Fuel by twim labs which helps improve stamina. Also gets the testosterone going. Also I just get a high from people watching me, and then there are the hot chicks too. :D
Forgot to add, I always wear my SuperMan necklace, after awhile you think you become him.

Attitude is everything in life, Get serious, get it done, do it right.
g0dsp33d said:
Forgot to add, I always wear my SuperMan necklace, after awhile you think you become him.

Ok, now your scaring me dude!!LOL

Wait a minute.... is this Lee Priest???:confused:
Actually I work 3 jobs,. One company I own (Computer Repair), another company I am in a partnership in (I do Network Designs, security implenations), and the other one is designing circuit boards on wireless RF recieves. Payed off being a computer geek all my life. Getting kind a later start on body building. Been seriously body building sense 19. It also helps to have good genetics. My dad was a body builder also but It sucked because he was on roids before I was born so I got stuck with some bitch tits.

My current vehicles are:

97 s-10 5.3 V8 4x4 I did all the work my self
1997 30th Aniversery Camaro. 406 SBC with Nitrous, 650Hp. Runs a 9.90 on street tires. I need to get new pictures. All work done by me and my Friend John and his Dad.
1986 Ford Escort, Hey it's a German Motor and getse 41Mpg.
Lee Preist besides Arnold are my biggest role models in body building also.

I'll admit, I got the superman thing from Lee Preist, but I don't got any tats.
you are one well rounded young man.

i dont think you dad being on the sauce caused your gyno. i may be wrong but it will be the first time i heard that one.
pullinbig said:
bro you are very impressive. whats you nutrition look like each day?

with that kinda leg strength what kinda bench and dealift you got going?

you really should try PLing if you havent already done so.

just wondering if and what kinda of knee wraps you wear and belt also.

thanks and look forward to your response.

bump these questions
The camaro weighs in under 3200 pounds w/o me in it. I mini tubed the rear-end, got rid of the back seats and all the excesive weight that wasn't needed. Everything is fiber glass except quarter panels. The 9.90 is with 11" Street Slicks though. I just ment the car is streetable. Doesn't over heat, no surging cam, etc.

it is about 550RWHP i have yet to get it tuned and dynoed again.

Generally I take 4 sandwiches with me everyday. mostly meat based but every once in a while i go back to peanut butter and jelly. I also carry all my suplements, vitamins, etc and take them throughout the day. I can't take everything at once.

Breakfeast: RasinBran Cereal, small bowl.
Pre Lunch: Turkey sandwich or whatever meat i buy at the store.
Lunch: What ever $10 buys me at a local resturant. Generally it is a grilled chicken sandwich or something.
Mid-Aft: If I got the time I will eat another sandwich. and some animal crackers.

By this time it is around 4:00. I may eat before i got to the gym or not. Generally it is a health choise TV dinner. About 12 carbs and 20G of protein and good amount of vegtables.

After workout
The Super Shake.
2-4 scoopes of my protein powder, (it is flavourless also) (I buy it buy the 50lb bag) 1-2 banana's. A tad bit of herseys syrup,. Then 1-2 cups of milk. I just drink it right out the blender.

My snacks throughout the day include.
Small bag of M&m's sometimes, I can only eat about 10 before i feel sick. Just to get the choclate craving to go away.

Animal Crackers, no fat, low crabs, and there sweet.

The there's pop. I sometimes have it at lunch.

Other than that I drink a gallon of water that I mix with 2 Tabblespoons of creatine. Starting in the morning.